This section includes several sample uvcopy jobs & is intended to help you to write uvcopy jobs to solve your own unique problems.

You can run these jobs with testdata provided. Study the uvcopy instruction listings & when you see an instruction you do not fully understand, please look it up in the alpha index provided at the begining of uvcopy3.htm.

01A. cnvtcm - convert customer name & address records from EBCDIC to ASCII
  Also reformats record field layout
02A. cnvtgl - convert G/L records from EBCDIC to ASCII
  Optionally convert numeric fields from packed to unpacked
  or from packed to binary
03A. slsedit1 - sales detail record validation, pricing,& extension
- random access to ISAM customer & product master files
03B. slsedit2 - sales detail record validation, pricing,& extension
- tables the customer & product master files in memory
  for faster access while processing the sales detail file.
04A. slstbl1 - table analysis of the sales detail file
- build summary tables by customer# & product#
- illustrates the powerful 'tbl' instruction
05A. slstbl2 - table analysis of customer master sales history file
  Summarizes this year & last year crossfooted sales totals
  by city name & by province
06A. prtinv1 - print multiple copies of an invoice varying the copy#
  One copy of the invoice is prepared with the editor & then
  this job is run with an option specifying the no of copies.
  The job scans the text for the copy# pattern & substitutes
  copy# 1 of 3, copy# 2 of 3, copy# 3 of 3 (for example)
07A. sort2 - demonstrates the sort facility in uvcopy, which is intended
  to be used when you need more power & flexibility than
  the uvsort program provides.
  This example simply sorts 2 files together, but you could
  add record selections & reformatting at input or output time.
08A. sortmf1 - sort multiple text files together on any specified key field.
- solicits filenames until a null entry is made
- written for variable length text files, but could be modified
  for fixed length records if required.

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uvcopy4.doc - sample problems & solutions - contents (continued)

09A. pswsort1 - sample/demo sort using the /etc/passwd file
- converts variable format to fixed fields via the ':' delimiters
- drops UNIX system entries (any user# < 100)
- sorts on the comment field (often used for user name)
- creates report on output (with field headings & date/time)
10A. NAsort2 - demonstrates the powerful combination of the uvcopy built-in
  sort & the uvcopy data scanning & manipulation instructions.
- sort a delimited Name&Adrs file on prov/state & postal/zip
- the province/state & postal/zip codes can be anywhere in
  fields 4 & 5 of the ';' delimited variable length input file.
- extract the province/state & postal/zip using the pattern
  scanning instruction of uvcopy (@=any alpha,#=any numeric,etc)
- append the sort key at columns 111-122 of a fixed length
  128 byte sort record (input text in cols 1-110).
- drop the sort key off on the sort output phase, writing
  variable length text from cols 1-110 max.
11A. cmreport - Demo #3 of the sort facility within the uvcopy utility.
- Sort the cusmas file, creating an edited report on output.
12A. recovIS1 - recover Microfocus COBOL ISAM files with corrupted indices
12B. recovIS2 - recover MBP COBOL ISAM files with corrupted indices
13A. tblookLE - drop records from a fixed record length file that match
  any entry in a range table of low...high items
- This job is customized to search a range table of
  invoice#s & drop records whose inv# falls in any range
- Uses the <= option of the table lookup instruction which
  searches down the table for the 1st entry > than search arg
  & then backs up to the preceding entry (low end of range)
- The high end range is then checked with a compare instrn
14A. tblookGE - copy a sales detail file, looking up a table of invoice#s &
  inserting data into detail records from matching table entries
- This job was created simply to test the '>' option of the
  table lookup instruction - searches down a table for the 1st
  entry = or > than the search argument
15A. addup3 - Currency conversion calculations
- convert $US sales to CDN & accumulate for total at EOF
16A. ctlfix1 - convert tabs, FormFeeds,& Carriage Returns to blanks
- option to drop blank lines
- uvlist also has options for these, but you might want to
  modify this job for your unique requirements

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uvcopy4.doc - sample problems & solutions - contents (continued)

17A. printPCL5 - print a file of mixed PCL5 printer control codes & data to print
  - converts pseudo escapes '!'s to true escapes x'1B' & ';'s to linefeeds
  - prepare your escape sequence control file with the editor
  using '!' exclamations for escapes x'1B' & ';' semi-colons for LineFeeds x'0A'
 uvcopy printPCL5,fili1=tf/AGMmeetingPCL5 <-- sample command
  <-- sample data file below:
 ; AGM Meeting;March 03/2019 7PM;Mollie Nye House;940 Lynn Valley Rd.
18A. printBIG2 - print BIG BOLD letters for posters,notices,etc (portrait mode)
  - input data from a pre-edited text file (see printBIG1 solicits input)
  - use ';' for newline, use ':' for new page
  - user options for point size, vertical spacing, italics, typeface
  - for HP PCL5 compatible printers
 uvcopy printBIG2,fili1=tf/AGMmeeting,uop=p60x20 <-- sample command
  <-- sample data file below:
 ; AGM Meeting;March 03/2019 7PM;Mollie Nye House;940 Lynn Valley Rd.
  • You do not need to know or create any PCL5 codes to use printBIG2
  • printBIG2 has easy to code options that will be covnerted to pCL5
    for example ',uop=p60x20' means 60 point size & 20 copies

more pre-programmed uvcopy jobs

Also see the many pre-programmed jobs that present complete solutions to several common problems that may be useful to your site. (UVjobs1, UVjobs2, LASERjobs, LABELjobs, TEXTjobs, SCANjobs, REPjobs, etc)

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01A. uvcopy example - reformatting records

  • a customer master file on mag tape from an EBCDIC mainframe
  • 256 byte records containing the following relevant fields:
  • convert the above file to an ASCII indexed 2 key file
    of 110 byte name & address records as follows:
            001-008 = cust#  - to be key1
            009-009 = status - any 'd' status records to be deleted
            010-034 = contact name (from 176-200 of input record)
            035-059 = adrs1
            060-084 = adrs2 & adrs3 squeezed together
            085-093 = zip code - to be key2
            094-103 = telephone# unpacked
            104-104 = line feed terminator so backup versions
                      can be easily viewed with a line editor
  • use an editor to create the following parameter file & then
    execute it with the command shown at the bottom of the page
 # cnvtcm - parameter file for the uvcopy utility
 #        - to convert the EBCDIC customer master file to a UNIX ASCII
 #          2 key indexed contact name & address file
      opn   all
 loop get   fili1,a0(256)
      skp>  eof
      cmc   a8(1),'d'              # logically deleted record ?
      skp=  loop                   # yes - bypass, return to get next
      mvc   c0(256),a0             # move entire record to work area 'c'
      tra   c0(256)                # translate entire work area to ASCII
      mvc   b0(9),c0               # move cust#,status from 'c' to outrec 'b'
      mvc   b9(25),c175            # move contact name from w/a to outrec
      mvc   b34(25),c35            # move adrs1 from w/a to outrec
      sqzf  c59(50),' '            # squeeze adrs2 & adrs3 together in w/a
      mvc   b59(25),c59            # move combined adrs2+adrs3 to adrs2 out
      mvc   b84(7),c109            # move zip code from w/a to outrec
      unp   b93(10),a116(6)        # unpack the telephone#
      put   filo1,b0(104)          # write out the record
      skp   loop                   # return to get next record
 eof  eoj

                       uvcopy cnvtcm

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02A. reformatting records with multiple same size numeric fields

  • a G/L file from an EBCDIC mainframe system, layout as follows:
    001-020 = gl#
    021-060 = description
    061-120 = this year 12 months x 5 byte packed decimal
    121-180 = budget 12 months x 5 byte packed decimal
    181-240 = last year 12 months x 5 byte packed decimal
  • (a) convert to UNIX ASCII leaving fields packed as is
  • (b) convert the packed fields to unpacked ASCII numeric
    with separate leading '-' sign byte if negative
  • (c) convert the packed fields to binary long integers
               solution (a) - leaving packed fields as is
 # cnvtgl - convert G/L records from EBCDIC to ASCII
 #          & optionally convert packed numeric to unpacked or binary
      opn   all
 loop get   fili1,a0(240)
      skp>  eof
      mvc   b0(240),a0
      tra   b0(60)               # translate 1st 60 cols only
 #                                 (unpacked portions only)
 #    ---                        # marker for inserts by solutions b & c
      put   filo1,b0(240)
      skp   loop
 eof  cls   all
          solution (b) - unpacking packed fields to ASCII zoned numeric
             (insert following instruction into (a) at --- marker)
      mvnx36 b60(-10za),a60(5pe)   # convert 36 EBCDIC packed fields
 #                                   to ASCII unpacked numeric
 #                                   with leading '-' sign if negative
 #                                 - also change output rcs=420
          solution (c) - converting packed fields to binary integers
             (insert following instruction into (a) at --- marker)
      mvnx36 b60(4b),a60(5pe)       # convert 36 EBCDIC packed fields
 #                                    to binary long integers
 #                                 - also change output rcs=204

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02A1. notes re: example #2A solutions a,b,c on previous page

 (a) - translates only the gl# & the description (not packed fields)
     - you do not need to code 'mvc   0(240)0' before the 'tra' instrn
       since uvcopy automatically moves the input record to the
       output record area before your 1st instrn is executed.
 (b) - 'mvn' with repeat option 'x36' converts all 36 packed fields from
       5 byte packed EBCDIC to 10 byte zoned ASCII with separate leading
       sign byte '-' if negative.
 (c) - 'mvn' with repeat option 'x36' converts all 36 packed fields from
       5 byte packed EBCDIC to 4 byte binary long integers.
     - note that the 's' option to switch from big end to little end
       is only required if you were converting binary mainframe fields.

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03A. sales detail record description, pricing,& extension

  • sales transactions (tf/slsdtl1) record layout as follows:
         01-08 - customer#
         11-18 - product#
         21-26 - quantity sold
         --------following fields added to output file (sales.tmp)
         31-38 - unit price from product master
         41-49 - extended price (unit price * quantity)
         51-80 - customer name from customer master
         81-100- product description from product master
       customer master (tf/cusmas1) record layout as follows:
         01-08 - customer#
         11-40 - customer name
       product master (tf/prodmas1) record layout as follows:
         01-08 - product#
         11-30 - product description
         31-38 - unit price
  • copy the slsdtl1 file to tmp/sales.ext while pricing & extending
  • extend dtl record with: price, $amt, name, & dscrptn (see above)

solution - operating instructions

 #1.  mkdir tmp         - make directory for temporary files

 #2.  uvsort "fili1=tf/cusmas1,rcs=80,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/cm1,typ=ISF,key1=0(8)"

 #3.  uvsort "fili1=tf/prodmas1,rcs=80,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/pm1,typ=ISF,key1=0(8)"

 #4a. uvcopy slsedit1
        - or -
 #4b. uvcopy slsedit1,fili1=tf/slsdtl1,filr1=tmp/cm1,filr2=tmp/pm1

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03A1. slsedit1 input files - before pricing & extension

slsedit1 input files - sales detail (tf/slsdtl1)

ARC00000 DOODAD00 000010 DATEX000 GADGET01 000005 DATEX000 WIDGET02 000020 OMEGA000 THINGME3 000015 UNISYS01 WIDGET02 -00010 UNISYS01 WIDGET01 000020

slsedit1 input files - customer master file (tf/cusmas1)


slsedit1 input files - product master file (tf/prodmas1)

 DOODAD00  doodad - small      00000500
 DOODAD01  doodad - large      00000750
 GADGET00  gadget - small      00002500
 GADGET01  gadget - large      00002750
 THINGME0  thingme - universal 00001250
 WIDGET00  widget - small      00000500
 WIDGET01  widget - medium     00000750
 WIDGET02  widget - large      00001000

slsedit1 output files - sales detail - tmp/sales.ext

ARC00000 DOODAD00 000010 00000500 000005000 Allinson-Ross Corp. doodad - small DATEX000 GADGET01 000005 00002750 000013750 Datex Services Ltd. gadget - large DATEX000 WIDGET02 000020 00001000 000020000 Datex Services Ltd. widget - large OMEGA000 THINGME3 000015 00000000 000000000 Omega Computer Services Ltd. UNISYS01 WIDGET02 -00010 00001000 00001000p Unisys Canada (Vancouver) widget - large UNISYS01 WIDGET01 000020 00000750 000015000 Unisys Canada (Vancouver) widget - medium

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03A2. slsedit1 input files - before pricing & extension

 # slsedit1 - sales detail record edit & price extension
 #          - uses following files supplied in directory uvadm/tf
 #  tf/slsdtl1 record: 01-08=cust#, 11-18=prod#, 21-26=price
 #  tf/cusmas1 record: 01-08=cust#, 11-40=customer name
 # tf/prodmas1 record: 01-08=prod#, 11-30=product dscrptn, 31-38=unit price
 # - see operating instructions for: example #3a in uvcopy4.doc of volume 2
 # - custmas1 & prodmas1 must 1st be loaded into ISAM files for random lookup
 #   uvsort "fili1=tf/cusmas1,rcs=80,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/cm1,typ=ISF,key1=0(8)"
 #   uvsort "fili1=tf/prodmas1,rcs=80,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/pm1,typ=ISF,key1=0(8)"
 #required - lookup customer & product master files via cust# & prod#
 #         - add customer name & product description to sales record output
 #         - price & extend the dtl record copying to an output file
 #           31-38=unit price, 41-49=extended price, 51-80=custname,
 #                                                   81-100=product dscrptn
 opr='$jobname - sales detail description, pricing,& extension'
 fili1=tf/slsdtl1,rcs=80,typ=LST         # sales detail input
 filr1=tmp/cm1,rcs=80,typ=ISF,isk1=0(8)  # customer master (ISAM random)
 filr2=tmp/pm1,rcs=80,typ=ISF,isk1=0(8)  # product master  (ISAM random)
 filo1=tmp/sales.ext,rcs=100,typ=LSTt    # output - priced & extended sales dtl
       opn   all
 # begin loop to get & process each sales detail record
 loop  get   fili1,a0(80)               get a sales detail record
       skp>  eof
 # lookup customer & product masters via cust# & prod# in sales dtl record
       clr   c0(80),' '                 clear area for cust master read
       mvc   c0(8),a0                   store cust# for random read
       redm5 filr1,c0(80)               read cust master by cust# key
       clr   d0(80),' '                 clear area for product master read
       mvc   d0(8),a10                  store prod# for random read
       redm5 filr2,d0(80)               read product master by prod# key
 # describe, price,& extend detail record - using info from master files
       mvf   b0(100),a0(80)             move input record to output area
       mvn   b30(8),d30(8)              price from product master record
       mvn   b40(9),d30(8)              prepare for price extension
       mpy   b40(9),b20(6)              multiply price by qty
       mvc   b50(30),c10                move cust name to dtl rec
       mvc   b80(20),d10                move product dscrptn to dtl rec
       put   filo1,b0(100)              write out current detail record
       skp   loop                       return to get next dtl
 # EOF - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all

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03B. sales detail record validation, pricing,& extension

This is an alternative to example #03A. Rather than loading ISAM files for random reads by key, the customer & product master files are loaded into memory for much faster access while processing the detail file.

These tables are also written out (with totals by cust# & prod#) at the end of the job - just to illustrate the capability.

  • sales transactions (tf/slsdtl1) record layout as follows:
    01-08 - customer#
    11-18 - product#
    21-26 - quantity sold
    --------following fields added to output file (sales.tmp)
    31-38 - unit price from product master
    41-49 - extended price (unit price * quantity)
    51-80 - customer name from customer master
    81-100- product description from product master
  • copy the slsdtl1 file to sales.tmp while pricing & extending
  • extend dtl record with: price, $amt, name, & dscrptn (see above)
  • validate cust# & prod# via cusmas1 & prodmas1 files
    which are tabled in memory
  • bypass pricing & extending if invalid flag '*' in col 9
  • also accumulate the total $ sales by customer & by product
    & write out copies of the customer & product master files
    with these total $ sales appended
  • test files are provided for this example & you can run as follows:

                        uvcopy slsedit2

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03B1. slsedit2 input files - before pricing & extension

slsedit2 input files - sales detail (tf/slsdtl1)

ARC00000 DOODAD00 000010 DATEX000 GADGET01 000001 DATEX000 WIDGET01 000002 OMEGA000 THINGME3 000005 UNISYS01 WIDGET01 000020 UNISYS01 WIDGET02 000010

slsedit2 input files - customer master file (tf/cusmas1)


slsedit2 input files - product master file (tf/prodmas1)

 DOODAD00  doodad - small      00000500
 DOODAD01  doodad - large      00000750
 GADGET00  gadget - small      00002500
 GADGET01  gadget - large      00002750
 THINGME0  thingme - universal 00001250
 WIDGET00  widget - small      00000500
 WIDGET01  widget - medium     00000750
 WIDGET02  widget - large      00001000

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03B2. slsedit2 output files - after pricing & extension

slsedit2 output files - sales detail (after pricing & extension)

ARC00000 DOODAD00 000010 00000500 000005000 Allinson-Ross Corp. doodad - small DATEX000 GADGET01 000001 00002750 000002750 Datex Services Ltd. gadget - large DATEX000 WIDGET01 000002 00000750 000001500 Datex Services Ltd. widget - medium OMEGA000* THINGME3 000005 UNISYS01 WIDGET01 000020 00000750 000015000 Unisys Canada (Vancouver) widget - medium UNISYS01 WIDGET02 000010 00001000 000010000 Unisys Canada (Vancouver) widget - large

slsedit2 outputs - customer master file with ttl $ sales by customer

 ARC00000  Allinson-Ross Corp.           000005000
 DATEX000  Datex Services Ltd.           000004250
 OMEGA000  Omega Computer Services Ltd.
 UNISYS00  Unisys Canada (HO Toronto)
 UNISYS01  Unisys Canada (Vancouver)     000025000
 UVSI0000  UV Software Inc.

slsedit2 outputs - product master file with total $ sales by product

 DOODAD00  doodad - small      00000500  000005000
 DOODAD01  doodad - large      00000750
 GADGET00  gadget - small      00002500
 GADGET01  gadget - large      00002750  000002750
 THINGME0  thingme - universal 00001250
 WIDGET00  widget - small      00000500
 WIDGET01  widget - medium     00000750  000016500
 WIDGET02  widget - large      00001000  000010000

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03B3. slsedit2 output files - after pricing & extension

 # slsedit2 - sales detail record edit & price extension
 #          - uvcopy4.doc example #3
 #          - this job illustrates several uvcopy programming techniques
 #  tf/slsdtl1 record: 01-08=cust#, 11-18=prod#, 21-26=price
 #  tf/cusmas1 record: 01-08=cust#, 11-40=customer name
 # tf/prodmas1 record: 01-08=prod#, 11-30=product dscrptn, 31-38=unit price
 #required - validate cust# & prod# (if invalid flag dtl rec with * col9)
 #         - add customer name & product description to sales record output
 #         - price & extend the dtl record copying to an output file
 #           31-38=unit price, 41-49=extended price, 51-80=custname,
 #                                                   81-100=product dscrptn
 opr='$jobname - sales detail validation, pricing,& extension'
 was=m2000p2000       # reserve areas for cusmas & prodmas tables in memory
 fili1=tf/slsdtl1,rcs=80,typ=LST       # sales detail input
 fili2=tf/cusmas1,rcs=80,typ=LST       # customer master - will be tabled
 fili3=tf/prodmas1,rcs=80,typ=LST      # product master - will be tabled
 filo1=sales.tmp,rcs=100,typ=LSTt      # output - priced & extended sales dtl
 filo2=cussum.tmp,rcs=50,typ=LSTt      # output to display customer sum ttls
 filo3=prodsum.tmp,rcs=50,typ=LSTt     # output to display product sum ttls
       opn   all
 # program initialization - load cusmas & prodmas files into memory
 # for later lookup to validate cust# & prod# and get price
       rtb   fili2,m0(50),m0(50)        read cusmas into area m
       rtb   fili3,p0(50),p0(50)        read prodmas into area p
 # begin loop to get & process each sales detail record
 loop  get   fili1,a0(80)               get a sales detail record
       skp>  eof
       clr   b0(100),' '                clear output record area
       mvc   b0(80),a0                  move dtl to output record area
 # validate cust# & prod# by table lookup, if invalid go flag * col9
 # note - use of registers m & p to save displacement of matching entries
 #      - option z1 is required to init rgstrs to 0 before lookup begins
       lokz1 mm0(50),b0(8)              lookup cusmas table by cust#
       skp!  err
       lokz1 pp0(50),b10(8)             lookup prodmas table by product#
       skp!  err
 # price & extend detail record - using price from prodmas table
 #note - lok instrn left rgstr 'm' pointing to matching cusmas rec
 #  & rgstr 'p' pointing to matching prodmas rec & price is 30 bytes more
       mvn   b30(8),pp30(8)             price from prodmas table entry
       mvn   b40(9),pp30(8)             prepare for price extension
       mpy   b40(9),b20(6)              multiply price by qty
       mvc   b50(30),mm10               move cust name to dtl rec
       mvc   b80(20),pp10               move product dscrptn to dtl rec
       add   mm40(9),b40(9)             accumulate for customer summary ttls
       add   pp40(9),b40(9)             accumulate for product summary ttls
       skp   put
 # common point if cust#/prod# invalid - flag '*' in col9 (pricing bypassed)
 err   mvc   b8(1),'*'                  flag dtl record error
 # common point to write detail record to outout file
 put   put   filo1,b0(100)              write out current detail record
       skp   loop                       return to get next dtl

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 # end of detail file
 # write out customer & product tables with option to display summary totals
 eof   wtbed filo2,m0(50),m0(50)
       wtbed filo3,p0(50),p0(50)
       cls   all

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04A. slstbl1 - table summaries of the sales detail file

  • A sales transaction file
  • same as in the previous problem (but more entries)
           01-08 - customer code
           11-18 - product code
           21-26 - quantity sold
  • summarize the sales transactions by customer# & product#
  • accumulating quantity sold & transaction counts
  • calculating percentages of the totals

                  uvcopy slstbl1,fili1=tf/slsdtl3

output using test/demo file tf/slsdtl3

 tbl#001 pg#001  1994/05/28_14:46:53  sales by customer
                    -argument-          -acum#1-    %      -acum#2-    %
 line#  count    %  customer           qty sold1             count1
     1       4   8  ARC00000                  40    9             4    8
     2       4   8  COMPAQ00                 100   23             4    8
     3       8  16  DATEX000                 100   23             8   16
     4       4   8  DEC00000                  80   19             4    8
     5       4   8  DELL0000                  40    9             4    8
     6       4   8  EPSON000                  20    4             4    8
     7       4   8  IBM00001                  20-   4-            4    8
     8       4   8  IBM00002                  40-   9-            4    8
     9       4   8  OMEGA000                  60   14             4    8
    10       8  16  UNISYS01                  40    9             8   16
            48*100   *TOTAL*                 420 *100            48 *100
 tbl#002 pg#001  1994/05/28_14:46:53  sales by product
                    -argument-          -acum#1-    %      -acum#2-    %
 line#  count    %  product            qty sold2             count2
     1       4   8  DOODAD00                  40    9             4    8
     2       4   8  DOODOO00                  20-   4-            4    8
     3       8  16  GADGET01                 120   28             8   16
     4       8  16  THINGME3                  80   19             8   16
     5       8  16  WIDGET01                 160   38             8   16
     6      16  33  WIDGET02                  40    9            16   33
            48*100   *TOTAL*                 420 *100            48 *100

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04A1. slstbl1 - table summaries of the sales detail file

 # slstbl1 - uvcopy Parameter File from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/pf/demo/
 # slstbl1 - table analysis of sales detail file
 #         - summarize qty sold by customer & by product
 opr='$jobname - table analysis of sales detail file'
 rop=r1  #run option to prompt at EOJ for report disposition (vi,cat,more,etc)
        opn    all
 # begin loop to read all sales detail records
 # - accumulating (tabling) the sales qty for printing at eoj
 loop   get    fili1,a0(80)
        skp>   eof
        tblt1f1 a0(8),'customer;qty sold1;count1;',a20(6z),1
        tblt2f1 a10(8),'product;qty sold2;count2;',a20(6z),1
        skp    loop
 # EOF - dump (tbp) tables to files for subsequent vi, lp, etc
 #     - 'rop=r1' above causes prompt for file disposition at EOJ
 eof    tbpt1s2 filo1,'sales by customer'
        tbpt2s2 filo1,'sales by product'
        cls    all

notes re the 'tbl' instruction

The 'tbl' instruction is used to build the tables as each record is processed & the 'tbp' instruction is used to print/edit the tables at the end of the file.

See the complete documentation for 'tbl' in the instruction reference manual (uvcopy3.doc).

You can see how easy it is to use this powerful feature on your files.

Also see the 'wordtbl1' demo job in TEXTjobs.doc which uses the 'tbl' instruction to perform word usage analysis on any text file.

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05A. slstbl2 - summarize sales this-yr/last-yr by city & prov

  • a customer master file with sales history 'dat1/custmas2'
           001-006 - customer#
           011-035 - customer name
           036-060 - address
           061-076 - city
           078-079 - province
           081-090 - postal code
           091-102 - phone#
           103-120 - contact name
           121-180 - this year sales 12 x 5 byte packed fields
           181-240 - last year sales 12 x 5 byte packed fields
           241-244 - credit codes
           245-250 - date of last change
           251-256 - unused
  • crossfoot this year & last year sales
  • accumulate summary tables of this year & last year totals
    by city name & province

operating instructions

 uvcopy slstbl2                - execute the job
 lp slstbl2.tmp                - print the output tables
 vi slstbl2.tmp                - or view with the editor


Please see the output reports on the next page

Please see the job listing 2 pages ahead

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05A1. slstbl2 - output reports (from tbl/tbp instructions)

 tbl#001 pg#001  1994/05/29_14:17:53  sales by city name (this yr & last yr)
                    -argument-          -acum#1-    %      -acum#2-    %
 line#  count    %  city name       thisyr sales       lastyr sales
     1       4   8  CALGARY             3,150.58    2      3,274.76    5
     2       1   2  CHILLIWACK          4,478.00    3      8,610.30   13
     3       1   2  COQUITLAM           1,420.00    1           .00
     4       1   2  DELTA                 827.15                .00
     5       1   2  DRAYTON VALLEY        228.01           1,765.10    2
     6      11  23  EDMONTON           32,979.92   29     35,587.18   54
     7       1   2  FORT MCMURRAY       1,000.00-            849.88    1
     8       1   2  FORT ST. JOHN          52.46             608.06
     9       1   2  GRANDE PRAIRIE      1,318.41    1        427.54
    10       1   2  HOPE                   75.70             173.25
    11       1   2  KELOWNA               233.25                .00
    12       1   2  LANGLEY             2,188.90    1           .00
    13       1   2  NANAIMO            14,727.63   13        232.91
    14       1   2  NISKU               5,725.00    5      1,742.59    2
    15       1   2  NORTH VANCOUVER       655.65                .00
    16       1   2  PORT COQUITLAM        424.48                .00
    17       1   2  POWELL RIVER          410.25                .00
    18       3   6  PRINCE GEORGE       1,951.35    1      4,395.21    6
    19       1   2  QUESNEL                66.01           4,432.47    6
    20       1   2  RICHMOND              434.98             640.04
    21       1   2  SIDNEY              1,963.84    1           .00
    22       1   2  SQUAMISH              234.41                .00
    23       1   2  SURREY             10,761.58    9           .00
    24       1   2  THREE HILLS           340.52                .00
    25       4   8  VANCOUVER          24,112.72   21      1,220.16    1
    26       1   2  WARBURG                17.39-          1,534.06    2
    27       1   2  WINTERBURN             40.14                .00
    28       1   2  YELLOWKNIFE         4,901.21    4           .00
            46*100   *TOTAL*          112,684.76 *100     65,493.51 *100
 tbl#002 pg#001  1994/05/29_14:17:53  sales by province (this yr & last yr)
                    -argument-          -acum#1-    %      -acum#2-    %
 line#  count    %  province        thisyr sales       lastyr sales
     1       5  10  AB                  1,750.50    1      2,286.74    3
     2      17  36  AL                 41,014.69   36     42,894.37   65
     3      23  50  BC                 65,018.36   57     20,312.40   31
     4       1   2  NW                  4,901.21    4           .00
            46*100   *TOTAL*          112,684.76 *100     65,493.51 *100

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05A2. slstbl2 - uvcopy job listing

 # slstbl2 - table analysis of customer master sales history file
 opr='$jobname - summarize sales (thisyr&lastyr) by city name & province'
        opn    all
 # begin loop to read all customer master sales history records
 # - crossfooting & accumulating (tabling) thisyr & lastyr totals
 loop   get    fili1,a0(256)
        skp>   eof
        xft    $ca1,a120(5p),12
        xft    $ca2,a180(5p),12
        tblt1f2 a60(16),'city name;thisyr sales;lastyr sales',$ca1,$ca2
        tblt2f2 a77(2),'province;thisyr sales;lastyr sales',$ca1,$ca2
        skp    loop
 # end of file - print/edit the tables to a file for: lp, cat,or vi
 eof    tbpt1s2 filo1,'sales by city name (this yr & last yr)'
        tbpt2   filo1,'sales by province (this yr & last yr)'
        cls    all

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05A3. using 'uvhd' to investigate test file 'dat1/custmas2'

Test file dat1/custmas2 cannot be viewed or printed by normal methods (vi or lp) because the records contain packed fields and there are no line-feeds at the end of each record.

If you attempt to use 'vi', you will get 'line too long' because there are no line-feeds. If you use 'lp' you will get many blank pages because of the packed field binary characters.

You can examine the file using the 'uvhd' utility. The command line must specify the filename & uvhd responds by displaying the 1st 256 bytes of the file (in vertical hex). Uvhd then prompts for the byte offset value for the next block to be displayed which will default to the next sequential block if a null entry is made. An example follows:

       uvhd dat1/custmas2            - execute uvhd for file 'dat1/custmas2'

*** dat1/custmas2 size=11776 mdate=1994080908 today=1994080909

                  1         2         3         4         5         6
       0 118133    CAMERON LOGGING LTD      4580 JOYCE STREET        POWE
      64 LL RIVER     BC V8A3A9                                  ........
     128 ....A.\.........................................................
     192 ................................................A

(size=11776) reply: null=continue, q=quit,or new offset byte#---> 3584

                  1         2         3         4         5         6
    3584 154688    TAURUS RESOURCES         1110 - 625 HOWE STREET   VANC
    3648 OUVER        BC V6C2T6    604 685 8565MEL RAHAL         ........
    3712 (...U'...f`]..8d........g ..............)l......................
    3776 ................Q...A.\........(<...............COD 860726

(size=11776) reply: null=continue, q=quit,or new offset byte#---> q

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06A. prtinv1 - print multiple copies of an invoice varying copy#

I used this job to save having to create separate versions of my invoice for minor changes such as: copy# 1 of 3, copy# 2 of 3, copy# 3 of 3, etc.

I create 1 copy of the invoice with the editor & then run this job specifying the number of copies as a user job option.

The job copies the text to a temporary print file, substituting the current copy#, issuing the print command,& repeating until the desired number of copies have been printed.

I could of course have also substituted other values such as dates, etc

This job is just 1 more example of how uvcopy can automate laborious jobs.

It is unlikely that you will have a need for this particular job, but it may give you some ideas & techniques that you can use to create similar labour saving jobs.

Since this is not a job that would be useful to you as is, no test/demo file is provided & no operating instructions are presented.

Please see the 'prtinv1' parameter file which is listed on the next page & note that there is an alternate version 'prtinv2' in the 'pf' directory but which is not listed here.

The prtinv2 job uses alternative techniques which might be more efficient if you had a large number of documents to create. Prtinv2 reads the entire invoice into memory rather than rereading the original file line by line for each copy produced.

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06A1. prtinv1 - print multiple copies of an invoice varying copy#

 # prtinv1 - print multiple copies of an invoice assigning copy#'s
 #note - this is an example of using uvcopy to save manual editing
 #     - I use the editor to create 1 copy of my invoice which contains
 #       'copy# 1 of ?' somewhere in the text
 #     - then I run this job to print as many copies as specified by user
 #       option 'c' & number them as shown, for example to print 3 copies:
 #       uvcopy prtinv1,fili1=inv/xxxxx,uop=q0c3
 #       =======================================
 #note - the invoice text lines are copied to a temporary file
 #       while scanning for & substituting the desired copy #
 #     - the temporary file is then printed via the 'sys' command
 #       to execute the uvlist utility with desired format controls
 #     - I could also have scanned for & replaced other patterns
 #       with variables such as dates which could be solicited from oprtr
 #       via the msgw instruction
 # use loop to increment copy# & call print subrtn until total copies reached
 main1  add   $ca1,1                     increment copy# in ctr #1
        bal   prt1                       print current copy of invoice
        cmn   $ca1,$uopbc                reached total desired ?
        skp<  main1
 # subrtn to print current copy of invoice
 prt1   opn   all
 # begin loop to copy records until eof, scanning/replacing desired data
 prt2   get   fili1,a0(80)                get current record
        skp>  prtx                        (cc set > at EOF)
        mvc   b0(80),a0                   move record to output area
 # scan for 'copy# 1 of ?' & substitute specified copy # & total #
        scn   b0(80),'copy# 1 of'         scan for copy# 1 pattern
        skp!  prt5
        mvn   bx6(1),$ca1                 sub current copy# via rgstr x + 6
        mvn   bx11(1),$uopbc              sub total# via rgstr x + 11
 prt5   put   filo1,b0(80)
        skp   prt2
 prtx   cls   all
        sysv1 'uvlist $jobname.tmp h m300 | lp -o nobanner'

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07A. sort2 - demonstrate the sort facility of uvcopy

Uvsort is an easy to use utility that can accept all its parameters on the command line (an advantage when used within a script).

Uvcopy also includes a sort facility and you would use this alternative when you need more power & flexibility than available with uvsort.

With uvcopy, you could do any or all of the following:

The demo job 'sort2' will simply sort 2 files together, but code could easily be inserted into this framework to perform whatever functions you require.

       uvcopy sort2          - execute the demo uvcopy sort
       cat tf/slsdtl1        - display input file #1 (6 records)
       cat tf/slsdtl2        - display input file #2 (6 records)
       cat sort2.tmp         - display the output file (12 records)
                               which is displayed below:

ARC00000 DOODAD00 000010 COMPAQ00 GADGET01 000003 DATEX000 GADGET01 000001 DATEX000 WIDGET01 000002 DEC00000 WIDGET01 000024 DELL0000 WIDGET01 000012 EPSON000 THINGME3 000015 IBM00001 DOODOO00 000025 IBM00002 WIDGET02 000015 OMEGA000 THINGME3 000005 UNISYS01 WIDGET01 000020 UNISYS01 WIDGET02 000010

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07A1. sort2 - demonstrate the sort facility of uvcopy

 # sort2 - sort with multiple input files
 #       - to demonstrate the sort facility of uvcopy
 #note - the uvsort utility does not have the power & flexibility
 #       of uvcopy re: multiple input files & record manipulation
 #     - this example simply sorts 2 files together
         opn    all                        open all files
         sxo    80,'0(20)'                 open sort (sort on 1st 20 bytes)
 # read file#1 & put to the sort
 get1    get    fili1,a0(80)               get a record
         skp>   get2                       (cc set > at EOF)
         sxp    a0(80)                     put to the sort
         skp    get1                       repeat loop until EOF
 # read file#2 & put to the sort
 get2    get    fili2,a0(80)               get a record
         skp>   eof2                       (cc set > at EOF)
         sxp    a0(80)                     put to the sort
         skp    get2                       repeat loop until EOF
 # now execute the sort
 eof2    sxs
 # get records from the sort & write to output file
 put1    sxg    b0(80)                     get record from the sort
         skp>   eos                        (cc set > if no more recs)
         put    filo1,b0(80)               write to output file
         skp    put1                       repeat loop until end sort
 # end sort - close files & end job
 eos     cls    all

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08A. sortmf1 sort multi text files together on specified key field.

This job will sort/merge multiple text files together on any key field Filenames will be solicited until a null entry is made. The job is written for variable length text files, but could be modified for fixed length records if required.

operating instructions

 uvcopy sortmf1            - key field & filenames will be solicited
 # sortmf1 - sort multiple text files together on any specified key field
 opr='$jobname - sort multiple text files together (filenames solicited below)'
 opr=' - suggested inputs: tf/slsdtl1, tf/slsdtl2, & multi-copies of'
         msgwa1 'enter sortkey ex: "0(20ca)" sorts on 1st 20 char asc'
         sxo    256,$arg1                open sort (sort on 1st 20 bytes)
 # begin loop to solicit filename, put to sort, until null entry made
 next    msgwa2 'enter filename to be sort/merged (or null to end)'
         skp<   sort
         mvft1  $fili1,$arg2               store filename
         opn    fili1
 # read current file & put to the sort
 get1    get    fili1,a0(256)               get a record
         skp>   clos                       (cc set > at EOF)
         sxp    a0(256)                     put to the sort
         skp    get1                       repeat loop until EOF
 # EOF - close file & return to prompt for next
 clos    cls    fili1
         skp    next
 # now execute the sort
 sort    sxs
 # open output file, get recs form sort & write to outfile
         opn    filo1
 # get records from the sort & write to output file
 put1    sxg    b0(256)                     get record from the sort
         skp>   eos                        (cc set > if no more recs)
         put    filo1,b0(256)               write to output file
         skp    put1                       repeat loop until end sort
 # end sort - close files & end job
 eos     cls    all

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09A. sample/demo uvcopy sort using /etc/passwd file

Here is a demo of the uvcopy sort facility that you can run at your site. This job performs the following:

  1. reads the /etc/passwd file
  2. converts variable format to fixed fields via the ':' delimiters
  3. drops UNIX system entries (any user# < 100)
  4. sorts on the comment field (often used for user name)
  5. creates a report on output (with field headings & current date/time)

    operating instructions

 uvcopy pswsort1,fili1=/etc/passwd,filo1=pswsort1.rpt  (I/O files on cmd line)

 uvcopy pswsort1          - minimum command (I/O files will default)

console log

 /etc/passwd = default fili1 - null accept or reenter ?
                                                     --->    <-- null accept
 pswsort1.rpt = default filo1 - null accept or reenter ?
                                                     --->    <-- null accept
 EOF fili1 24 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 1278 size, fname=/etc/passwd
 EOF filo1 0 rds, 9 wrts, 0 hits, 593 size, fname=pswsort1.rpt

output report

 Password file sorted by username  date/time: 1997/09/05_10:27:51
 userid   user# grp# name/comment             home-dir             shell
 owen       203 100  Owen Townsend            /u/owen              /bin/ksh
 dms        204 100  Smarttext Solutions DMS  /v/dms               /bin/ksh
 uvu        201 100  UV Software              /u/uv                /bin/ksh
 uvu2       205 100  UV Software alternate    /u/uvu2              /bin/ksh
 appsadm    202 100  uvsoftware administrator /u/appsadm           /bin/ksh
  • See the uvcopy job listing on the next page --->
    & note the following:
  • 'fix' instruction to convert variable to fixed 50 byte fields
  • 'mvc' instructions to reformat to desired layout
  • cmn/skp to drop user#s < 100
  • 'wtb' instruction to dump field headings to output report file
  • 'sys' instruction to display report file (via 'cat')

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09A1. sample/demo uvcopy sort using /etc/passwd file

 # pswsort1 - sample/demo sort using uvcopy for sort I/O processing
 #          - also see pf/demo/sort1 (skeleton meant for copy/rename/modify)
 #usage: uvcopy pswsort1,fili1=/etc/passwd,filo1=pswsort1.rpt
 #       ====================================================
 # - reads /etc/passwd file,& converts variable fields to fixed size fields
 # - drops system entries (user < 100)
 # - sorts on the 5th field (comment/user name field)
 # - on output phase: create report with field headings
 # load table of headings to be dumped to output report file at begin out phase
 Password file sorted by username  date/time: $dttm1
 userid   user# grp# name/comment             home-dir             shell
        opn    all
        sxo    80,'20(24)'            open sort, rcsz=80, sort field 21-44
 # input phase - get records,reformat, & put to the sort
 get1   get    fili1,a0(256)           get record from input file
        skp>   eof
 # cnvrt variable to fixed 50 byte fields via ':' delimiters,
 # reformat to fit headings, drop user#s < 100, & put to the sort
        fix    b0(50),a0(200),7,':'   convert variable to fixed
        mvc    c00(10),b0             1 - userid
        mvc    c11(03),b100           3 - userid
        mvc    c15(03),b150           4 - groupid
        mvc    c20(24),b200           5 - name/comment
        mvc    c45(20),b250           6 - home directory
        mvc    c66(14),b300           7 - shell
        cmn    b100(3),100            user# < 100 (system) ?
        skp<   get1                   ifso - bypass, return to get next
        sxp    c0(80)                 put reformatted record to the sort
        skp    get1                   return to get next record
 # end of input file - sort the created records
 eof    sxs                           sort created records
 # sort complete - create output report from headings & sorted records
        wtbe   filo1,h0(80),h0(80)    dump headings to report file
 # get records from the sort & write to the output file
 put1   sxg    g0(80)                 get record from sort
        skp>   eos                    cc set >  at end of sortrecs
        put    filo1,g0(80)           write to output file
        skp    put1
 # end sort records - close files, display report,& end job
 eos    cls    all

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10A. NAsort2 sort delimited Name&Adrs file on state & zipcode

This job demonstrates the powerful combination of the uvcopy built-in sort & the uvcopy data scanning & manipulation instructions.

  • sort a delimited Name&Adrs file on prov/state & postal/zip
  • the province/state & postal/zip codes can be anywhere in fields
    4 & 5 of the ';' delimited variable length input file
  • write the output file in the same format as the input file
  • we will extract the province/state & postal/zip using the pattern
    scanning instruction of uvcopy (@=any alpha, #=any numeric, etc)
  • we will append the sort key at columns 111-122 of a fixed length
    128 byte sort record (input text in cols 1-110).
  • we will drop the sort key off on the sort output phase, writing
    variable length text from cols 1-110 max.

operating instructions

 uvcopy NAsort2        - execute uvcopy to interpret the 'NAsort2' prmfile

demo input file - tf/names3

Owen Townsend;UV Software;4667 Hoskins Rd;North Vancouver BC Canada;V7K2R3 604-980-5434 Sid Treur;Datex Services;5436 Victoria Dr;Vancouver, BC Canada;V5P 3V8 604-321-5822 Pavel Bure;(the Russian Rocket);GM Place;Vancouver BC Canada;V4V 1X1 S. Allinson;Allinson-Ross;4250 Sherwoodtowne Blvd.;Toronto ON CANADA;L4Z 2G6 R. Dainty;Unisys Canada Inc.;2001 Sheppard Ave E;Toronto, ON Canada M2J 4Z7 J. Chretien;Prime Minister;24 Sussex Drive;Ottawa, Canada;ON K1Y 2L6

output file - NAsort2.tmp

Pavel Bure;(the Russian Rocket);GM Place;Vancouver BC Canada;V4V 1X1 Owen Townsend;UV Software;4667 Hoskins Rd;North Vancouver BC Canada;V7K2R3 604-980-5434 Sid Treur;Datex Services;5436 Victoria Dr;Vancouver, BC Canada;V5P 3V8 604-321-5822 J. Chretien;Prime Minister;24 Sussex Drive;Ottawa, Canada;ON K1Y 2L6 S. Allinson;Allinson-Ross;4250 Sherwoodtowne Blvd.;Toronto ON CANADA;L4Z 2G6 R. Dainty;Unisys Canada Inc.;2001 Sheppard Ave E;Toronto, ON Canada M2J 4Z7

  • see the uvcopy 'NAsort2' parameter file on the next page --->

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10A1. NAsort2 - sort delimited Name&Adrs file on province/postal

 # NAsort2 - sort a delimited Name&Adrs file on prov/state & postal/zip code
 # - input is a variable length ';' delimited text file (tf/names3)
 # - extracts prov/state & postal/zip, appends to the end of the record, and
 #   puts 128 fixed length records to the sort
 # - sort key will be dropped off on output & the output file will be the
 #   same type as input (variable length delimited - typ=LST)
 # Jean Chretien;Prime Minister;24 Sussex Drive;Ottawa, Canada;ON K1Y 2L6
 # Bill Clinton;The White House;Pennsylvania Ave;Washington DC;01234 USA
 opr='sort a delimited Name&Adrs file on prov/state & postal/zip code'
        opn    all                     open I/O files
 # open the sort - fixed 128 byte records, sort key in 111-112
        sxo    128,'110(12)'           open the sort fixed 128
 # begin loop to get records & put to the sort - until EOF
 get1   get    fili1,a0(128)           get next record
        skp>   eof
        mvc    b0(110),a0              move record text to sort rec
 # extract prov/state & postal/zip from fields 4 & 5, and insert at 111-122
        fix    c0(50),a0(110),5,';'    fix fields 50 bytes apart
        scnp   c150(100),' @@ '        scan for 2 alpha chars
        mvc    b110(2),cx151           store prov/state at col 111
        scnp   c150(100),'@#@ *#@#'    scan for CDN postal code
        skp!   get4
        mvc    b112(7),cx150           move to sort key field 2
        skp    get5
 get4   scnp   c150(100),'#####'       scan for US zip code
        mvc    b112(10),cx150          move to sort key field 2
 get5   sxp    b0(128)                 put to the sort
        skp    get1                    return to get next record
 # EOF input - execute the sort
 eof    sxs                            execute the sort
 # retrieve records from the sort & write to the output file
 out1   sxg    b0(128)                 get record from the sort
        skp>   eos
        put    filo1,b0(110)           write record to output file
        skp    out1
 # end of sort & record output - close files & end job
 eos    cls    all

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11A. Another example using 'sort' facility within 'uvcopy'

The 'uvcopy' utility includes the same sorting facility as 'uvsort' but is much more powerful & flexible implementation because you can do extensive processing both on the input phase & on the output phase.

The disadvantage is that uvcopy always requires a separate parameter file whereas uvsort can accept all its parameters on the command line.

As an example please run the 'cmreport' job which is included in the uv parameter file (uvadm/pf/cmreport).

The run command & sample output follow below & please see the prmfile file which is listed on the next page.

 uvcopy cmreport

report output from cmreport

                customer masters by terminals - descending
 cust#    company-name                   city              terminals
 JOH00000 JOHNSON BOATING SUPPLIES     TOPEKA                   30-
 FOR00000 FORTUNE COOKIE COMPANY       SAN DIEGO               107-
 OLD00000DOLD WAVE SURF SHOPS INC.     COLUMBUS                324
 KON00000 KONFLAB PLASTIC PRODUCTS.    SEATTLE                 128
 MOR00000 MORNINGSIDE CARPENTRY.       FORT WAYNE              110
 EPS00000 EPSILON EQUIPMENT SUPPLY     CALGARY                  90
 ALP00000 ALPHA ELECTRICAL CO. LTD.    NEW YORK                 85
 GAM00000 GAMMA X-RAY TECHNOLOGY       WASHINGTON               75
 GIB00000 GIBRALTER LIFE INSURANCE     LOS RIOS                 67
 BET00000 BETA SHOE MFG. INC.          ATLANTA                  34
 INC00000 INCREMENTAL BACKUP CORP.     WILBUR                   16
                                                 total terms   878  *
             re: cmreport prmfile listed on next page

Note that the sort instructions are marked with '**' on the right (sxo=open, sxp=put to sort, sxs=execute sort, sxg=get from sort).

Note how other instructions are used to create the report headings & totals shown above.

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11A1. demo #2 using 'sort' facility within 'uvcopy'

 # cmreport - customer master report by terminals ascending or descending
 #          - sort tf/cusmas test file by no of terminals & create a report
 #          - give the operator a choice of sequence ascending or descending
 # layout: 01-08=cust#,09=status,10-34=company-name,35-59=address,60-84=city,
 #   85-109=state,110-116=zip,117-126=phone,176-200=manager,229-231=terminals
 opr='$jobname - customer master report by terminals ascending or descending'
 fili1=tf/cusmas,typ=RSF,rcs=256      # cusmas test file
 filo1=$jobname.tmp,typ=LSTt,rcs=80      # report output
       opn   all
       msgw  'sort report by # of terminals - ascending/descending a/d ?'
       cmc   $reply(1),'d'
       skp!  asc
       sxo   256,'228(3pd)'         # open sort packed descending          **
       mvf   b15(50),'customer masters by terminals - descending'
       skp   hdr1
 asc   sxo   256,'228(3pa)'         # open sort packed descending          **
       mvf   b15(50),'customer masters by terminals - ascending'
 hdr1  put   filo1,b0(80)           write 1st report hdr
 # begin loop to get records & put to sort
 get1  get   fili1,a0(256)          get current record
       skp>  eof
       sxp   a0(256)                put to sort                            **
       skp   get1
 # eof - now sort
 eof   sxs                          sort the records                       **
 # now create report - headings 2 & 3, then loop for detail lines
       mvf   b0(40),'cust#    company-name'
       mvf   b40(35),'city              terminals'
       putb  filo1,b0(80)           write report title
       clr   b0(75),'-'             underline headings
       putb  filo1,b0(80)           write underlines
 # use program loop to get recs form sort,format,& write report lines
 put1  sxg   c0(256)                   get record from sort                **
       skp>  eos
       mvc   b0(34),c0                 cust# & name
       mvc   b38(20),c59               city
       edt   b60(6),c228(3p),'zzzzz-'  no of terminals
       putb  filo1,b0(80)              write report detail line
       add   $ca1,c228(3p)             accumulate no of terminals
       skp   put1
 # end of sort recs - write total line,close files,& display report
 eos   mvc   b48(12),'total terms'
       edt   b60(8),$ca1,'zzzzz- *'      edit total count
       putb  filo1,b0(80)              write report total line
       cls   all
       msgw   'display/edit/print/none ? (enter: more/vi/uvlp/null)'
       skp<   eoj
       mvc    g0(50),$reply        allow any command
       catb1    g0(50),'filo1'       append the audit filename
       sysv1  g0(50)
 eoj   eoj

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12A. recovering Indexed files from data partition of corrupted files

 12a. recovIS1  - demo job to recover ISAM files for Microfocus COBOL
 12b. recovIS2  - demo job to recover ISAM files for MBP COBOL

The next 2 pages will present the operating instructions for these demonstration jobs. These jobs will use the dat1/custmas2 test/demo file which is documented in sub-section 'B' of uvtrain.doc.

Also see uvsort.doc for a command line driven method which is simpler but this uvcopy method would be more flexible if you had to add code to reformat or drop damaged records.

Microfocus COBOL Indexed file characteristics

Data partition filename is: 'filename.dat' (by convention) Indexed partition filename is: 'filename.key' No control area at begining of data records (vs MBP ISAM files) Data records are 1 byte larger than record size loaded because a LineFeed is appended to each data record The LineFeed is converted to a x'00' if the record is deleted

MBP COBOL Indexed file characteristics

Data partition filename is: 'filename.DAT' Indexed partition filename is: 'filename.KEY' 588 byte binary control area at begining of data records (Microfocus ISAM files do not have) Data records are 2 bytes larger than record size loaded because a 2 byte binary record size is prepended to each data record The record size is converted to a x'0000' if the record is deleted

sample MBP COBOL ISAM file illustrating file control area

                1         2         3         4         5         6
     0 SD.......L......................................................
               - - - all x'00's up to byte# 588 - - -
   512 ................................................................
   576 ..............130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD
   640           NANAIMO          BC V9S1H1    604-754-5531
   704               ..132588    GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICESUNIT 170 - 28

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12A1. recovIS1 - recovering Microfocus ISAM data records

The following will demonstrate the process by loading an Indexed file, pretending that the Index is corrupted,& then rebuilding the Indexed file from the data partition only.

  1. Create an Indexed file for recovery test/demo (using uvcp utility)

       uvcp "fili1=dat1/custmas2,rcs=128,typ=RSF,filo1=cm2,typ=ISF,isk1=0(6)"
  1. Copy the data partition to a save file

       cp cm2.dat cm2.sav
  1. erase the original filename.dat & filename.idx

       rm cm2.dat cm2.idx
  1. sort/reload the Indexed file from the data partition

       uvcopy recovIS1       (see uvcopy prmfile 'recovISMF' listed below)
 # recovIS1  - recover an ISAM file with corrupted indices
 #           - for Microfocus COBOL (chk & drop delete flag in last byte)
 #           - test/demo job, see documentation in uvcopy4.doc
 #           - based on test file dat1/custmas2 (see uvtrain.doc)
 #           - also see the uvsort command line method in uvsort.doc
 opr='$jobname - recover an ISAM file with corrupted indices'
 fili1=cm2.sav,typ=RSF,rcs=129        # ISAM file data partition
 filo1=cm2,typ=ISF,rcs=128,isk1=0(6)  # rebuild ISAM file on output
       opn   all                    open files
       sxo   128,'0(6)'             sort 128 byte recs on 1st 6 (cust#)
 # begin loop to get & put recs to sort until EOF
 get1  get   fili1,a0(129)          get record into area 'a'
       skp>  eof                    (condition code set > at EOF)
       cmc   a128(1),x'00'       ** record deleted ?
       skp=  get1                   yes - return to get next
       mvc   b0(128),a0             move in rec to  sort put area 'b'
       sxp   b0(128)                put record to the sort
       skp   get1
 # input EOF - execute the sort
 eof   sxs                          execute the sort
 # get sorted records until end of sort signalled by cc >
 out1  sxg   c0(128)                get record from sort
       skp>  eos
       put   filo1,c0(128)          write record to output file
       skp   out1                   return to get next rec from sort
 # end sorted records - close files & end job
 eos   cls   all                    close files
       eoj                          end job

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12B. recovIS2 - recovering MBP COBOL ISAM data records

The following will demonstrate the process by loading an Indexed file, pretending that the Index is corrupted,& then rebuilding the Indexed file from the data partition only.

  1. Create an Indexed file for recovery test/demo

       uvcp "fili1=dat1/custmas2,rcs=128,typ=RSF,filo1=cm2,typ=ISF,isk1=0(6)"
  1. Copy the data partition to a save file

       cp cm2.DAT cm2.sav1
  1. erase the original filename.DAT & filename.KEY

       rm cm2.DAT cm2.KEY
  1. sort/reload the Indexed file from the data partition

       uvcopy recovIS2       (see uvcopy prmfile 'recovISMB' listed below)
 # recovIS2  - recover an ISAM file with corrupted indices
 #           - for MBP COBOL (drop file prefix, drop 1st 2 bytes each rec)
 #           - test/demo job, see documentation in  uvcopy4.doc
 #           - based on test file dat1/custmas2 (see uvtrain.doc)
 #           - also see the uvsort command line method in uvsort.doc
 opr='$jobname - recover an ISAM file with corrupted indices'
 fili1=cm2.sav,typ=RSF,rcs=130        # ISAM file data partition
 filo1=cm2,typ=ISF,rcs=128,isk1=0(6)  # rebuild ISAM file on output
       opn   all                    open files
       relb  fili1,588           ** set file ptr past file control area
       sxo   128,'0(6)'             sort 128 byte recs on 1st 6 (cust#)
 # begin loop to get & put recs to sort until EOF
 get1  get   fili1,a0(130)          get record into area 'a'
       skp>  eof                    (condition code set > at EOF)
       cmc   a0(2),x'0000'       ** record deleted ?
       skp=  get1                   yes - return to get next
       mvc   b0(128),a2          ** shift record dropping 1st 2 bytes
       sxp   b0(128)                put record to the sort
       skp   get1
 # input EOF - execute the sort
 eof   sxs                          execute the sort
 # get sorted records until end of sort signalled by cc >
 out1  sxg   c0(128)                get record from sort
       skp>  eos
       put   filo1,c0(128)          write record to output file
       skp   out1                   return to get next rec from sort
 # end sorted records - close files & end job
 eos   cls   all                    close files
       eoj                          end job

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13A. tblookLE - copy dropping matches to entries in a 'range' table

  • this job is customized to the specific task of dropping sales detail
    records from the tf/datafix file, in contrast to the preceding jobs
    which were general purpose jobs that could copy & select records
    from any file via keyins for record sizes & column scan ranges, etc
  • this job is programmed to test the invoice# in cols 31-37,
    lookup a table of invoice# ranges, & drop records whose invoice#
    falls within any range in the table
                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy tblookLE                      <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile tblookLE

tf/datafix = default for fili1, ok/rekey ? --> null to accept input file

tf/tblookLE.tbl = default for fili2, ok ? --> null to accept table file

tblookLE.tmp = default for fili1, ok ? --> null to accept output file

  • since this job is customized to 1 specific task, there is not much
    point in the filename prompts, which can easily be dispensed with
    by removing the leading '?' on the fili1,fili2,& filo1 definitions
    in the tblookLE prmfile
  • please see the test/demo files listed on the next page

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13A1. tblookLE - copy dropping matches to entries in a 'range' table

investigating the table file & the input/output files

 cat tf/tblookLE.tbl                      <-- display the table file
 inv0500-inv0600  # tf/tblookLE.tbl for tblookLE demo
 inv2000-inv2999  # invoice# ranges to be dropped
 ~~               # end table marker '~~' in col 1 & 2

 cat tf/datafix                         <-- display the input file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.

 cat tf/tblookLE.tmp                      <-- display the output file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.
  • any records whose invoice# falls within the low-high range
    of any entry in the table has been dropped
  • this technique is facilitated by the following uvcopy instructions:
        rtb   - read a table file & load into memory
        lok<= - lookup a table for 1st entry > than argument & backup 1 entry
              - an index register displacement from the low range is then
                used to compare to the high range

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13A2. tblookLE - copy dropping matches to entries in a 'range' table

 # tblookLE - drop records from a sales detail file whose invoice# falls
 #          within any range in a table file of inv# range records
 # - this job is a customized variation of the self3 job which is a
 #   general purpose job to copy any file dropping records that match to a
 #   pre-edited table file of items whose length is entered at run time
 # - the general purpose job saves you from writing uvcopy instructions
 #   but at a certain level of complexity the keyins become cumbersome &
 #   it is then better to write a customized job to solve a unique problem
 # input file:  tf/datafix - sales dtl with inv# in cols 31-37
 # table file:  tf/tblookLE.tbl of inv#s to be dropped as follows:
 #                 inv0500-inv0600      # tf/tblookLE.tbl for tblookLE demo
 #                 inv2000-inv2999      # invoice# ranges to be dropped
 #                 inv4000-inv5000
 #                 ~~                   # end table '~~' in cols 1 & 2
 # demo command:  uvcopy tblookLE
 #           or:  uvcopy tblookLE,fili1=tf/datafix,fili2=tf/tblookLE.tbl
 opr='$jobname - copy a sales detail file dropping records whose inv# falls'
 opr='  within any range in a separately edited table file tf/tblookLE.tbl'
 was=m2000                             # inv# table max (increase if reqd)
 fili1=?tf/datafix,typ=RST,rcs=a70     # input file test/demo file default
 fili2=?tf/tblookLE.tbl,typ=LST,rcs=80     # table file of search patterns
 filo1=?$jobname.tmp,typ=RST,rcs=b70     # output filename default
       opn   all
 # at begin job - load the table of search patterns
 # note - 32 bytes loaded from each entry, but only 7+1+7 used in search
       rtb   fili2,m0(32),m0(32)     load table of search patterns
 # begin loop getting records, searching for pattern,
 # - outputting matches/nonmatches - until EOF - or I/O stop counts reached
 loop  get   fili1,a0(70)            get current record
       skp>  eof
       lok<= m0(32),a30(7)           lookup table for 1st entry at low end
 #                                   < or = inv# of current record
 #                                   (searches table to 1st > & backs up 1)
       skp!  nomat                   cc set ! (unequal) if end tbl with no <=
       cmc   a30(7),mx8(7)           compare rec fld to high end of range
       skp<= match           *note - rgstr x holds dsplcmnt to tbl entry &
 #                                   mx8 will address the high end of range
 # nomatch to drop table - write out current record & return to get next
 nomat mvc   b0(70),a0              move input record to output area
 #     ---   ----,----       note - could add instructions to modify layout
       put   filo1,b0(70)           write record to output file
       skp   loop
 # match - drops matches to table but increment hit ctrs for EOF file stats
 match add   $fi1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for infile EOF msg
       add   $fo1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for outfile EOF msg
       skp   loop                   return to get next record
 # end of file or count limit reached - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all

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14A. tblookGE: copy inserting data from matches in a table lookup file

This job tests the '=>' option of the uvcopy look-up instruction.

This job uses the invoice# in cols 31-37 of the sales detail file to lookup a table of invoice#s via the lok=> instruction which finds the 1st entry that is = or > than the search argument.

The job then transfers data from the table file into the output records.

                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy tblookGE                    <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile tblookGE

 uvcopy tblookGE,fili1=tf/datafix,filo1=tblookGE.tmp,fili2=tblookGE.tbl
  • the filenames on the 2nd command above are informational only
    & are not required since they are hard-coded in the prmfile.
  • since this job is customized to 1 specific task, there is not much
    point in the filename prompts, which are common in some of the
    general purpose jobs

Please see the next page which lists the input, output,& table files.

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14A1. tblookGE - copy inserting data from matches in table lookup file

investigating the table file & the input/output files

 cat tf/tblookGE.tbl                      <-- display the table file
 inv1000   # tblookGE.tbl - for demo job tblookGE
 inv2000   # - table of invoice#s to be matched from tf/datafix file
 inv3000   # - used to search inv# field in cols 31-37 of tf/datafix
 inv4000   # - loaded into memory table at startup of job tblookGE
 ~~        # end of table marker '~~' in cols 1 & 2

 cat tf/datafix                         <-- display the input file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.

 cat tf/tblookGE.tmp                      <-- display the output file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750. inv2000
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453. inv3000
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150. inv1000
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700. inv3000
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300. inv4000
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810. inv1000
  • the inv# from the input file record is used to lookup the table
    for the 1st entry whose inv# is > than the search inv#
  • some data is then transferred from the matching table entry
    onto the end of the detail record in the output file
    (in this case the data is simply the inv# from the table)
  • this technique is facilitated by the following uvcopy instructions:
        rtb   - read a table file & load into memory
        lok=> - lookup a table for 1st entry = or > than the argument
  • this logic requires very few instructions & is easily modified to
    perform similar file maintenance tasks for the user
  • please see the tblookGE prmfile listed on the next page

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14A2. tblookGE - copy inserting data from matches in table lookup file

 # tblookGE - test table lookup instruction
 #          - this job tests the lok=> option of table lookup
 #            (see dropf3 which tests lok= & dropf4 which tests lok<=)
 # - this job copies the demo file tf/datafix, looks up the table by inv#
 #   & inserts the 1st inv# from the table file that is > record inv#
 #   into cols 71-77 of the output record
 # input file:  tf/datafix - sales dtl with inv# in cols 31-37
 # table file:  tf/tblookGE.tbl of inv#s to be looked-up as follows:
 #                 inv1000   # tblookGE.tbl - for demo job tblookGE
 #                 inv2000   #
 #                 inv3000   #
 #                 inv4000   #
 #                 ~~~~~~~   # end of table marker '~~' in cols 1 & 2
 # demo command:  uvcopy tblookGE
 #           or:  uvcopy tblookGE,fili1=tf/datafix,fili2=tf/tblookGE.tbl
 opr='$jobname - copy a sales detail file looking up an invoice# table'
 opr='        & retrieving data to be inserted into the sales records'
 was=m2000                               # inv# table max (increase if reqd)
 fili1=tf/datafix,typ=RST,rcs=a70        # input file test/demo file default
 fili2=tf/tblookGE.tbl,typ=LST,rcs=80    # table file of search patterns
 filo1=$jobname.tmp,typ=RST,rcs=b80         # output filename default
 #note - since this job is customized to solve 1 particular problem
 #       (not general purpose job with keyins for rcsz, search patterns,etc)
 #     - the leading '?' has been removed from the fil__ names
 #       & the job runs to completion with no prompts
       opn   all
 # at begin job - load the table of search patterns
 # note - 32 bytes loaded from each entry, but only 1st 7 used in search
       rtb   fili2,m0(32),m0(32)    load table of search patterns
 # begin loop getting records, searching for pattern, writing output
 loop  get   fili1,a0(70)           get current record
       skp>  eof
       mvc   b0(70),a0              move input record to output area
       lok=> m0(32),a30(7)          lookup for 1st entry = or > rec inv#
       skp!  put                    cc set ! (unequal) if end tbl with no =>
 # match - move inv# from table to cols 71-77 of output record
 #  note - rgstr x holds dsplcmnt of found table entry & mx0 addresses it
 match mvc   b70(7),mx0             move inv# from tbl to 71-77 of outrec
       add   $fi1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for infile EOF msg
       add   $fo1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for outfile EOF msg
 put   put   filo1,b0(80)           write record to output file
       skp   loop                   return to get next record
 # end of file or count limit reached - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all

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15A. uvcopy example addup3 - add up a column of figures

 # addup3 - calc total sales for UV Software
 # sample input & output (demo with only 3 lines of data)
 #CAST1:Total Invoice          3600.00 US
 #RBW1:Total Invoice         10,036.60 CDN
 #WOOD1:Total Invoice         12000.00 US
 #CAST1:Total Invoice          3600.00 US        4,860.00
 #RBW1:Total Invoice         10,036.60 CDN      10,036.60
 #WOOD1:Total Invoice         12000.00 US       16,200.00
 #          EOF Total                           31,096.60
 #calcs - convert US sales to CDN (multiply by 1.35)
 #      - input from cols 24-36, insert output in cols 44-56
 #      - addup CDN$ & insert total line at End-Of-File
 #demo:  uvcopy addup3,fili1=tmp/sales1,filo1=tmp/sales2
 #       ===============================================
 opr='$jobname - calc total sales for UV Software'
        opn    all                     open files
 # begin loop to get, process,& output records
 loop1  get    fili1,a0(128)           get a record
        skp>   eof                     (cc set > at EOF)
        mvc    b0(128),a0              move inrec to outrec area
        cmc    b0(80),' '              blank line ?
        skp=   put1
 # convert any US$ to CDN, copy cols 24-36 to 44-56, mpy by 1.35 if US
        mvn    $ca1,a24(12)            capture input $sales
        mvn    $ca2,$ca1               presume CDN$ (no mpy)
        scn    a0(80),' US '           US (anywhere on line)
        skp!   2
        mpy    $ca2,135                calc US$ by mpy 135
        div    $ca2,100                 & divide by 100
        edt    b44(12),$ca2,'zzzzz,zzz.zz-'  edit to output columns
        add    $ca3,$ca2               accumulate for EOF total
 put1   putb   filo1,b0(128)           write record to output file
        skp    loop1
 # EOF - print grand total, close files & end job
 eof    mvc    b10(14),'EOF Total'
        edt    b44(12),$ca3,'zzzzz,zzz.zz-'  edit EOF total
        put    filo1,b0(128)           write record to output file
        cls    all

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16A. ctlfix1 convert tabs, FormFeeds,& Carriage Returns to blanks

This job will convert tabs, FormFeeds,& Carriage Returns to blanks, with an option to drop blank lines. Uvlist also has options for these, but you might want to modify this job for your unique requirements.

 # ctlfix1 - convert tabs,form feed, carriage return to blanks
 #         - uvcopy prmfile for 1 file at a time
 #         - may also use with uvcopyx script to process entire directories
 #usage: uvcopy ctlfix1,fili1=infile,filo1=outfile     - 1 file
 #usage: uvcopyx ctlfix1 indir outdir uop=q0i7          - entire directory
 #       =====================================
 opr='$jobname - convert tabs, FF, CR to blanks'
 opr='uop=q1b0 - Option default'
 opr='      b1 - Blank line delete'
       opn   all
 # begin loop to copy records until EOF
 loop  get   fili1,a0(256)          get current record
       skp>  eof
       mvc   b0(256),a0             move input record to output area
       rep   b0(256),x'09',c' '     replace any tabs with blanks
       rep   b0(256),x'0C',c' '     replace any FF   with blanks
       rep   b0(256),x'0D',c' '     replace any CR   with blanks
       cmn   $uopbb,1               delete blank lines (optional) ??
 #                                  first b means binary, second b is option b
       skp<  put1                   ???
       cmc   b0(80),' '             Is this line blank ?
       skp=  loop                   ??
 put1  put   filo1,b0(256)          write record to output file
       skp   loop
 # end of file - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all

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17A. printPCL5 - print files with PCL5 control codes for BIG BOLD notices, etc

 # printPCL5 - print a file of mixed PCL5 printer control codes & data to print
 #           - converts pseudo escapes '!'s to true escapes x'1B' & ';'s to linefeeds
 #           - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Jan26/2019
 # - prepare your escape sequence control file with the editor
 #   using '!' exclamations for escapes x'1B' & ';' semi-colons for LineFeeds x'0A'
 # - drops any #comment lines
 # uvcopy printPCL5,fili1=tf/AGMmeetingPCL5   <-- sample command
 # ========================================
 #  - reads input tf/AGMmeetingPCL5, converts pseudo escapes to true escapes, etc
 #  - writes output to tmp/AGMmeetingPCL5 & automatically prints (default $UVLPDEST)
 #         ** sample input data file - $UV/tf/AGMmeetingPCL5 **
 # !E !&k2G !&l0320U !&l0000Z !&l0000O !&l0048C !(s4101T !(s0060V !(s0001P !(s0003B !(s0000S !&l0001X
 # ;   AGM Meeting;March 03/2019 7PM;Mollie Nye House;940 Lynn Valley Rd.
 # ;;   AGM Meeting;March 03/2019 7PM;Mollie Nye House;940 Lynn Valley Rd.
 #Notes - see HP PCL5 technical reference at
 #      - see concise PCL5 code reference at
 #      - sample file will print 2 meeting notices on 8 1/2 x 11 portrait
 #      - to be cut at midpoint for 2 notices per page
 #      - ';' inserts lineFeeds, so ';;' at begin 2nd line leaves 1 blank line between
 #      - 3 spaces prior to '   AGM Meeting;... to center this shorter line
 opr='$jobname - print file with embedded PCL5 codes (default AGMmeetingPCL5)'
 fili1=?tf/AGMmeetingPCL5,typ=LST,rcs=256   #default escape file for test
 filo1=tmp/$fili1,typ=RSF,rcs=256           #default output
        opn    all
 # begin loop to read control file & convert '!'s to true escapes x'1B'
 # - bypassing any #comment records (usually only 1 active record)
 loop   get    fili1,a0(256)            get next line
        skp>   eof                      (cc set > at EOF
        cmc    a0(1),'#'                comment record ?
        skp=   loop                     yes - bypass, return to get next
 # replace all pseudo escapes with true escapes
        rep    a0(256),'!',x'1B'        replace escape markers with true escapes
        rep    a0(256),';',x'0A'        replace ';' semi-colons with LineFeeds
        scnr   a0(256),!' '             scan from right for non-blank
        mvn    $rl,$rx                  save length in rgstr 'l'
        add    $rl,1                    add 1 to convert dsplcmnt to length
        put    filo1,a0($rl256)
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all
        sysv1  'lp -onobanner $UVLPDEST $filo1'  send outfile to the spooler (UNIX)

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18A. printBIG2 - print BIG BOLD posters,notices,etc (no PCL5 knowledge required)

 # printBIG2  - print BIG BOLD letters for posters,notices,etc
 #            - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Jan 26/2019
 #            - input data from a pre-edited text file (see printBIG1 solicits input)
 #            - use ';' for newline, use ':' for new page
 #            - user options for point size, vertical spacing, italics, typeface
 #            - for HP PCL5 compatible printers
 #            - see PCL5 code reference at
 # printBIG1  - Alternate job to solicit data to print (vs data-file input)
 # uvcopy printBIG2,fili1=tf/AGMmeeting,uop=p60x20   <-- sample command
 # ===============================================
 #  - reads input tf/AGMmeeting, prepends with PCL5 codes for point size, etc
 #  - writes output to tmp/AGMmeeting & automatically prints (default $UVLPDEST)
 #         ** sample input data file - $UV/tf/AGMmeeting **
 # ;   AGM Meeting;March 03/2019 7PM;Mollie Nye House;940 Lynn Valley Rd.
 # ;;   AGM Meeting;March 03/2019 7PM;Mollie Nye House;940 Lynn Valley Rd.
 #Note - sample file will print 2 meeting notices on 8 1/2 x 11 portrait
 #     - to be cut at midpoint for 2 notices per page
 #     - ';' inserts lineFeeds, so ';;' at begin 2nd line leaves 1 blank line between
 #     - 3 spaces prior to '   AGM Meeting;... to center this shorter line
 opr='$jobname - print BIG BOLD letters posters,notices,etc (input from pre-edited text file)'
 opr='sample: AGM Meeting; March 03/2019 7PM; Mollie Nye House; 940 Lynn Valley Rd.'
 opr='uop=q1p60v48s0t4101x1l0 - option defaults'
 opr='      p60             - point size, default 60 points (1 point = 1/60 inch)
 opr='         v48            - vertical motion in 1/48", dflt = v48 (1")'
 opr='            s0          - style default s0=upright, s1=italics,s32=outlined'
 opr='              t4101     - typeface, default t4101=CG Times (see PCL manual)'
 opr='                   x1   - number of copies, default 1'
 opr='                     l1 - Landscape (vs Portrait l0 default)'
 uop=q1p60v48s0t4101x1l0    # user options
 # load table of PCL controls with defaults (will modify from uops)
 !E!&k2G            000 - reset & CR/LF
 !&l0320U           010 - left margin in DECI-POINTs (1 decipoint = 1/720 inch)
 !&l0000Z           020 - top margin (better to insert 1 LineFeed ';' before data)
 !&l0000O           030 - orientation = portrait
 !&l0048C           040 - vertical motion, option v48 = 1 inch
 !(s4101T           050 - typeface, option t4101 = CG Times
 !(s0060V           060 - point size 60/72 inch (1 POINT = 1/72 inch)
 !(s0001P           070 - proportional spacing
 !(s0003B           080 - BOLD
 !(s0001S           090 - style option i1=italics, dflt i0 (not italics)
 !&l0001X           100 - number of copies

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        opn    all                      open files
 # modify PCL control sequences from user options
 man02  tsb    o12(1),x'01'             Landscape ?
        skp!   man06
        mvc    a013(4),'0000'           modify left margin for Landscape
        mvc    a023(4),'-320'           modify top margin for Landscape
        mvc    a033(4),'0001'           set code for Landscape (vs Portrait)
 man06  mvn    a043(4),$uopbv           option v - vertical spacing
        mvn    a053(4),$uopbt           option t - typeface
        mvn    a063(4),$uopbp           option p - point size
        mvn    a093(4),$uopbs           option s - style (upright, italics)
        mvn    a103(4),$uopbx           option x - number of copies
 # ensure vertical spacing  in 1/48 at least 60% of points 72/inch
        mvn    $ca2,$uopbp              point size option
        mpy    $ca2,60                  calc 60%
        div    $ca2,100
        cmn    $uopbv,$ca2              vert spacing => 60% point size ?
        skp>   1
        mvn    a43(4),$ca2              no - adjust to 60%
 # squeeze control codes together, cnvrt pseudo escapes to true escapes
        sqz    a0(200),' '              squeeze out all blanks
        rep    a0(150),'!',x'1B'        replace '!'s with true escapes
        scn    a0(150),'~'              determine length of escape sequences
        putt4  filo1,a0($rx150)
 # begin loop to solicit data until null entry
 man30  get    fili1,b0                 get input data
        skp>   man90                    (cc set > at EOF)
        cmc    b0(1),'#'                comment ?
        skp=   man30                    yes - bypass, return to get next
        rep    b0(200),';',x'0A'        replace semicolons with linefeeds
        rep    b0(200),':',x'0C'        replace colons with formfeeds
        scnr   b0(200),>' '             scan for right hand nonblank
        add    $rx,1                    +1 to cnvrt dsplcmnt to length
        put    filo1,b0($rx200)         write data to output file
        skp    man30                    repeat loop until null entry
 # EOF - close files, send output to printer,& end job
 man90  cls    filo1                    close output file
        sysv1  'lp -onobanner $UVLPDEST $filo1'  send outfile to the spooler (UNIX)
        eoj                             end job

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