uvhelp - most useful Unix/Linux & Vancouver Utility commands

The uvhelp menus are handy reminders of the most useful Vancouver Utilities available - just enter 'uvhelp' at your shell prompt & scroll thru the list. Assuming you have Vancouver Utilities installed,& have modified your profile to call the $UV/env/common_profile (documented in install.htm).

using uvhelp & sub-menus v11-v92

 #0. Login userxx --> /home/userxx

 #1. uvhelp  <-- display main-menu (this page)
 #2. scroll down to find the sub-menu (v11,v12,etc) for command desired
 #3. q       <-- quit main-menu

 #4. v##     <-- enter code for sub-menu (v11,v12,etc)
               - lower case 'v' (not UPPER case used on HTML links)
 #5. q       <-- quit sub-menu

 #6. xxxxx   <-- enter command desired

The menus are simply shell scripts using 'more' commands to display the documentation, which is why you must enter 'q' (quit more), to end the main menu & sub-menu before entering the desired command.

HTML-Links 6V11-6V99 & sub-menu codes v11-v99

Do not confuse the HTML-Links (6V11-6V99 UPPER-case 'V') in this website documentation with the sub-menu codes (v11-v99 lower-case 'v') required when you enter the codes at your shell prompt.

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uvhelp - main-menu of sub-menus

  • You must enter the sub-menus in lower-case ('v11' vs '6V11')
  • the UPPER-case 'V' is required for the HTML links
  • but the menu scripts are coded with lower-case.

6V11. Listing files & directories sorted by name,date,size etc
llm - sorted by filename, same as 'ls -l | more', saves keystrokes
llt - sorted by creation date, latest first
llta - sorted by last access time, latest first
lls - sorted by file size, biggest first
llc - similar to 'llm', but with file seq# & line counts/file
llc2 - 'llm' + seq# + line count + Min/Max Record-Size & line# of Min/Max
... - several more, all scripts pipe to more, enter for next screen

6V12. counting files in directories & lines in files, some matching patterns
wc - unix Word Count (wc used in some of the following scripts)
cfl - Count Lines in 1 File
cfd - Count Files,Lines,KB in 1 Directory
cfdt - Totals-Only version of Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in a Directory
cfdpf - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] in filenames
cfdpl - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] on any line in any file
cfdd - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory
cfddt - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory Totals-Only
cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Dir + 1st few files
cfdmm - List Directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#, Dir/Filename

6V13. Renaming files in a dirctory (all or matching a pattern)
renameL - translate filenames to lower case, renameU to UPPER case
renameX - replace eXtension with alternate, renameP Prefix to alternate
renameAA - replace Any pattern with any Alternate anywhere in filename
renameB2_ - change blanks to underscores, renameD2_ '$' signs to '_'s
rename1R - rename 1 file Recursively, searching directory tree
......... - several more, all scripts display old/new filenames with seq#

6V14. finding differences between 2 files or 2 directories of files
diff - show differences in 2 text files, most impressive unix command
alldiff2 - diff all files in 2 sub-dirs, great for mass changes
- save old, run new, alldiff prove intended changes, no unwanted
alldiff3 - alldiff2 + uvcopy job to drop differences due to time stamps, etc
- can add to table of patterns to cause differences to be dropped
uvcmp1 - for fixed-length files (diff works only for text files)
- great for files with packed/binary, shows diffs in hexadecimal

6V15. list/remove/move files older than or newer than specified days
lsold1 - list files older than a specified number of days
lsnew1 - list files newer than a specified number of days
rmold1 - remove files older than the specified number of days
...... - several more, all recursive (descending directory tree)
- can list old files before removing (or moving to archive dir)

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uvhelp - unix & VU most useful command summaries

6V21. find - finding files whose filenames match a pattern
- examples using unix 'find' (recursive, descends directory tree)

6V22. grep - finding records (within files) matching a data pattern
- examples using unix 'grep', alias with -n to show line# of matches

6V23. sed - unix utility to search/modify text files
- examples using 'sed' for search/replace
runsed1 - script to repeat sed for all files in directory

6V24. removeCR - copy a file to tmp/ removing CRs & nulls, then prompt to copy back"
insertCR - copy a file to tmp/ inserting CRs, then prompt to copy back"
removeCRall indir outdir - remove all CR's & nulls from ALL files in a directory
insertCRall indir outdir - insert CR's on all lines of ALL files in a directory
cat12all - concatenate 1 file to each of all files in a directory
- use to append a LineFeed (missing only on last line)
of all files in a direcotory of files FTP'd from a mainframe

6V25. dropbl0 - drop all blank lines using 'sed'
dropbl1 - drop all blank lines using 'uvcp' option typ=LSTb2
dropbl2 - reduce multi blank lines to 1 using 'uvcp' option typ=LSTb1
dropbl3 - drop blank lines & COBOL blank comments (only '*'s & blanks)
- all scripts copy to tmp/ for inspection & copy back if OK

6V26. tr - unix command to translate any specified characters to alternates
- folowing scripts use 'tr' to translate all files in directory
 all2lower - translate to lower-case, copying all files to 2nd subdir
 all2upper - translate to UPPER-case, copying all files to 2nd subdir
  - mainframe conversions need to inhibit translates within quotes
tolower - uvcopy job translate to lower with options inhibit within quotes
toupper - uvcopy job translate to UPPER with options inhibit within quotes
cleanup - uvcopy job with many options for lower/UPPER, clear 1-6, 73-80,etc

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uvhelp - unix & VU most useful command summaries

 6v31. Printing scripts, print text files at various lpi, cpi, margins, etc
       uvlp__  scripts - for listing scripts, programs, parameter files, etc
                      - page headings with filename,date,user,page#,line#
       uvlp12 - list at 12 cpi (90 chars on 8", leaving margin for 3 holes)
       uvlp13 - list at 13 cpi (100 chars on 8", leaving margin for 3 holes)
       uvlp14,16,18 - 14 cpi=110 chars, 16 cpi=120 chars, 18 cpi=135
       uvlp13D   - Duplex, 13 cpi, 6 lpi, 60 lines/page, for UV documentation
       uvlp13LD  - Landscape & Duplex, 13 cpi, 8 lpi, 66 lines of 132
       uvlpd13   - list all files in directory with file list on 1st page
       .......   - about 50 more with various combinations cpi, lpi, etc
       listall1  - script to print multiple small files, combines as many
                   small files as fits on a page & knows when to start newpage
       lpstat    - unix command to display status of printers & queues
       allcancel - cancel all outstanding print requests for logged in user

6V32. uvlp__A4 scripts print text files for 'A4' paper 8x12 European/Asian
- page headings with filename,date,user,page#,line#
- perfect for listing scripts, programs, parameter files, etc
Note - 'uvlp' script names for A4 paper are similar to the 8 1/2 x 11 names
- just append 'A4' onto the names for 8 1/2 x 11 paper
uvlp12A4 - list at 12 cpi (90 chars on 8", leaving margin for 3 holes)
 uvlp13A4,14A4,16A4,18A4 - list at 14,16,18 cpi (18 for 132 chars on 8")
 uvlp12DA4 - Duplex, 12 cpi, 6 lpi, 60 lines/paage, for UV documentation
 uvlp13LDA4 - Landscape & Duplex, 13 cpi, 8 lpi, 66 lines of 132
 uvlpd12A4 - list all files in directory with file list on 1st page
 ....... - about 50 more with various combinations cpi, lpi, etc
 lpstat - unix command to display status of printers & queues
 allcancel - cancel all outstanding print requests for logged in user

6V33. uvhd - display any file in vertical hexadecimal
- browse,search,select,update,print,acum,count,
- a free download from www.uvsoftware.ca/libuvhd.htm

6V34. uvhdcob - similar to uvhd, but displays cobol copybook fieldnames
beside data field contents

6V35. uvcp - command line utility for record selection, reformatting,
translation, numeric field conversions among packed/zoned/binary, etc.

6V36. uvsort - provides mainframe sorting capability to UNIX systems.
- replaces mainframe SORT/SYNCSORT on unix/linux systems
 UNIX system sort cannot process fixed record sizes without LineFeeds,
 packed decimal fields,& Indexed files.

6V37. uvcpfix1 - copy Text files changing file-type, record-size,& reformatting
uvcpfix2 - copy Fixed-Length records changing type, size,& reformatting
These scripts call the 'uvcp' utility & the commands are much easier to
enter than calling uvcp directly. The scripts copy the data file to tmp/...
You can then inspect & if OK, copy to desired location or overwrite input

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uvhelp - unix & VU most useful command summaries

6V41. uvcopy powerful (can do anything) data file manipulation utility.
the power of assembler without the complexity (no compile)
just edit a parameter/instruction file & run with uvcopy interpreter
essential for mainframe applications on Unix/Linux systems,
because it can do many things not possible with the unix utilities
such as: processing 'packed decimal' fields, handling 'Indexed files',
& addressing by column# (common on mainframe, but not on unix.

6V42. uvfix1,uvfixA,uvfix2,uvfixB modify 1 file or all files in directory
applying uvcopy instructions without writing file I/O framework
These scripts make it EASY to use the POWER of the uvcopy utility.

6V43. list long records, 100 bytes/line with scale
- great for mainframe type records when you need to determine column#s
 listrec1/listhex1 - for Text records with LF terminators
 listrec2/listhex2 - for Fixed-Length records without LFs

6V44. tabfix1,2,3 - converting tabs to blanks
option for how many, or depending on column, or tab-rack

6V45. table summaries, count records & acum amounts by any argument
 table2 script makes it easy, example: count sales by product#
 table2 dat1/sales3 a30b6r64 - options identify argument & recsize
- a30=displacement(to product#), b6=length, r64=record-size

6V46. addup1 - accumulate any field by options for displacement & length
- addup1 for Text files terminated by Line-Feeds
- addup2 for Fixed-Length record files (max recsize 4096)
- Example, to acum $sales start col=54,length=9,decimals=2
 uvcopy addup1,fili1=dat1/sales2,uop=b53c9e2

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uvhelp - unix & VU most useful command summaries

6V81. vi Command Summary - minimum essentials
+ links to advanced tutorials

6V82. Unix/Linux Tips & Directory Housekeeping

6V83. Vancouver Utilities Directories
- links to installation & profiles required

6V84. Mainframe Conversion Super-dirs & sub-dirs
- links to more information

6V85. cross-references - COBOL & JCL/scripts
 sample reports - xcobcopy1/2, xkshprog1/2, cobfiles report, etc
- links to more samples & operating instructions

6V91. Download & Install uvhelp & uvscripts
- available to anyone regardless of customer or not

6V92. Creating your own help menus
- for your own applications, or for any commands that you would like
  to have an easy way to be reminded of the arguments required.

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6V11. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v11 - Listing files & directories

  • 'l' (alias l='ls -l') saves keystrokes for this commonly used command
  • List Long files in Directory & pipe to more (sorted by filename)
  • like 'ls -l | more', but allows argument directory (default current)
  • saves keystrokes & adds functionality to this often repeated command
  • same as llm, but lists All files including hidden .files
  • list all filenames in directory with file & line counts
  • same as 'llc' + Min/Max Record-Size & line# of Min/Max
  • list directories only (omit files)
  • list files & subdirs Recursively (all the way down)
  • list files sorted by last modification/creation date/time
  • same as llt, but with Reverse sort (oldest 1st)
  • sorted by last access time, latest first
  • list files sorted by Size, largest 1st
  • same as lls, but with Reverse sort, smallest 1st
  • list files Unsorted, as stored in directory
  • list files in directory & print immediately
  • prints using 'uvlp12' - VU laser printing utility
  • see uvlp12 documented in uvlist.htm
  • list filenames 4-up across the page
  • great for JCL/scripts, COBOL programs, copybooks, etc
    (directories with 100's or 1000's of modules)

sample output for 'llc'

 llc $UV/sf/util           <-- list Vancouver Utility script filenames
 ===============             - with File & Line counts (25 files/screen)
 llc /home/uvadm/sf/util   <-- '$UV' usually /home/uvadm
 =======================     - but could be different at your installation
 File#   Lines
     1      43 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 1929 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/acum1
     2      21 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 900 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/allcancel
     3      29 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 828 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/allchmod
                        --- 412 lines omitted ---
   416      59 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 2729 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/xvsesli2
   416 files,     15878 total lines in directory sf/util

more info on VU scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See these scripts listed on pages https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#3A1 - 3H1

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6V12. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v12 - counting Lines,Files,& KB in Directories

  1. wc - unix command to count file,lines,characters
  2. cfl - Count Lines in 1 File
  3. cfd - Count Files,Lines,KB in 1 Directory
  4. cfdt - Totals-Only version of Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in a Directory
  5. cfdpf - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] in filenames
  6. cfdpl - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] on any line in any file
  7. cfdd - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory
  8. cfddt - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory Totals-Only
  9. cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Dir + 1st few files
  10. cfdmm - List Directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#, Dir/Filename

    test data files used to demo v12 scripts

We will use $UV/demo/dat2 for most of the v12 script demos (with only 6 files). Here are the filenames using 1 of the v12 scripts 'cfd' (Count Files in directory).

 cfd $UV/demo/dat2  <-- Count Files, Lines,& KB in 1 directory with Totals
 cfd - Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in a Directory
 File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190722:0819
      1     335      32  dat2/CanadaMPs
      2      13       4  dat2/CAprovinces
      3       8       4  dat2/nameadrs2
      4     305      28  dat2/UScities
      5     539      40  dat2/UScongress
      6      50       4  dat2/USstates
 ******    1250     112  *Totals* in Directory /home/uvadm/demo/dat2

sample of data records in CanadaMPs

 001  Aboultaif          Ziad            Edmonton Manning              AB Conservative     2015
 002  Albas              Dan             Central Okanagan/Similkameen/ BC Conservative     2015
 003  Albrecht           Harold          Kitchener/Conestoga           ON Conservative     2015
                 ---------------- 331 lines omitted ----------------
 335  Zimmer             Bob             Prince George/Peace River/Nor BC Conservative     2015

Most of the v12 scripts don't care what the file contents are, only the 'cfdpl' script will search the file contents for patterns to select filenames to be displayed.

See https://uvsoftware.ca#uvdemos2.htm for many powerful uvcopy utilities to select files based on contents.

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v12. Counting Files,Lines,& KB in directories

prep for demos using $UV/demo/dat2 files

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx

 #2  mkdir demo

 #3. cp -r $UV/demo/* demo  <-- copy demo/* to your homedir/demo/...

 #4. cd demo     <-- change into demo/ to run following demos

demo #0. wc - Word Count

 #1. wc dat2/CanadaMPs            <-- wc 1 file at a time
     Lines Words Chars Filename   <-- field headings not shown by wc
       335  2570 31825 demo/dat2/CanadaMPs

 #2. wc dat2/*                    <-- wc all files in directory
     Lines  Words  Chars Filename
       335   2570  31825 dat2/CanadaMPs
        13     47    468 dat2/CanadaProvinces
         8     75    598 dat2/nameadrs2
       305   1964  24700 dat2/UScities
       539   4323  38781 dat2/UScongress
        50    160    872 dat2/USstates
      1250   9139  97244 total

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v12. Counting Files,Lines,& KB in directories

1. cfl - Count Lines & KB in 1 File

 #1. cfl $UV/src/uvcopy.c  <-- count lines in 1 file (uvcopy source program)
      cfl /home/userxx/src/uvcopy.c - count lines in 1 file
       24400 lines,   1072 KB in /home/userxx/src/uvcopy.c
      Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/_home_userxx_src_uvcopy.c_cfl

2. cfd - Count Files,lines,KB in 1 directory

 #2. cfd dat1   <-- Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in the dat1/ directory
      cfd dat1 - Count Files,Lines,KB in Directory
      File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           1     335      32  dat1/CanadaMPs
           2      13       4  dat1/CanadaProvinces
           3       8       4  dat1/nameadrs1
           4     305      28  dat1/UScities
           5     539      40  dat1/UScongress
           6      50       4  dat1/USstates
      ******    1250     112  *Totals* in Directory /home/userxx/demo/dat1
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfd

3. cfdt - Count Files,lines,KB in 1 directory (Totals-Only)

 #3. cfdt dat1   <-- Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in dat1/... Totals-Only
      cfdt dat1 - Count Files,Lines,& KB in Directory - Totals-Only
       Files   Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           6    1250     112  *Totals-Only* in Directory /home/userxx/demo/dat1
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdt

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v12. Counting Files,Lines,& KB in directories

4. cfdpf - Count Files,Lines,KB in Dir with/without Pattern in filenames

 #4. cfdpf dat1 'Canada*'   <-- Count Files,Lines,KB for filenames begining with 'Canada'
      cfdpf dat1 Canada* - Count Files,Lines,KB in Directory with Pattern [not] in filenames
      File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           1     335      32  dat1/CanadaMPs
           2      13       4  dat1/CanadaProvinces
      ******     348      36  *Totals* in dat1 with pattern "Canada*"
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdpf_Canada_

** 5. cfdpl - Count Files,Lines,KB with/without Pattern any line any file in dir **

 #5. cfdpl dat1 'Washington'   <-- Count Files,Lines,KB with 'Washington' on any line in any file
      cfdpl dat1 Washington - Count Files,Lines,KB in Directory with Pattern [not] on any line in file
      File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           1     305      28  dat1/UScities
           2      50       4  dat1/USstates
      ******     355      32  *Totals* in /home/userxx/demo/dat1 with  pattern "Washington"
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdpl_Washington

6. cfdd - count Files,Lines,& KB in all subdirs of a superdir

 #6. cfdd $UV/sf    <-- Count Files,Lines,& KB in all Sub-Dirs of $UV/sf/...
      cfdd  /home/userxx/sf - Count Files,Lines,& KB in SubDirs of SuperDir
        Dir#   Files   Lines      KB  SubDir/ParentDirectory  20190726:1027
           1     227    6502     944  /home/userxx/sf/adm
           2      86    2501     352  /home/userxx/sf/demo
           3     308   17102    1436  /home/userxx/sf/IBM
           4     541   21323    2248  /home/userxx/sf/util
      ******    1162   47428    4980  *Totals* for SubDirs of SuperDir /home/userxx/sf/...
                                       Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/_home_userxx_sf_cfdd

7. cfddt - count Files,Lines,& KB all subdirs of superdir (Totals-Only)

 #7. cfddt $UV/sf   <-- Count Files,Lines,& KB in all Sub-Dirs of $UV/sf/... Totals-Only
      cfddt /home/userxx/sf - Count Files,Lines,KB in SubDirs of Super-Dir - Totals-Only
        Dirs    Files   Lines      KB  SubDir/ParentDir 20190726:1027
           4     1162   47428    4980  *Totals* for SubDirs of SuperDir /home/userxx/sf/...
                                        Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/_home_userxx_sf_cfddt

8. cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in SubDirs of Super-Dir + 1st few files

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v12. Counting Files,Lines,& KB in directories

 #8. cfddf backup 2   <-- cfddf - for all Sub-Dirs in backup Dir + 1st 2 files of each subddir
      cfddf backup 2 - Count Files,Lines,KB in SubDirs of SuperDir + 1st few files
        Dir#   Files   Lines      KB  SubDir/ParentDirectory  20190726:1027
           1       8    1299     268  backup/archive
                   1    1299      28  backup/archive/CanadaMPs.csv
                   2    1299       4  backup/archive/ftpsall
           2       6    1250     116  backup/dat1
                   1    1250      32  backup/dat1/CanadaMPs
                   2    1250       4  backup/dat1/CAprovinces
           3      24     211     108  backup/dat2
                   1     211       4  backup/dat2/accents1
                   2     211       4  backup/dat2/accents2
      ******      38    2760     492  *Totals* for SubDirs of SuperDir /home/userxx/demo/backup/...
                                       Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/backup_cfddf

9. cfdmm - list directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#

 #9. cfdmm dat1   <-- report Files,Lines,KB, Min/Max RecSize & RecNumbers in directory dat1/...
      cfdmm dat1 - list File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#,Dir/Filename
       File#   Lines      KB MinRsiz MaxRsiz MinRnum MaxRnum  Directory/FileName
           1     335      32      95      95       1     335  dat1/CanadaMPs
           2      13       4      14      34      13       5  dat1/CanadaProvinces
           3       8       4      70      75       6       7  dat1/nameadrs1
           4     305      28      75      82       2       1  dat1/UScities
           5     539      40      71      74       2     422  dat1/UScongress
           6      50       4      13      23      15      40  dat1/USstates
           6    1250     112      13      95                  *Totals* in dat1
                                                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdmm

more info on VU scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See these scripts listed on pages https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#5B1 - 5E1

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6V13. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v13 - file 'rename' scripts

These scripts rename all files (or files matching a pattern) in a directory. Renaming dozens or hundreds of files is often required when you import files from outside sources & these scripts can save you hours of keyboard drudgery.

  • translate filenames to lower case
  • translate filenames to UPPER case
  • translate filenames to lower case in all subdirs of a superdir
  • replace existing prefix with alternate
  • remove any specified prefix
  • remove specified prefix up to 1st '.'
  • add any specified prefix
  • change any specified extension to any specified alternate
  • change specified .extension to any specified .alternate
  • remove any specified extension
  • remove any specified extension back to last '.' (default)
  • may specify an alternate extension (vs '.' default)
  • add any specified extension
  • remove Any pattern Anywhere in filename
  • replace Any pattern with any Alternate
  • change any embedded blanks to underscores
  • change any '$' dollar signs to '_' underscores
  • remove any 'Quotes'
  • remove any (Parenthesis)
  • rename to whatever is in (Parenthesis)
  • remove any timestamp _HHMMSS ('_' + 6 digits)
  • preserves anything following _###### (.dat, .txt, etc)
  • change mainframe GDG suffixes to Vancouver Utility gdg suffixes
  • change '.G####V00' to '_00####'
  • change '.G####V00' to '_000001' (keep only latest as 000001)
  • rename 1 file Recursively, searching the arg1 directory tree
    for the arg2 file & renaming as arg3
  • see example by entering scriptname without arguments

more info on VU scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See all scripts listed on pages https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#1B1 - 1I2. See multi rename... example at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#1A1

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example - renaming Mainframe Data Files

Here is a great example of the extreme usefulness of these 'rename' scripts. When mainframe files are transferred to unix/linux, we like to remove any quotes, translate to lower case & remove any extraneous extensions. We will also convert any '$' Dollar-signs to '_' Underscores since '$' is not allowed in unix filenames.

Assume the files have been FTP'd to /p4/cnvdata/dat1/... & we wish to copy/ rename the files into /p4/cnvdata/dat2/... as shown below:

 :---dat1         <-- directory of files FTP'd from Mainframe
 :   :---'E2121653.M$TAXE.PISCINES.CLUS.VSEPRD' <-- filenames from MAINFRAME
 :---dat2         <-- directory to rename files for unix/linux
 :   :---e2121653.m_taxe.piscines  <-- filenames desired on Unix/Linux
 :   :---e2121656.i_taxe.facturat
 :   :---e2122683.i_taxe.degrevem

the HARD way to rename files

 #1. cp dat1/* dat2  <-- copy to 2nd directory (to preserve original filenames?)
 #2. cd dat2/
 #3. mv 'E2121653.M$TAXE.PISCINES.CLUS.VSEPRD' e2121653.m_taxe.piscines
 #4. mv 'E2121656.I$TAXE.FACTURAT.CLUS.VSEPRD' e2121656.i_taxe.facturat
 #5. mv 'E2122683.I$TAXE.DEGREVEM.CLUS.VSEPRD' e2122683.i_taxe.degrevem
     mv          --- etc, could be 100's or 1000's of files ---

the EASY way to rename files

 #1. cp dat1/* dat2  <-- copy files to dat2/... before renaming (if desired)
     ==============    - no need to copy, when you have satisfied yourself
                         that these scripts work (as advertised)

 #2. rename-QQ dat2  <-- remove the quotes
 #3. renameD2_ dat2  <-- change '$'s to '_'s, '$'s not allowed in unix filenames
 #4. rename-X dat2 .CLUS.VSEPRD  <-- remove unwanted extensions
 #5. renameL dat2    <-- translate to lower case

Without these scripts, it would be a very long, boring, error-prone job to rename the files (could be hindreds) manually using 'mv' commands, OR you would have to develop similar scripts yourself.

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6V14. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v14 - diff & alldiff2 - invaluable

The Unix 'diff' utility is fantastic whenever you want to see the difference between any 2 text files (programs,copybooks,scripts,etc).

We will illustrate the 'diff' for a COBOL program BEFORE & AFTER conversion. The COBOL converter reads input from subdir 'cbl1' & writes output to 'cbl2'.

 diff -b cbl1/car100.cbl cbl2/car100.cbl
 <            select custmas assign custmas
 <                   organization sequential access mode sequential.
 <            select nalist assign nalist
 >            select custmas assign EXTERNAL custmas
 >                   organization RECORD sequential access mode sequential.
 >            select nalist assign EXTERNAL nalist
 >        01   jobid      pic  x(8).
 >            display "JOBID" upon environment-name
 >            accept jobid from environment-value.
 <            stop run.
 >            stop run returning 0.
  • Specify the old file 1st & the new file 2nd, then:
  • '<' indicates the old version
  • '>' indicates the new version
  • the Line#s & Changes/Adds/Deletes required to the old version
    to make it the same as the new version

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alldiff2 script

The 'alldiff2' script (supplied with Vancouver Utilities) makes the unix 'diff' command even more powerful - it repeats the unix 'diff' utitity on each pair of files in 2 directories. This is great when you are make mass changes to directories - save a copy of the original, do the mass change, & run alldiff2 to confirm (changes as intended & no unintended changes).

COBOL conversion is a good example. Before each tool enhancement and re-conversion, I save the current output directory as cbls.old, then after re-conversion, I run alldiff2 to confirm changes as intended.

 #1. vi pf/IBM/cnvMF5          - modify the conversion tool (or your program)

 #2. mv cbls cbls.old          - change name of outdir (contains old versions)

 #3. mkdir cbls                - make a new directory to receive new output

 #4. uvcopy cnvMF5 ...         - reconvert COBOL programs with modified
                                 tool &/or search/replace tables

 #5. alldiff2 cbls.old cbls    <-- run alldiff to create differences report
     ======================      - in tmp/cbls.dif

 #5b. vi tmp/cbls.dif          <-- inspect difference report

more info on diff & alldiff2

You can see a help screen by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See 'alldiff2' script listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#4A1

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6V15. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v15 - scripts to list/copy/move/remove old/new files

These scripts are recursive, they process an entire directory tree, descending all levels, looking for files older/newer than a specified no of days.

  • list files older than a specified number of days
  • list files created/modified within 2 specified days old
  • list files newer than a specified number of days
  • list files created/modified within 2 specified days
  • remove files older than the sspecified number of days
  • recursive, descends directory tree searching for all old files
  • can 1st list,move,or copy old files with lsold1,rmold1,mvold1
  • lists all old files, then prompts for each old file to be removed
  • lists all old files, then prompts once to remove all old files
  • move files older than the x days to a specified directory
  • copy files older than the x days to a specified directory
  • list files older than x days & filenames with a specified pattern
  • list files created between 2 dates with a specified pattern
  • list files newer than x days & filenames with a specified pattern
  • copy files newer than the x days to a specified directory

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demo lsold1 & rmold1

 Given - data directory with file creations dates 2010,2011,2012,& 2013
 Required - Remove any files created more than 2 years ago (730 days)

 #1 l data    <-- list data directory to see file creation dates
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps 186208 Mar 22  2013 abilitydeletesfixa
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps   2081 Dec 26  2012 berkscodes
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps    980 Sep  8  2010 empnomagmed100_100908
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps    193 Sep 14  2010 empnotice_091310
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps    205 Sep 26  2011 networkgetin
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps    180 Nov 11 09:53 othperscomptime
 -rw-r--r-- 1 berks apps  26584 Nov 24  2010 securedsite.PDF
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps    139 Sep 26  2011 sharepointnotes
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps     84 Jun 19  2013 todo

 #2. lsold1 data 730   <-- see which files will be removed
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps     193 Sep 14  2010 data/empnotice_091310
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps     139 Sep 26  2011 data/sharepointnotes
 -rw-r--r-- 1 berks apps   26584 Nov 24  2010 data/securedsite.PDF
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps     980 Sep  8  2010 data/empnomagmed100_100908
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps     205 Sep 26  2011 data/networkgetin

 #3. rmold1 data +730 -f  <-- remove files older than 730 days (2 years)
     ===================      '-f' option Forces removal with no prompt
                              '-i' option would prompt to remove each file

 #4. l data      <-- list to see files remaining
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps 186208 Mar 22  2013 abilitydeletesfixa
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps   2081 Dec 26  2012 berkscodes
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps    180 Nov 11 09:53 othperscomptime
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 berks apps     84 Jun 19  2013 todo

more info on VU scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See some of these scripts listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#4H1 - 4H5

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6V21. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v21 'find' - find filenames by patterns

  • the examples shown below assume you are in $UV (usually /home/uvadm)
  • we show only the most commonly used forms of find
  • use the 'man' pages to see all options
  • do not confuse find & grep
  • finds filenames only via filename patterns
  • finds lines within files via data patterns

'find' - finding files whose filenames match a pattern

 find path -name patern   <-- format of 'find' command
 ======================     - 'path' is commonly coded as '.' which means the
                              current directory & all levels of sub-dirs

 find $UV -name install*   <-- find files in $UV (usually /home/uvadm)
 =======================       whose filename begins with 'install'

 cd   $UV                 <-- alternative, 1st change to $UV (/home/uvadm)
 ========                   - then use '.' (current directory) vs $UV
 find . -name install*    <-- find files whose filename begins with 'install'

 find . -iname *install*   <-- find files with 'install' anywhere in filename
 =======================       & in UPPER or lower case (-iname vs -name)

more info about 'find'

  • use the 'man' pages to see all options for find, grep, or any unix command

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6V22. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v22 'grep' - find lines within files by data patterns

  • we will show only the most commonly used forms of grep
  • use the 'man' pages to see all options
  • do not confuse find & grep
  • finds filenames only via filename patterns (does not show any lines in files)
  • searches lines within files via data patterns

'grep' - find lines within files matching a data-pattern

 grep pattern files      <-- command format

 grep uncompress $UV/doc/*  <-- find lines with 'uncompress' in all files in doc/...

doc/ADMjobs.doc:10815:# - uncompress with 'tar xjf' into /root/msmtp/... doc/CNVaids.doc:1814: these to gzip/gunzip or to tar+compress/uncompress/untar. doc/UNIXtips.doc:2181:2. uncompress tarfiles.Z - uncompress, '.Z' suffix will be dropped doc/uvintro.doc:1400: these to gzip/gunzip or to tar+compress/uncompress/untar.

 grep -i 'collating sequence' $UV/doc/*  <-- enclose pattern in quotes if spaces required
 ======================================    - use option '-i' to match UPPER or lower case

 grep -Pa '\x00' dat1/*    <-- use option '-Pa' to search for hexadecimal values
 ======================      - text files with x'00's (nulls) cause problems
 grep -Pa '\x0D' dat1/*    <-- use option '-Pa' to search for hexadecimal values
 ======================      - text files with x'0D's (Carriage Returns) cause problems on Linux
 grep -a $'\x0D' dat1/*    <-- alternate syntax to search for hexadecimal values

These examples show the line#s where patterns are found within the file, caused by option '-n' on an alias redefinition of grep in the profile. The Vancouver Utility common_profile has the following alias:

 alias grep='grep -n'

If you don't want to see the line#, you could remove the alias, or to disable any alias, you can precede the command with a '\' backslash, for example:

 \grep xxxxx $UV/doc/*   <-- '\' disables alias to show line#s

more info about 'grep'

Use the 'man' pages to see all options for grep, find, or any unix command

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6V23. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v23 - sed & runsed1/runsed2

'sed' is a powerful unix data manipulation utility. See documentation in the 'man' pages. Here we will illustrate only the 's' substitute commnad.

 Given - demo COBOL programs supplied in /home/uvadm/mf/cbls/...
 Required - Change all 'record sequential' to 'line sequential'
 ======== - for 1 program using 'sed' directly
          - then for all programs using script 'runsed1' (which calls sed)
  • you might want to do this when converting mainframe COBOL to unix
  • so you can use unix utilities (vi,more,lp,etc) which need Line-Feeds
  • only possible if your data files do not have packed fields

 #1.  Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2.  mkdir tmp cbl1 cbl2         <-- make tmp subdirs if not already existing
 #2a. rm -f tmp/* cbl1/* cbl2/*  <-- or clear if existing
 #3.  cp $UV/mf/cbls/car200.cbl cbl1/  <-- copy demo program for sed
 #3a. cp $UV/mf/cbls/cgl200.cbl cbl1/  <-- copy 2nd program for runsed1

sed command to change 1 file at a time

 #4. s '/record sequential/line sequential/' cbl1/car200.cbl >cbl2/car200.cbl

 #5. diff cbl1/car200.cbl cbl2/car200.cbl  <-- confirm changes
      <                   organization record sequential
      >                   organization line sequential

runsed1 script to change all files in directory

 #6. runsed1 cbl1 cbl2   <-- specify input/output directories
     =================     - will prompt for sed commands

 #6a. --> s /record sequential/line sequential/   <-- enter sed comamnd
 #6b. --> ^D             <-- enter control-D to end sed command entry

 #7. alldiff2 cbl1 cbl2
      <                   organization record sequential
      >                   organization line sequential
      diff file# 2 - cbl1/... vs cbl2/car200.cbl
      <                   organization record sequential
      >                   organization line sequential
      diff file# 13 - cbl1/... vs cbl2/cgl200.cbl
      2 different of 29 files compared cbl1 to cbl2

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runsed2 to re-run runsed1 commands

runsed1 saves the commands entered in tmp/runsed1, so if you needed to modify & re-run, you could:

 #8. vi tmp/runsed1      <-- modify sed commands saved by last runsed1

 #9. runsed2 cbl1 cbl2 tmp/runsed1  <-- rerun (modified) sed commands

'runsed2' could be very useful when you have a lot of sed commands. You might need to change several field-names in old mainframe COBOL, that are 'reserved words' in unix COBOL, for example:

sed 's /row/row1/' sed 's /col/col1/' sed 's /name/name1/' sed 's /cycle/cycle1/' sed 's /range/range1/' sed 's /printer/printer1/'

Vancouver Utilities includes an alternative way to mass change COBOL. Pre-programmed uvcopy job 'cobrep2' https://uvsoftware.ca/cobscan.htm#E2 has some advantages:

  1. would not change words on COBOL comments '*' column 7

  2. provides an audit trail showing modified lines

    more info on sed & runsed1/runsed2

See the 'man' pages for 'sed' documentation, see a short help screen for 'runsed1' by entering command only with no arguments. See 'runsed1' script listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#6B1

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6V24. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v24 - Removing & Inserting Carriage Returns

Text files from Windows often contain Carriage-Returns x'0D' as well as Line -Feeds x'0A'. Unix text files should be terminated only with a Line-Feed x'0A'. CR's can cause unix scripts to fail (especially if on the 1st line !/bin/ksh..) and you may be mystified because you cannot see them in the unix editors (use uvhd to see them). Here are scripts to remove CR's or insert CR's which might be required if you need to send unix files back to Windows.

removeCR - remove CR's from Windows text files

Here is a demo using removeCR, 1st we will use 'uvhd' to confirm the presence of CR's (since you cannot see them with unix editors).

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp         <-- make subdirs in your homedir for tests
 #2a. rm tmp/*              <-- or remove tmp files if subdirs already exist

 #3. cp $UV/dat1/prodmas1 dat1  <-- copy demo file to your $HOME/dat1

 #4. uvhd dat1/prodmas1 t   <-- display demo file with CR & LF terminators
     ====================     - option 't' for Text files (ended by LFs)
                              - shows 1st record as follows:
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q         0019500..
 rec#=1 rsize=32 fptr=0 fsize=256 rcount=8
  • Carriage Return x'0D' in byte 30 (column 31)
  • see Line Feed x'0A' in byte 31 (column 32)

 #5. removeCR dat1/prodmas1   <-- run script to remove CR's
     ======================     - while copying to tmp/...
     --> copy back overwriting original y/n ?
     --> y <-- to copy back

 #6. uvhd dat1/prodmas1 t   <-- confirm CR's removed
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q         0019500.
 rec#=1 rsize=31 fptr=0 fsize=248 rcount=8
  • CR missing & LF x'0A' shifted back to byte 30 (column 31)

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insertCR - insert CR's in unix text files

Now we can demo insertCR, using tmp/prodmas1 (output of from removeCR above).

 #7. insertCR dat1/prodmas1   <-- run script to insert CR's
     ======================     - while copying to tmp/...
     --> copy back overwriting original y/n ?
     --> y <-- to copy back

 #8. uvhd dat1/prodmas1 t   <-- confirm CR's removed
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q         0019500..
 rec#=1 rsize=32 fptr=0 fsize=256 rcount=8
  • CR inserted at byte 30 & LF x'0A' shifted forward to byte 31 (column 32)

removeCRall & insertCRall

 removeCRall indir outdir    - remove all CR's & nulls for ALL files in a directory
 ========================      while copying to a 2nd directory

 #1. mkdir tmp1                - suggest make temp dir (or remove all files if existing)
 #2. removeCRall yourdir tmp1  - run script to remove CRs & nulls copying to tmp1/...
 #3. cp -f tmp1/* yourdir      - copy back to original directory

 insertCRall indir outdir    - insert CR's on all lines of ALL files in a directory
 ========================      while copying to a 2nd directory
 cat12all - concatenate 1 file to each of all files in a directory
          - example append a LineFeed (missing only on last line)
            of all files in a directory of procs FTP'd from a mainframe
 #1. mkdir tmp1 tmp2              <-- make temp dirs
 #2. vi tmp1/LF                   <-- create file with 1 LineFeed (insert blank & remove)
 #3. cat12all procs tmp1/LF tmp2  <-- append tmp1/LF on each file while copying to tmp2/...
 #4. vi tmp2/...          <-- inspect with vi (or uvhd to see LineFeeds x'0A's)
 #5. cp -f tmp2/* procs   <-- copy back to original directory

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See these scripts listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#6A1 - 6A2

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6V25. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v25 - drop blank lines

Here we will illustrate 4 scripts to drop blank lines in text files. You can see the scripts listed at the link given at bottom of this page.

  • drop all blank lines, using 'grep', copies to tmp/...
  • for inspection & copy back
  • drop all blank lines, using 'uvcp' with option b2
  • reduce multiple blank lines to 1, using uvcp option b1
  • drop blank lines & COBOL cmts (only '*'s & blanks)
  • these scripts save the input file in tmp/... & drop copying back
  • so you can always recover the original input file if required

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs in your homedir
 #2a. rm tmp/*          <-- or remove tmp/* files if subdirs already existing

 #3. copy demo files from /home/uvadm/dat1 to your $HOME/dat1
     - renaming so we can test the 4 dropbl scripts with no conflicts

 #3a. cp /home/uvadm/dat1/testdropbl dat1/testdropbl0
      - could copy as above, but better to use $UV as below
        (in case Vancouver Utilities not installed in usual /home/uvadm)

 #3a. cp $UV/dat1/testdropbl dat1/testdropbl0  # to test dropbl0
 #3b. cp $UV/dat1/testdropbl dat1/testdropbl1  # to test dropbl1
 #3c. cp $UV/dat1/testdropbl dat1/testdropbl2  # to test dropbl2
 #3d. cp $UV/dat1/testdropbl dat1/testdropbl3  # to test dropbl3

 #4a. dropbl0 dat1/testdropbl0  <-- drop all blank lines (sed)
 #4b. dropbl1 dat1/testdropbl1  <-- drop all blank lines (uvcp option b2)
 #4c. dropbl2 dat1/testdropbl2  <-- reduce multi-blank lines to 1 (uvcp option b1)
 #4d. dropbl3 dat1/testdropbl3 c1 <-- drop COBOL blank '*' comments (uvcopy)
      ===========================     as well as blank lines

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dat1/testdropbl demo INPUT file

 # testdropbl - test scripts to drop blank lines
 #            - see scripts dropbl0, dropbl1, dropbl2, dropbl3

# dropbl0 - uses 'sed' to drop all blank lines

# dropbl1 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b2' to drop all blank lines

# dropbl2 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b1' to reduce multi blank lines to 1

# dropbl3 - uses 'uvcopy' to drop all blank lines & all '*' COBOL comments

# begin test drop COBOL '*' comment blank lines (uvcopy) * # end of test file testdropbl

OUTPUT file tmp/testdropbl0 & 1 (same)

 # testdropbl - test scripts to drop blank lines
 #            - see scripts dropbl0, dropbl1, dropbl2, dropbl3
 # dropbl0 - uses 'sed' to drop all blank lines
 # dropbl1 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b2' to drop all blank lines
 # dropbl2 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b1' to reduce multi blank lines to 1
 # dropbl3 - uses 'uvcopy' to drop all blank lines & all '*' COBOL comments
 # begin test drop COBOL '*' comment blank lines (uvcopy)
 # end of test file testdropbl

OUTPUT file tmp/testdropbl2

 # testdropbl - test scripts to drop blank lines
 #            - see scripts dropbl0, dropbl1, dropbl2, dropbl3

# dropbl0 - uses 'sed' to drop all blank lines

# dropbl1 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b2' to drop all blank lines # # dropbl2 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b1' to reduce multi blank lines to 1

# dropbl3 - uses 'uvcopy' to drop all blank lines & all '*' COBOL comments

# begin test drop COBOL '*' comment blank lines (uvcopy) * # end of test file testdropbl

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OUTPUT file tmp/testdropbl3

 # testdropbl - test scripts to drop blank lines
 #            - see scripts dropbl0, dropbl1, dropbl2, dropbl3
 # dropbl0 - uses 'sed' to drop all blank lines
 # dropbl1 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b2' to drop all blank lines
 # dropbl2 - uses 'uvcp' option 'b1' to reduce multi blank lines to 1
 # dropbl3 - uses 'uvcopy' to drop all blank lines & all '*' COBOL comments
 # begin test drop COBOL '*' comment blank lines (uvcopy)
 # end of test file testdropbl

more info re dropbl_ scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See these scripts listed on pages https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#6H0 - 6H3.

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6V26. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v26 - translates

  • unix command to translate any specified characters to alternates
  • folowing scripts use 'tr' to translate all files in directory
  • translate to lower-case, copying all files to 2nd subdir
  • translate to UPPER-case, copying all files to 2nd subdir
  • uvcopy job translate to lower with options to inhibit within quotes
  • uvcopy job translate to UPPER with options to inhibit within quotes
  • uvcopy job with many options for lower/UPPER, clear 1-6, 73-80,etc

translate demos

 #1. Login yourself -->   /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir cbl0 cbl1 cbl2  <-- make subdirs in your homedir

 #3. cp /home/uvadm/mvstest/testlibs/cbl0/car1* cbl0
     - copy about 10 UPPER case COBOL programs to cbl0/ in your homedir

 #4. tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' <cbl0/car100.cbl >cbl1/car100.cbl
     translate 1 program from UPPER case to lower case

 #5. all2lower cbl0 cbl1
     - script to translate ALL files in directory to output directory
     - see script listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#4F1.

 #6. all2upper cbl0 cbl1
     - script to translate ALL files in directory to output directory
  • mainframe conversions need to inhibit translates within quotes
  • all2lower & all2upper do not have those options
  • tolower & toupper are uvcopy jobs that have these options & more

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tolower - uvcopy job to translate to lower

This job will translate any text file from UPPER to lower case with options to inhibit translation within single &/or double quotes, clear cols 1-6 &/or 73-80 (for COBOL).

 #7. uvcopy tolower,fili1=cbl0/car100.cbl,filo1=cbl1/car100.cbl,uop=o3b3
     - sample command to translate 1 file to lower case
     - with option 'o3' to inhibit translate within quotes
     - with option 'b3' to clear cols 1-6 & 73-80 (for COBOL programs)
     - displays option choices as follows:
  • default options - q1=prompt, o3=inhibit trl within quotes
  • inhibit uop prompt for option default change
  • blank out cols 1-6 (COBOL)
  • blank out cols 73-80 (COBOL)
  • blank out cols 1-6 & 73-80 (COBOL)
  • convert output filename to lowercase
  • inhibit translate within single quotes
  • inhibit translate within double quotes
  • inhibit translate within both single & double quotes
  • make first char of each word UPPER case
  • 'uvcopy tolower' command above translates only 1 file at a time
  • use the 'uvcopyx' script to repeat uvcopy for each file in directory

 #8. uvcopyx tolower cbl0 cbl1 uop=o3b3q0i31
     - option 'o3' to inhibit translate within quotes
     - option 'b3' to clear cols 1-6 & 73-80 (for COBOL programs)
     - option 'q0' inibits displaying option prompts for each file
     - option 'i31' inibits several other info messages
       & displays only file I/O names & record counts

See 'tolower' complete demo at https://uvsoftware.ca/cnvaids.htm#8C1 - 8C2 with sample input/output COBOL programs.

cleanup - uvcopy job with many options to process text files

See 'cleanup' demo at https://uvsoftware.ca/cnvaids.htm#2D1 - 2D2 with all options described & sample input/output COBOL programs.

 #9. uvcopyx cleanup cbl0 cbl1 uop=q0i7c5e15g8j1k1l1n1p1s8t1v1w4
     - mainframe COBOL conversion requires these options for optimum results
     - since there are so many a separate script is provided

 #9a. cleanupcbl cbl0 cbl1
      - same as above, with options coded in script

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6V31. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v31 - uvlist: print text files (programs,scripts,etc)

'uvlist' will format text files with page headings & many laser printer options for cpi, lpi, margins, Simplex/Duplex, Portrait/Landscape, etc. The formatted output is then piped to a printer near you.

Several scripts are provided (such as 'uvlp12') which include the pipe to the printer, so you can list your files with a minimum of keystrokes.

Many options are provided for laser printers, for example you can list 132 column reports on 8 1/2 width paper using the 'uvlp18' script which includes the option to print at 18 characters per inch, OR (better) use 'uvlp13LD' Landscape & Duplex for 132 columns across & 66 lines/page.

 uvlist saves you the frustration that can occur when you pick up a listing
 without page headings to identify the filename, when it was created,&
 who created it. Here is the 1st page heading from printing uvlist.doc
 - a text file of DOCumentation (unrelated to Microsoft Word .docs).

 /home/uvadm/doc/uvlist.doc now=140323:1654 uvadm pg#  1

uvlp13D - uvlist script to print UV doc

'uvlp13D' (1 of many scripts based on uvlist) is used to print the Vancouver Utility documentation as 13 chars/inch Duplex. Here is a sample command to print the documentation for 'uvlist'.

 uvlp13D doc/uvlist.doc   <-- command to format uvlist documentation
 ======================       & pipe to a printer as shown below

Here is the line in uvlp13D that calls uvlist with desired options:

 uvlist $1 p60$2 t4d1c13n-240$3 | lp $UVLPOPTN $UVLPDEST

'd1' is the Duplex option, 'c12' chars/inch, 'n-240' adjusts the back-side margin for 3 hole punched paper.

As you can apreciate script names such as 'uvlp13D' are a lot easier to remember than the options required to use 'uvlist' directly.

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samples of 'uvlist' scripts available

  • print at 12 cpi (90 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print at 13 cpi (100 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • my favorite for printing scripts & short programs
  • print Duplex at 12cpi
  • recommended for Vancouver Utility documentation
  • print at 14 cpi (110 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print at 14 cpi (120 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print at 18 cpi (135 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 12 cpi (128 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 12 cpi (135 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 14 cpi (150 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 18 cpi (180 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 18 cpi (200 chars on 11" wide)
  • LANDSCAPE & DUPLEX at 12 cpi (90 chars & 60 lines)
  • Landscape Duplex, 13 cpi, 8 lpi
  • Landscape Automatic
  • Simplex if lines < 1000, Duplex if lines > 1000
  • print all files in a Directory at 12 cpi
  • print all files in a Directory at 13 cpi
  • script to print multiple small files, combines as many
    small files as fits on a page & knows when next file
    won't fit & goes to newpage

See all documentation for uvlist at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvlist.htm

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listall1 - print multiple small files - demo

 listall1 archive/uvbriefs    <-- Example #1 (no report shown)
  - list ALL LINES of ALL files in directory: archive/uvbriefs/
  - options default to omit directory file list & print all lines

 listall1 archive/uvbriefs 'uv*' d1l3  <-- Example#2 (with report)
  - list files in archive/uvbriefs/ (arg1) with prefix 'uv' (arg2)
  - arg3 options 'd1' print directory & 'l3' only 3 lines per file

output report - in tmp1/archive_uvbriefs_uv_d1l3

 File#   Lines Directory/Filename
     1       8 archive/uvbriefs/uvcopy
     2       6 archive/uvbriefs/uvcp
     3       6 archive/uvbriefs/uvhd
     4       7 archive/uvbriefs/uvlist
     5       8 archive/uvbriefs/uvsort
     5 files,      35 total lines in  files in directory archive/uvbriefs
 FILE# 1 - archive/uvbriefs/uvcopy
 'uvcopy' - the most powerful Vancouver Utility. It is a 'general purpose'
 (can do anything) data manipulation utility. It gives you the power of assembler
 without the complexity. It interprets the instruction files for pre-programmed
           --- 3 lines printed of 8 total ---
 FILE# 2 - archive/uvbriefs/uvcp
 'uvcp' - command line data utility that can copy files, converting record
 formats between: fixed, variable, sequential, indexed, text, RDW, etc).
 uvcp provides record select, reformat, translate, etc.
           --- 3 lines printed of 6 total ---
 FILE# 3 - archive/uvbriefs/uvhd
 'uvhd' - file investigation utility that displays any file in vertical hexadecimal,
 and prompts for commands to browse,search,replace,update,select,print,count,etc.
 uvhd allows you to see characters not shown by text editors (control characters
           --- 3 lines printed of 6 total ---
 FILE# 4 - archive/uvbriefs/uvlist
 'uvlist' - utility for listing text files on laser printers. uvlist scripts
 are provided to print files at various cpi,lpi,margins,etc. For example,
 'uvlp13LD' will print mainframe reports (132 cols x 66 lines) on 8 1/2 by 11
           --- 3 lines printed of 7 total ---
 FILE# 5 - archive/uvbriefs/uvsort
 'uvsort' - sort utility for Unix/Linux with mainframe capabilities. The Unix
 system sort can not sort mainframe type files that do not have Linefeeds & may
 have packed decimal sort fields. uvsort has the functionality of mainframe SORT
           --- 3 lines printed of 8 total ---

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lpstat - show printer status

  • unix command to see status of printers & outstanding print requests
  • use option 't' to see all printers as well as your queues

 lpstat -t   <-- show status of all printers & login user requests
 =========     - sample display as follows:
 scheduler is running
 system default destination: lp0
 device for lp0: socket://
 device for lp01: socket://
 device for lp08: socket://
 lp0 accepting requests since Thu 15 May 2014 03:40:53 PM PDT
 lp01 accepting requests since Thu 01 May 2014 04:51:59 PM PDT
 lp08 accepting requests since Mon 10 Dec 2012 10:58:50 AM PST
 printer lp0 now printing lp0-12207.  enabled since Thu 15 May 2014 03:40:53 PM PDT
 	Connected to printer...
 printer lp01 is idle.  enabled since Thu 01 May 2014 04:51:59 PM PDT
 printer lp08 is idle.  enabled since Mon 10 Dec 2012 10:58:50 AM PST
 lp0-12207               uvadm           332800   Thu 15 May 2014 03:40:53 PM PDT
 lp0-12208               uvadm           332800   Thu 15 May 2014 03:41:02 PM PDT

allcancel - cancel login users print requests

'allcancel' is a VU script to cancel all outstanding print requests for login user. See the script listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#4F1. Here is a sample of use:

 allcancel    <-- no arguments required
 =========      - displays confirmation, sample below

lp08-12209 cancelled lp08-12210 cancelled lp08-12211 cancelled

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6V32. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v32 - uvlist: print text files on A4 paper (8x12) European/Asian

'uvlist' with A4 option formats text files with headings & laser printer options for cpi, lpi, margins, Simplex/Duplex, Portrait/Landscape, etc. The formatted output is then piped to a printer near you.

Several scripts are provided (such as 'uvlp12A4') which include the pipe to the printer, so you can list your files with a minimum of keystrokes.

  • 'uvlp' script names for A4 paper are similar to the 8 1/2 x 11 names
  • just append 'A4' onto the names for 8 1/2 x 11 paper

Many options are provided for laser printers, for example you can list 132 column reports on 8 1/2 width paper using the 'uvlp18A4' script which includes the option to print at 18 characters per inch, OR (better) use 'uvlp13LDA4' Landscape & Duplex for 132 columns across & 66 lines/page.

 uvlist saves you the frustration that can occur when you pick up a listing
 without page headings to identify the filename, when it was created,&
 who created it. Here is the 1st page heading from printing uvlist.doc
 - a text file of DOCumentation (unrelated to Microsoft Word .docs).

 /home/uvadm/doc/uvlist.doc now=140323:1654 uvadm pg#  1

uvlp12DA4 - uvlist script to print UV doc

'uvlp12DA4' (1 of many scripts based on uvlist) is used to print the Vancouver Utility documentation as 12 chars/inch Duplex. Here is a sample command to print the documentation for 'uvlist'.

 uvlp12DA4 doc/uvlist.doc   <-- command to format uvlist documentation
 ========================       & pipe to a printer as shown below

Here is the line in uvlp12DA4 that calls uvlist with desired options:

 uvlist $1 p60$2 t4d1c12n-240$3 | lp $UVLPOPTN $UVLPDEST

'd1' is the Duplex option, 'c12' chars/inch, 'n-240' adjusts the back-side margin for 3 hole punched paper.

As you can apreciate script names such as 'uvlp12DA4' are a lot easier to remember than the options required to use 'uvlist' directly.

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samples of other 'uvlist' scripts available

You can see the 'A4' scripts available as follows:

 ls -l $UV/sf/util/*A4*   <-- list uvlp A4 script available
  • print at 12 cpi (90 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • my favorite for printing scripts & short programs
  • print Duplex at 12cpi
  • recommended for Vancouver Utility documentation
  • print at 14 cpi (108 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print at 14 cpi (120 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print at 18 cpi (134 chars on 8 1/2" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 12 cpi (128 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 14 cpi (150 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 18 cpi (180 chars on 11" wide)
  • print LANDSCAPE at 18 cpi (200 chars on 11" wide)
  • LANDSCAPE & DUPLEX at 12 cpi (90 chars & 60 lines)
  • used for Vancouver Utilities hard-copy documentation
  • Landscape Duplex, 13 cpi, 8 lpi
  • Landscape Automatic
  • Simplex if lines < 1000, Duplex if lines > 1000
  • print all files in a Directory at 12 cpi

more info on uvlist & uvlp__ scripts

See all documentation for uvlist at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvlist.htm

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lpstat - show printer status

  • unix command to see status of printers & outstanding print requests
  • use option 't' to see all printers as well as your queues

 lpstat -t   <-- show status of all printers & login user requests
 =========     - sample display as follows:
 scheduler is running
 system default destination: lp0
 device for lp0: socket://
 device for lp01: socket://
 device for lp08: socket://
 lp0 accepting requests since Thu 15 May 2014 03:40:53 PM PDT
 lp01 accepting requests since Thu 01 May 2014 04:51:59 PM PDT
 lp08 accepting requests since Mon 10 Dec 2012 10:58:50 AM PST
 printer lp0 now printing lp0-12207.  enabled since Thu 15 May 2014 03:40:53 PM PDT
 	Connected to printer...
 printer lp01 is idle.  enabled since Thu 01 May 2014 04:51:59 PM PDT
 printer lp08 is idle.  enabled since Mon 10 Dec 2012 10:58:50 AM PST
 lp0-12207               uvadm           332800   Thu 15 May 2014 03:40:53 PM PDT
 lp0-12208               uvadm           332800   Thu 15 May 2014 03:41:02 PM PDT

allcancel - cancel login users print requests

'allcancel' is a VU script to cancel all outstanding print requests for login user. See the script listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts1.htm#4F1. Here is a sample of use:

 allcancel    <-- no arguments required
 =========      - displays confirmation, sample below

lp08-12209 cancelled lp08-12210 cancelled lp08-12211 cancelled

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6V33. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v33 - uvhd

'uvhd' is a file investigation utility. It displays any file in vertical hexadecimal & prompts for commands to browse, search, select, update, print, translate, acummulate fields, etc. uvhd is an interactive utility with 25 help screens - displayed by entering 'uvhd' with no filename or with the '?' command. See documentation at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvhd.htm

uvhd is especially valuable for unix/linux sites using file types imported from mainframes - fixed-length records with no LineFeeds that may have packed/binary fields (unix system utilities can not handle these file types).

Here we will present 3 examples of using uvhd for 3 different file types. First we will copy the 3 demo files from $UV/dat1 to dat1 in your homedir.

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp   <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #3a. cp $UV/dat1/custmas1   dat1   <-- copy demo file for ex#1
 #3b. cp $UV/dat1/vendormas2 dat1   <-- copy demo file for ex#2
 #3c. cp $UV/dat1/vendormas0 dat1   <-- copy demo file for ex#3

Ex#1 - fixed record length with packed fields

 #4. uvhd dat1/custmas1 r256  <-- display Customer N&A with packed sales
     =======================    - option 'r256' tells uvhd record-size to expect
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANA
      64 IMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|...
     128 .........W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}.......
     192 .E|...V}.......................f.....<........f.C 19950531
 rec#=1 rsize=256 fptr=0 fsize=8192 rcount=32
 Enter command, or ?=Help, q=quit, null=NextRecord -->
  • 24 x 5 byte packed fields in bytes 120-239 (This Year & Last Year sales)
  • 1st packed field 120-124 is x'001234567C' in horizontal hex.
  • calculate byte position by adding top scale to displacement on left
  • top scale of 1st byte x'00' is 56 + 64 (at begin line) = 120
  • these bytes are zero relative, would be column 121 for one relative
  • you can add 'export UVHDROP=g1' to your profile if you want 1 relative

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Ex#2 - display a Text file

 #5. uvhd dat1/vendormas2 t <-- display text file to see LineFeed x'0A' terminators
     ======================   - option 't' tells uvhd to expect Text file input
 rec#=1 rsize=20 fptr=0 fsize=225 rcount=8
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 DELL10 M  Dell Inc..
 rec#=2 rsize=27 fptr=20 fsize=225 rcount=8
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
      20 HP0010 M  Hewlett Packard .

Ex#3 - display fixed-length EBCDIC file

 #6. uvhd dat1/vendormas0 r64a <-- display EBCDIC file of 64 byte records
     =========================   - option 'r64' for record size 64 bytes
                                 - option 'a' translates char line to ASCII
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 DELL10 M  Dell Inc.
 rec#=1 rsize=64 fptr=0 fsize=512 rcount=8
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
      64 HP0010 M  Hewlett Packard
 rec#=2 rsize=64 fptr=64 fsize=512 rcount=8
  • option 'a' translates only the character line of the 3 lines groups
    displayed in vertical hexadecimal - the EBCDIC codes are displayed
    on lines 2 & 3 (zones & digits for each byte).
  • For example the 'D' of DELL is x'C4' in EBCDIC, but from prior
    ASCII file dat1/vendormas2, you can see A 'D' in ASCII is x'44'

uvhd commands

See uvhd commands (browse,search,select,update,translate,accumulate,etc) on the 25 help screens - displayed by entering 'uvhd' with no filename or with the '?' command. Also see complete documentation for uvhd at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvhd.htm

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6V34. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v34 - uvhdcob

 'uvhdcob' is similar to 'uvhd', but displays COBOL copybook field-names
 beside the data-field contents. The commands are similar (browse, search,
 select, update, print, acummulate fields, etc. uvhdcob has 22 help screens
 - displayed by entering 'uvhd' with no filename or with the '?' command.
 See uvhdcob documentation at the link given at the bottom of this page.

This uvhelp screen will present just 1 example as a quick reminder of the command line required.

 #1. Login --> your homedir
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp   <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #3. cp $UV/dat1/custmas1  dat1   <-- copy demo file to your homedir

 uvhdcob dat1/custmas1 mf/maps/custmas1
 rec#       1           occurs  bgn end typ<------ data (hex if typ=p/b) ----->
 001 cm-num                       0    5 n  130140
 002 cm-delete                    6    9
 003 cm-name                     10   34    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.
 004 cm-adrs                     35   59    1815 BOWEN ROAD
 005 cm-city                     60   75    NANAIMO
 006 filler001                   76   76
 007 cm-prov                     77   78    BC
 008 filler002                   79   79
 009 cm-postal                   80   89    V9S1H1
 010 cm-phone                    90  101    250-754-5531
 011 cm-contact                 102  119     LARRY WRENCH
 012 cm-thisyr-sales      1/12  120  124pns 001234567C
 013 cm-lastyr-sales      1/12  180  184pns 001234567D
 014 filler003                  240  255    C 19950531
 rec#=1 rcount=32 rsize=256 fsize=8192 fptr=0
 Enter command, or ?=Help, q=quit, null=NextRecord -->
  • by default, uvhdcob displays only the 1st occurs field
  • enter command 'o99' to display all occurrences of item occurs
    and/or 'g99' for all occurrences of group occurs.

uvhdcob commands

See uvhdcob commands (browse,search,select,update,accumulate,etc) on the 22 help screens - displayed by entering 'uvhdcob' with no filename or with the '?' command. See complete documentation for uvhdcob at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvhdcob.htm

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6V35. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v35 - uvcp

'uvcp' is a data file manipulation utility for record selection, reformatting, translation, numeric field conversions among packed/zoned/binary, etc. See complete documentation for uvcp at the link at the bottom of this page. This help screen will present only a few examples of uvcp instruction formats.

uvcp is often used to convert file types between TEXT (records terminated by LineFeeds x'0A', typ=LST), and FIXED-LENGTH (no LineFeeds, typ=RSF).

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp1 tmp2 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #2a. rm -f tmp1/* tmp2/* tmp/*   <-- or clear tmp*/* dirs if existing
 #3. cp $UV/dat1/vendormas2 dat1  <-- copy demo file to your homedir

Ex#1 - convert a text file to Fixed-Record-Length

 #4. uvcp "fili1=dat1/vendormas2,typ=LST,rcs=64,filo1=tmp1/vmas1,typ=RSF,rcs=64"

We need to use 'uvhd' to see the LineFeeds (x'0A') & confirm absence in output. We will show only the 1st record of the Input/Output files.

 #5. uvhd dat1/vendormas2 t <-- display INPUT file to see LineFeed x'0A' terminators
     ======================   - option 't' tells uvhd to expect Text file input
 rec#=1 rsize=20 fptr=0 fsize=225 rcount=8
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 DELL10 M  Dell Inc..

 #6. uvhd tmp1/vmas1 r64  <-- display OUTPUT file to confirm recsize 64 no LF's
     ===================    - option 'r64' tells uvhd expect fixed 64 byte records
 rec#=1 rsize=64 fptr=0 fsize=512 rcount=8
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 DELL10 M  Dell Inc.
  • the LineFeed in the last byte of the Input file x'0A'
  • uvhd shows '.' on the character line for any non-displayable byte
  • the prior byte x'2E' is a real period '.'.

 #7. uvcp "fili1=dat1/vendormas2,typ=LST,rcs=64,filo1=tmp1/vmas1,typ=RSF,rcs=64"

Example#1 (convert text to Fixed-Length) is repeated above, for comparison to Example#2 (Fixed to Text) which follows below.

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Ex#2 - convert Fixed-Record-Length to a text file

 #8. uvcp "fili1=tmp1/vmas1,typ=RSF,rcs=64,filo1=tmp2/vmas1.txt,typ=LSTt,rcs=64"
  • input 'typ=RSF' (Record Sequential Fixed) has no LineFeeds
  • output 'typ=LSTt' (Line Sequential Terminated) inserts LineFeeds
    (x'0A' as shown by uvhd for the input file to Ex#1 above)
  • option 't' of 'typ=LSTt' inserts the LF after the last non-blank
    (vs after the specified record-size 'rcs=64')
  • in the example above the 1st record is shortened to 20 bytes

Ex#3 - moving fields, inserting constants

 Given - tmp1/vmas1 as shown above by uvhd
 =====   DELL10 M  Dell Inc.
         00-05 = company-code, 07=status-code(M), 10-39=company-name

 Required - move status-code to byte 62
 ======== - shift company-name from 10-39 back to 07-36
          - insert date ccyymmdd in 50-57
          - change file type to 'typ=RST' which inserts LF in last byte
          - so both fixed length & a text file usable by unix utilities
            (best of both worlds)

 #9. uvcp "fili1=tmp1/vmas1,typ=RSF,rcs=64,filo1=tmp2/vmas2,typ=RST,rcs=64\

 #10. uvhd tmp2/vmas r64
 rec#=1 rsize=64 fptr=0 fsize=512 rcount=8
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 DELL10 Dell Inc.                                  20140326    M.

more info for 'uvcp'

Enter 'uvcp' with no arguments to see a short help screen with a few examples & a summary of the file 'typ's available. See complete doc for uvcp at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm

file 'typ' codes common to uvcp,uvsort,uvcopy,etc

  • Line Sequential Terminated by LineFeed x'0A', after specified recsize
  • same, but LineFeed inserted after last non-blank (shortens records)
  • Record Sequential Fixed record length
  • Record Sequential fixlth Terminated by LineFeed (OK if last byte unused)
  • Record Sequential fixlth Relative, LF extra, actual recsize=specified+1
  • Indexed Sequential Fixed record length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL)
  • Indexed Sequential Variable record length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL)
  • Record Sequential Variable length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL)
  • Variable record length with recsize in 1st 2 bytes binary (FTP option)

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6V36. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v36 - uvsort

'uvsort' provides powerful mainframe sorting capability to UNIX systems. The UNIX system sort is totally unsatisfactory for mainframe style data processing, because it cannot handle fixed record sizes without LineFeeds, cannot sort on packed decimal fields, cannot read or write Indexed files, and specifying fixed column sort fields is extremely awkward.

uvsort provides for 300 record selects (or deletes) that may be based on multiple and/or conditions comparing record fields to constants. uvsort also provides 400 instructions for reformatting records (move,add,subtract,etc).

Here we will present 3 uvsort examples, 1st we will copy the demo files required from $UV/dat1 to your homedir.

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #2a. rm -f tmp1/*  tmp/*    <-- or clear tmp*/* dirs if existing
 #3a. cp $UV/dat1/sales9 dat1     <-- copy demo file for ex#1 & 2
 #3a. cp $UV/dat1/custmas1 dat1   <-- copy demo file for ex#3

dat1/sales9 - test file for uvsort demos

          1         2         3         4         5         6
 130140    21 940802 IN111001  VAR001  000020 0000001 000000020
 139923    35 950802 IN111002  TAB013  000023 0003001 000069023
 150825    44 960804 IN1122    HAM001  000025 0005001 000125025
 201120    44 970807 CR5234    WHIP75  000027 0007001 000189027
 308685    21 990812 IN6605    SAW051  00001p 0000001 00000001p
 315512    44 000805 IN2251    CHR001  00001s 0003001 00003901s
 400002    85 010812 CR245     HAX129  00001v 0006001 00009601v
 406082    35 020815 IN33001   BBQ001  00001w 0007001 00011901w

uvsort ex#1 - sort demo file on product

 uvsort "fili1=dat1/sales9,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp1/s91,typ=RSF,key1=30(6ca)"
      - sort sales file on product 30-35 zero relative (31-36 one relative)
      - output records as follows:
 406082    35 020815 IN33001   BBQ001  00001w 0007001 00011901w
 315512    44 000805 IN2251    CHR001  00001s 0003001 00003901s
 150825    44 960804 IN1122    HAM001  000025 0005001 000125025
 400002    85 010812 CR245     HAX129  00001v 0006001 00009601v
 308685    21 990812 IN6605    SAW051  00001p 0000001 00000001p
 139923    35 950802 IN111002  TAB013  000023 0003001 000069023
 130140    21 940802 IN111001  VAR001  000020 0000001 000000020
 201120    44 970807 CR5234    WHIP75  000027 0007001 000189027

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uvsort ex#2a - sort on sales descending within salesman

 uvsort "fili1=dat1/sales9,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp1/s92,key1=53(9zd),key2=10(2)"
 - sort $sales Zoned decimal Descending within salesman Character Ascending (default)
 - output records as follows:
 - note that pqrstuvwxy in units of zoned decimal fields are negatives -0:-9
 201120    44 970807 CR5234    WHIP75  000027 0007001 000189027
 150825    44 960804 IN1122    HAM001  000025 0005001 000125025
 139923    35 950802 IN111002  TAB013  000023 0003001 000069023
 130140    21 940802 IN111001  VAR001  000020 0000001 000000020
 308685    21 990812 IN6605    SAW051  00001p 0000001 00000001p
 315512    44 000805 IN2251    CHR001  00001s 0003001 00003901s
 400002    85 010812 CR245     HAX129  00001v 0006001 00009601v
 406082    35 020815 IN33001   BBQ001  00001w 0007001 00011901w

uvsort ex#2b - allternate keys=(...) vs key1/2=...

 uvsort "fili1=dat1/sales9,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp1/s92,keys=(53,9,z,d,10,2,c,a)"
 - same as ex#2a, but illustrating alternate method of specifying keys
 - Character,Ascending default so ',c,a' can be omitted since last field
 - specify as ',,' if not last key, for example 'keys=(53,9,,,10,2)'

uvsort ex#3 - sort customer master by name & truncate output

 uvsort "fili1=dat1/custmas1,rcs=256,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp1/cusnames,rcs=35,typ=LSTt\
 - sort on customer-name 10-34, output only 35 bytes, just cust# & name
 - changing 'typ=RSF' Fixed 256 to 'typ=LSTt' Text file with LF in last non-blank
 - also deletes records with 'X' or 'D' in byte 8 (column 9)
 - use '\' continue long commands on 2nd line, but ',' must be in col 1 of 2nd line
 - 1st few records of output as follows:

input - 1st 8 records of 32


output - 1st 8 of 23 (9 dropped)


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uvsort field data types

  • alphabetic (case insensetive, lower & upper treated equally)
  • character ASCII (the default), same as Binary (bit by bit)
  • EBCDIC collating sequence (for ASCII data sort fields)
  • alternate collating sequence for DB2 UDB with some German characters
  • see exact sequence on page C3 of uvsort documentation (link below)
  • integer (2 or 4 bytes) Intel reversed byte architecture
  • packed decimal, sign in right nibble, x'0D' negative, else positive
  • sorts lower & UPPER case together with lower preceding each pair
  • syncsort compatible, exact sequence on page C3 of uvsort documentation
  • unsigned integer (length must be 2 or 4)
  • special field type for the Year2000 problem (2 digit years)
  • default window '50' years 50-99 = 1950-1999, 00-49 = 2000-2049
  • specify run option 'y__' to modify window
  • zoned decimal, sign in zone of units, x'40' bit negative, else positive

more info for 'uvsort'

Enter 'uvsort' with no arguments to see a short help screen with a few examples & a summary of the file 'typ's available. See complete doc for uvsort at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvsort.htm

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6V37. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v37 - uvcpfix1 & uvcpfix2

uvcpfix1 & uvcpfix2 are scripts to make it easy to change file-types, record-sizes, reformat records, translate, etc. These scripts use 'uvcp', but the coding required is much simpler than coding the uvcp comamnd directly (see examaples on help screen 'v34').

Ex#1 - uvcpfix1 convert text to Fixed

 Required - we need to create a new file of product codes & descriptions
 ========   for a COBOL program that expects fixed-length 32 byte records.

 Method - use the editor to create a text file of products & descriptions
 ====== - then convert the file to Fixed-Length using uvcpfix1

 Extra - also store a Line-Feed in the last byte for unix convenience
 ===== - not required for the COBOL program
       - but allows us to use unix utilities on a fixed length file
       - possible only when last byte unused

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)

 #3. vi dat1/products   <-- use editor to create text file of
     ================       product codes & descriptions, as follows:
      BBQ010   BAR-B-Q
      CHR015   LAWN CHAIR
      HAM010   CLAW HAMMER
        --- etc ---

 #4. uvcpfix1 dat1/products 32 RST
     - convert dat1/products from text to fixed-lenth in tmp/products
     - arg3 'RST' inserts LF x'0A' in the last byte
     - see all file-type codes at the end of this help file (v37).

 #5. uvhd tmp/products r32   <-- check output file with uvhd
     =====================     - note LF x'0A' in last byte
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 BBQ010   BAR-B-Q               .
 rec#=1 rsize=32 fptr=0 fsize=288 rcount=9

 #6. cp tmp/products dat1
     - save output file by copying back to dat1/products
     - overwrites input (could rename if desired)

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Ex#2 - uvcpfix2 change Fixed to Text & reformat records

 Given - customer master & sales history file (see uvhd of 1st record below)
 ===== - 256 byte records with 24 x 5 byte packed fields (thisyr & lastyr sales)
       - packed fields & no LineFeeds mean 'vi' can not be used

 Required - create a 'Customer Telephone List' from customer master & sales file
 ======== - customer#, customer-name, telephone#,& contact-name

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)

 #3. cp $UV/dat1/custmas1 dat1   <-- copy demo file to your homedir

 #4. uvhd /home/uvadm/dat1/custmas1  <-- inspect cust master file
     ==============================    - to see where desired fields are
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANA
          64 IMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|...
         128 .........W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}.......
         192 .E|...V}.......................f.....<........f.C 19950531
 rec#=1 rsize=256 fptr=0 fsize=8192 rcount=32

 #5. uvcpfix2 dat1/custmas1 256 65 LSTt 'mvc=35(30)90'
     - convert fixed 256 record to 65 byte text (1st 35 + 90-119)
     - we need to move (mvc) tel# & contact-name from 90-119 to 35-64
     - file type 'LSTt' inserts the Line-Feed after the last non-blank
     - instructions (mvc) must be enclosed in single quotes
     - writes output to tmp/custmas1 (for inspection & relocation if OK)

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 #6. vi tmp/custmas1     <-- inspect output (1st 3 records shown below)
      130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH
      132588    GEECOE GENERATORS        604-278-4488 HARRY LIGHT
      139923    JOHNSTONE BOILER & TANKS 604-320-1845 GEORGE BROWN

 #6a. uvhd tmp/custmas1 t <-- inspect with uvhd to see the LineFeed x'0A'
      ===================   - inserted after last non-blank
 rec#=1 rsize=61 fptr=0 fsize=1665 rcount=32
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       0 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH.
 rec#=2 rsize=58 fptr=61 fsize=1665 rcount=32
                  10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#    2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
      61 132588    GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICES604-278-4488 JOE LIGHT.

 #7. cp tmp/custmas1 dat1/custelephones
     - save output file by copy/rename from tmp/custmas1 to dat1/custelephones

file 'TYP' codes used by Vancouver Utiltiies

  • Line Sequential Terminated by LineFeed x'0A', after specified recsize
  • same, but LineFeed inserted after last non-blank (shortens records)
  • Record Sequential Fixed record length
  • Record Sequential fixlth Terminated by LineFeed (OK if last byte unused)
  • Record Sequential fixlth Relative, LF extra, actual recsize=specified+1
  • Indexed Sequential Fixed record length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL)
  • Indexed Sequential Variable record length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL)
  • Record Sequential Variable length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL)
  • Variable record length with recsize in 1st 2 bytes binary (FTP option)

more information

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments. See these scripts listed on pages https://uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm#T6 & T7

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6V41. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v41 - uvcopy - powerful data manipulation utility

'uvcopy' is a powerful (can do anything) data file manipulation utility. It gives you the power of assembler without the complexity. The uvcopy interpreter interprets/executes a parameter file of instructions - just edit & run (no compile required).

'uvcopy' is essential to running mainframe applications on Unix/Linux systems, because it can do many things not possible with the standard unix/linux utilities such as: processing 'packed decimal' fields, handling 'Indexed files' (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL),& field addressing by column# (common in mainframe utilities, but not in unix utilities).

sample uvcopy job - cleanupcobol

Here is a demo of sample uvcopy job 'cleanupcobol' which will sequence# in cols 1-4, clear 73-80, translate to lower except in quotes.

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir cbl1 cbl2    <-- make subdirs for demo
 #3. cp $UV/mf/cbls/car100.cbl cbl1  <-- copy demo COBOL to your homedir

 #4. uvcopy cleanupcobol,fili1=mf/cbls/car100.cbl,filo1=tmp/car100.cbl
     - test with demo input file supplied
     - here are 1st 5 lines of input & output

sample INPUT demo program

      000010 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                    CAR100
      000020 PROGRAM-ID. CAR100.                                         CAR100
      000030 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                       CAR100
      000040 INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                                       CAR100
      000050 FILE-CONTROL.                                               CAR100

sample OUTPUT

      0001   identification division.
      0002   program-id. car100.
      0003   environment division.
      0004   input-output section.
      0005   file-control.

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sample 'uvcopy job' (parameter/instruction file)

 # cleanupcobol - cleanup COBOL program source
 #              - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, March27/2014
 # uvcopy cleanupcobol,fili1=mf/cbls/car100.cbl,filo1=tmp/car100.cbl
 # =================================================================
 # Sequence# in cols 1-4, clear 73-80, translate to lower except in quotes
 # - this 'uvcopy job'  supplied in /home/uvadm/pf/demo/cleanupcobol
 # - test file for demo supplied in /home/uvadm/mf/cbls/car100.cbl
        opn    all
 # begin loop to get/process/put records until EOF
 man20  get    fili1,a0(100)        get next record
        skp>   man90                (cc set > at EOF)
        mvc    b0(100),a0           move in area 'a' to out area 'b'
        clr    b72(28),' '          clear anything past column 72
        clr    b0(6),' '            clear any existing seq#
        add    $ca1,1               increment for new seq#
        mvn    b0(4),$ca1           insert new seq# (4 digits OK)
        trlq3  b0(80)               translate to lowercase except in quotes
        put    filo1,b0(100)        write to output file
        skp    man20                return to get next record
 # EOF - close files & end job
 man90  cls    all

See all instructions documented at https://uvsoftware.ca/uvcopy3.htm

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pre-programmed uvcopy jobs

 There are over 500 pre-programmed 'uvcopy jobs' supplied with Vancouver Utilities.
 For example 'cobmap1' will convert COBOL copybooks to record layouts (cobmaps)
 - calculating & storing start/end/length bytes on the right-hand side.

cobmap1 - convert 1 or all copybooks to record layouts

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir cpys maps    <-- make subdirs for demo
 #3a. cp $UV/mf/cpys/acntmas cpys  <-- copy demo copybooks to your homedir
 #3b. cp $UV/mf/cpys/custmas cpys  <-- copy demo copybooks to your homedir
 #3c. cp $UV/mf/cpys/sales   cpys  <-- copy demo copybooks to your homedir

 #4. uvcopy cobmap1,fili1=$UV/mf/cpys/custmas,filo1=maps/custmas
     - convert 1 copybook at a time

 #5. uvcopyx cobmap1 cpys maps uop=q0i7
     - convert ALL copybooks in directory
  • as you can see it is easier (keyins) to convert all vs 1 at a time
  • 'uvcopyx' is a script that runs a uvcopy job for all files in directory
  • here is the output for just 1 of the 3 copybooks

output - cobmap (record layout)

 cobmap1  COBOL record layout            2014/04/04_21:16:37  pg# 0001
 mf/cpys/custmas                                RCSZ=00256  bgn  end  lth typ
 * custmas - cobol copy book for custmas file (see uvtrain.do
      10 cm-num           pic  9(6).                          0000 0005  006 n  6
      10 cm-delete        pic  x(4).                          0006 0009  004
      10 cm-name          pic  x(25).                         0010 0034  025
      10 cm-adrs          pic  x(25).                         0035 0059  025
      10 cm-city          pic  x(16).                         0060 0075  016
      10 filler001        pic  x.                             0076 0076  001
      10 cm-prov          pic  x(2).                          0077 0078  002
      10 filler002        pic  x.                             0079 0079  001
      10 cm-postal        pic  x(10).                         0080 0089  010
      10 cm-phone         pic  x(12).                         0090 0101  012
      10 cm-contact       pic  x(18).                         0102 0119  018
      10 cm-thisyr-sales  pic  s9(7)v99 comp-3 occurs 12.     0120 0124  005pns 9
      10 cm-lastyr-sales  pic  s9(7)v99 comp-3 occurs 12.     0180 0184  005pns 9
      10 filler003        pic  x(16).                         0240 0255  016

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6V42. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v42 - uvfix scripts - Easy way to use uvcopy

The 'uvfix' scripts make it easy to employ the powerful uvcopy instructions without having to program the uvcopy framework (file I/O, etc). You only need to enter the uvcopy instructions desired when prompted. See http://uvsoftware.ca/uvcopy3.htm for the 100 instructions available.

There are 4 'uvfix_' scripts (in /home/uvadm/sf/util/...) that call 4 'uvfix_' uvcopy jobs (from /home/uvadm/pf/util/...). The scripts make the command line as simple as possible - specify only the input file-name & record-size if fixed. The output files are written to the tmp/... subdir (in your current dir) where you can inspect & then copy back overwriting the input file if desired.

  • copy 1 Text file to tmp/... applying uvcopy instructions
  • then inspect (with vi tmp/...) & copy back if desired
  • copy ALL Text files from 1 subdir to a 2nd subdir
    while applying uvcopy instructions
  • then inspect (with vi subdir2/*) & change name to subdir1 if OK
  • copy 1 Fixed-Length file to tmp/... applying uvcopy instructions
  • then inspect (with uvhd tmp/...) & copy back if desired
  • copy ALL Fixed-Length files from 1 subdir to a 2nd subdir
    while applying uvcopy instructions
  • then inspect (with uvhd subdir2/...) & change name to subdir1 if OK

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First we will show you the test data files used for our 1st 3 uvfix1 demos. We are showing the instructions used, and on the next page we will give you the step by step operating instructions to sequence# tf/nameadrs3b to td/nameadrs3d.


         Justin Trudeau|24 Sussex Drive|Ottawa ON|K1Y2L6 Canada|
         John Horgan|501 Belleville St.|Victoria BC|V2V2L8 Canada|
         Doug Ford|6 Tettenhall Rd.|Toronto ON|M9A2C3 Canada|
         Donald Trump|1600 Pennsylvannia|Washington DC|20500 USA|
         Andrew Cuomo|138 Eagle St.|Albany NY|12242 USA|
         Bill Gates|500 5th Ave. N.|Seattle WA|98109 USA|


      fix b0(20),a0(100),4,'|'    <-- 1 instruction to convert above tf/nameadrs3a
      ========================      - to following tf/nameadrs3b
         Justin Trudeau      24 Sussex Drive     Ottawa ON           K1Y2L6 Canada
         John Horgan         501 Belleville St.  Victoria BC         V2V2L8 Canada
         Doug Ford           6 Tettenhall Rd.    Toronto ON          M9A2C3 Canada
         Donald Trump        1600 Pennsylvannia  Washington DC       20500 USA
         Andrew Cuomo        138 Eagle St.       Albany NY           12242 USA
         Bill Gates          500 5th Ave. N.     Seattle WA          98109 USA


      var b0(100),a0(20),4,';'    <-- 1 instruction to convert above tf/nameadrs3b
      ========================      - to following tf/nameadrs3c
         Justin Trudeau;24 Sussex Drive;Ottawa ON;K1Y2L6 Canada;
         John Horgan;501 Belleville St.;Victoria BC;V2V2L8 Canada;
         Doug Ford;6 Tettenhall Rd.;Toronto ON;M9A2C3 Canada;
         Donald Trump;1600 Pennsylvannia;Washington DC;20500 USA;
         Andrew Cuomo;138 Eagle St.;Albany NY;12242 USA;
         Bill Gates;500 5th Ave. N.;Seattle WA;98109 USA;


      add $ca1,10       <-- 4 instructions to sequence tf/nameadrs3b to tf/nameadrs3d
      clr b0(100)         - clear output area 'b'
      mvn b0(5),$ca1      - insert sequence# in 1st 5 bytes of output area
      mvc b6(100),a0      - copy input area 'a' shifting right 6 bytes for sequence#
         00010 Justin Trudeau      24 Sussex Drive     Ottawa ON           K1Y2L6 Canada
         00020 John Horgan         501 Belleville St.  Victoria BC         V2V2L8 Canada
         00030 Doug Ford           6 Tettenhall Rd.    Toronto ON          M9A2C3 Canada
         00040 Donald Trump        1600 Pennsylvannia  Washington DC       20500 USA
         00050 Andrew Cuomo        138 Eagle St.       Albany NY           12242 USA
         00060 Bill Gates          500 5th Ave. N.     Seattle WA          98109 USA

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uvfix1 demo - Insert Sequence#s

 #0a. Login as userxx       <-- Login as yourself
 #0b. Login as uvadm          - OR uvadm
 #0c. cd demo               <-- change to demo dir (if appropriate)
 #0d. rm -f tmp/* tmp1/*    <-- clear tmp dirs to receive output files

 #1. uvfix1 tf/nameadrs3b
        - copy a text file & modify via uvcopy instruction keyins
        - input rec in area a has already been copied to output rec in b
        uop=q1c0n99r8192 - user option defaults
              c1         - pass thru any "#" col1 #comment records
                n99      - output record limit (n99 special meaning **ALL** records)
                         - records counted in $ca10 & compared to option n
                   r8192 - recsize ONLY for Fixed-Length OUTPUT records if desired
                         - for Fixed-Length, reply RSF/RST at prompt(default text typ=LSTt)
                         - for Text files: accept default recsize & default typ=LSTt
        OPtion defaults  = q1c0n99r8192 -->   <-- null to accept or enter/override
        LSTt = typ default filo01 - null accept or enter new typ ?
    clr  b0(80)      <-- example: insert sequence#s in 1st 5 columns
    mvc  b6(80),a0   <-- example: mvc - MoVe Char a to b offset 6 right
    add  $ca1,1      <-- example: add - count records
    mvn  b0(5),$ca1  <-- example: mvn - MoVe Numeric seq# to 1st 5 bytes
                       - may use "skp?? getrec" inhibit output current record
                       - may use "skp?? EOF"    end job now before normal EOF
                    <-- enter instruction (or period "." end entries & execute)
 clr b0(100),' '
                    <-- enter instruction (or period "." end entries & execute)
 add $ca1,100
                    <-- enter instruction (or period "." end entries & execute)
 mvn b0(5),$ca1
                    <-- enter instruction (or period "." end entries & execute)
 mvc b6(100),a0
                    <-- enter instruction (or period "." end entries & execute)
 200425:164808:uvfix1: EOF fili01 rds=6 size=432: tmp1/nameadrs3b
 200425:164808:uvfix1: EOF filo01 wrts=6 size=468: tmp/nameadrs3b
 ----- enter: vi,cat,more,lp,uvlp13,etc --> cat
 00100 Justin Trudeau      24 Sussex Drive     Ottawa ON     K1Y2L6 Canada
 00200 John Horgan         501 Belleville St.  Victoria BC   V2V2L8 Canada
 00300 Doug Ford           6 Tettenhall Rd.    Toronto ON    M9A2C3 Canada
 00400 Donald Trump        1600 Pennsylvannia  Washington DC 20500 USA
 00500 Andrew Cuomo        138 Eagle St.       Albany NY     12242 USA
 00600 Bill Gates          500 5th Ave. N.     Seattle WA    98109 USA
 ----- output in tmp/nameadrs3b, copy to wherever required
 ----- OR copy/rename as appropriate

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uvfix Tips & Diffs vs uvcopy instructions

  1. You do not need to code the uvcopy framework instructions. The 'get', test EOF, 'mvc' inarea 'a' to outarea 'b', & 'put' are automatic

  2. You would code 'skp??' to test the results of many instructions such as: cmc, cmn, scn, rep, lok, tst, tsb (& many more, see uvcopy3.htm).

  3. Condition codes on 'skp??'s can be any of '=', '!', '<', '>', '<=', '>='

  4. Normally, you would not code the 'get' instruction since it is autoamtic, but you could code 'skp?? getrec if you wanted to bypass the automatic 'put' for the current record & get the next record.

  5. You can code 'put' instructions if desired to output multiple records on 1 input record cycle. You might then use special 'skp?? getrec' to inhibit the automatic 'put' for the current record.

  6. You cannot define labels (optional in cols 1-8 of uvcopy instructions) So, you can code the instruction operations starting in column 1

  7. The only goto labels allowed are 'getrec', 'putrec',& 'EOF'. - 'skp?? getrec' would inhibit output for the current record. - 'skp?? putrec' would inhibit further instructions for current record. - 'skp?? EOF' would inhibit processing any remaining records in the file.

  8. For most jobs you will address only area 'a' for Input records & area 'b' for Output records, but areas 'c', 'd', 'e' are reserved for your use. You could manipulate data in c,d,e,& move results to the output area 'b'. You could save data in c,d,e & address later when you reach desired data.

  9. No point in coding comments since the entries are not permanent - as for complete uvcopy jobs built with the editor & saved in a pf/directory.

  10. The output file is automatically wrritten to tmp/inputfilename in your current working directory & given the same name as the input file. You could however specify your preferred name on filo1=yourdir?/yourfilename?

  11. Also note that the complete uvcopy job (framework I/O + your instructions) is saved in tmp/inputfilename.pf - so you could copy the complete job to a permanent pf/... directory & re-run it as is, or edit it & rerun it.

  12. Best to remove all files from the tmp/... subdir in your current working directory (rm -f tmp/*) before running uvfix1 jobs that are unrelated.

  13. For uvfixA (process all files in a directory vs uvfix1 for 1 file), you must specify your input directory name on the command line & may specify your output directory name (or specify outdir as 'tmp2/' in current directory) so you could check outputs before copying to your intended outdir.

  14. The created uvcopy job is always written to tmp/indirfilename.pf, in case you want to modify & rerun (without having to re-enter your instructions).

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Easy way to drop CR's & shorten to last non-blank

Carriage Returns x'0D' can cause problems on unix systems (scripts can fail) & the trailing blanks are annoying. An easy way to remove the CR's & trailing blanks is to use 'uvfix1' for 1 file at a time or 'uvfixA' for all files in a directory.

Parm files FTP'd ASCII mode from the mainframe are blank filled to 80 bytes + CR x'0D' + LF x'0A' = 82 bytes. You can't see them with vi,cat,etc so use uvhd:

For example, we will use $UV/tf/prodmas0 (8 records of 82 bytes each). Here is the 1st record displayed by uvhd. Note the trailing blanks & the ending Carriage Return x'0D' + Line Feed x'0A':

 uvhd $UV/tf/prodmas0 t   <-- use option 't' for Text files (end record on LF x'0A')
 rec#=1 rsize=82 fptr=0 fsize=656 records=8
                 10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
   r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901
      0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q         0019500                                                  ..

 #0. Login --> /home/userxx

 #1. rm -f tmp/* tmp1/* tmp2/*   <-- clear tmp files

 #2. cp $UV/tf/prodmas0 tmp1/    <-- copy demo file to your $HOME/tmp1/...

 #3. uvfix1 tmp1/prodmas0        <-- run uvfix1 to remove trailing blanks & CR's
               - omitting several display lines for this documentation
               - until the prompt to enter instructions
      --> .  <-- No instructions required, just enter the '.' period
               - to signal end of instructions & proceed to processing
               - copies the file to tmp/prodmas0 (removing trailing blanks & CRs)

 #4. uvhd tmp/prodmas0 t     <-- investigate the output file
 rec#=1 rsize=31 fptr=0 fsize=248 records=8
                 10        20        30
   r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890
      0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q         0019500.   <-- confirming trailing blanks removed
        4453332445242522222222233333330     - and CR's x'0D' removed
        2210100212D2D10000000000019500A     - terminated by LF's only x'0A's

 #5. cp tmp/prodmas0 tmp1/   <-- could copy back overwriting original file
     =====================     - but dont do this in $UV (would destroy $UV testfile)
  • could use 'uvfixA' to process ALL files in the directory
  • while copying to a 2nd directory, uvfixA does not output to tmp (like uvfix1)

 #3a. uvfixA tmp1 tmp2 LST   <-- process ALL files in tf/* copying to tmp1/...
      ====================     - arg3 'LST' is the file type (Line Seqntl Terminated)

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uvfixA - modify ALL Text files in subdir

  • directory of COBOL programs /home/uvadm/mf/cbls

 Required - copy/modify 'ALL' COBOL programs in directory
 ======== - clear cols 1-6 & 73-80, sequence# in cols 1-4
          - translate to lower-case except in quotes

 #1. Login yourself --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir tmp1 tmp2      <-- make subdirs in your homedir
 #2a. rm -f tmp1/* tmp2/*   - or clear subdirs if existing

 #3. cp $UV/mf/cbls/car* tmp1  <-- copy demo progams to your subdir
     ========================    - 3 programs car100, car120, car200

 #4. uvfixA tmp1 tmp2 LSTt     <-- run uvfixA specifying I/O subdirs
     =====================       - reply to prompts as follows:
      uop=q1r8192n99999 - user option defaults
            r8192       - output reccsize for fixed length records typ=RSF/RST
                        - for text files: accept default recsize & default typ=LSTt
                n999999 - output record count limit (high# copies to EOF)
      User OPtion (uop) defaults  = q1r8192n999999

 #4a. -->null to accept or enter/override -->   <-- null reply, no options required
 #4b. -->did you create outdir (dflt tmp) --> y <-- reply 'y' to continue

 #5.      reply to instruction prompts as follows:
 #5a. --> clr   b72(8)      <-- clear cols 73-80
 #5b. --> clr   b0(6)       <-- clear cols 1-6
 #5c. --> add   $ca1,1      <-- increment line counter
 #5d. --> mvn   b0(4),$ca1  <-- insert seuw=ence# in cols 1-4
 #5e. --> trlq3 b0(80)      <-- translate to lowercase except in quotes
 #5f. --> .                <-- enter '.' to end keyins & execute

 #6. vi tmp2/*    <-- check results

sample INPUT - 1st 5 lines of 1st program

      000010 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                    CAR100
      000020 PROGRAM-ID. CAR100.                                         CAR100
      000030 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                       CAR100
      000040 INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                                       CAR100
      000050 FILE-CONTROL.                                               CAR100

sample OUTPUT - 1st 5 lines of 1st program

      0001   identification division.
      0002   program-id. car100.
      0003   environment division.
      0004   input-output section.
      0005   file-control.

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uvfix2 - modify 1 Fixed-length file

 Given    - dat1/custmas1 customer master record
 =====    - cust#, cust-name, address, city, prov, postal, tel#,& contact

 Required - create a telephone list with selected fields:
 ======== - cust#, cust-name, telephone#, contact

 #1. uvhd dat1/custmas1    <-- investigate Input file (1st record only)
     ==================      - need uvhd since packed fields & no linefeeds
                   10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#     1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
        0 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANA
       64 IMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|...
      128 .........W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}.......
      192 .E|...V}.......................f.....<........f.C 19950531

     uvfix2 filename options       <-- must specify at least 1 option
     =======================         - usually 'r' input recsize

 #2. uvfix2 dat1/custmas1 r256s65  <-- specify option 'r256' input recsize
     ============================    - & 's65' output recsize
                                     - or could enter at prompt below
      uop=q1n99r0s0      - user option defaults
            n99          - output record limit (n99 means all records)
               r0        - Input Record size must be specified
               r8192     - max record-size 8192
                    s0   - Output Recsize defaulted from Input recsize if s0
                    s80  - may specify a value to override the default from in recsize
      User OPtion (uop) defaults  = q1n99r0s0r256s65

 #2a. -->null accept or override -->      <-- null (options on command line)
 #2b. -->RSF = default file type --> LSTt <-- enter 'LSTt' for Text file output

 #3.      reply to instruction prompts as follows:
 #3a. --> mvc  b35(30),a90  <-- move tel# & contact to follow cust# & name
 #3b. --> .                 <-- enter '.' end instructions & execute

 #4. more tmp/custelephones    <-- display output file (in tmp/...)
      130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH
      139923    JOHNSTONE BOILER & TANKS 604-320-1845 GEORGE BROWN
      154689    FRANKLIN RESOUCES        604-666-5489 RON BENNETT
  • also see 'V36' 'uvcpfix2' that does the same thing with uvcp vs uvcopy
  • 'uvfixB' to process all fixed-length files in a directory is not
    illustrated here - see http://www.uvsoftware.ca/uvtrain.htm#5D1

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6V43. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v43 - listrec1,listrec2,listhex1,listhex2

Here are 4 pre-programmed uvcopy jobs to list long records 100 bytes per line with a scale & option for max number to list (default 3). The reports are stored in tmp/... with input filename & '.lst' suffix.

  • list text records, up to 4000 bytes, ended by Line-Feeds x'0A'
  • list fixed-length records up to 8192 bytes
  • list text records up to 4000 bytes, ended by Line-Feeds x'0A'
  • in vertical hexadecimal (3 lines/100 bytes, characters/zones/digits)
  • list fixed-length records up to 8192 bytes
  • in vertical hexadecimal (3 lines/100 bytes, characters/zones/digits)

We will illustrate the fixed-length jobs (listrec2 & listhex2) using the customer master name,address,& sales demo file ($UV/dat1/custmas1).

listrec1 - demo using dat1/custmas1

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)

 #3. cp $UV/dat1/custmas1 dat1   <-- copy demo file to your homedir

 #4. uvhd /home/uvadm/dat1/custmas1  <-- inspect cust master file
 rec#=1 rsize=256 fptr=0 fsize=8192 rcount=32
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANA
          64 IMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|...
         128 .........W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}.......
         192 .E|...V}.......................f.....<........f.C 19950531

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 #5. uvcopy listrec2,fili1=dat1/custmas1,uop=r256m2
     - run listrec2 with User OPtions r256 (record-size) & m2 (max recs to list)
     - listrec2 displays default options & prompts to allow option changes
 uop=q1r256l000m3s2t0  - option defaults
       r256            - recsize default 256 (max 8000, add 1 if Indexed)
           l000        - List size 000 defaults to record-size
           l100        - List size 100 would List FIRST 100 ONLY
                       - use "uvlp12L" Landscape 12cpi to print 100/line
               m3      - list 10 records Max & end job
               m99     - probably would not want to list high numbers
                       - "rop=c99" same (Run OPtion vs User OPtion)
                       - "rop=b99" could be used to Bypass records
                  s2   - space 2 (leave 1 blank line between records)
                  s1   - space 1 (no space between records)
                    t1 - Translate from EBCDIC to ASCII
 User OPtion (uop) defaults     = q1r256l000m3s2t0r256m2
 -->null to accept or enter/override --> r256m2 <-- could specify options here

 #6. vi tmp/custmas1.lst  <-- inspect output report
 listrec2 - list (100 bytes/line) file=dat1/custmas1 2014/03/31_08:51:24
 rec#:rcsz          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
 0001:0000 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANAIMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-55
      0100 31 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|............W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}........E|...V}
      0200 .......................f.....<........f.C 19950531
 0002:0000 132588    GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICESUNIT 170 - 2851 SIMPSON  RICHMOND         BC V6X2R2    604-278-44
      0100 88 HARRY LIGHT      ...h....8\........U\.............hl........p....#....%<........6.........G......
      0200 ...........................B.<..........A 20030430
  • any unprintable bytes (packed fields) are shown as '.' periods

 #6a. uvlp12L tmp/custmas1.lst  <-- alternative print report Landscape 12 cpi

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listhex2 - list in vertical hexadecimal

 #7. uvcopy listhex2,fili1=dat1/custmas1,uop=r256m2
     - run listhex2 with User OPtions r256 (record-size) & m2 (max recs to list)

 #8. vi tmp/custmas1.hex    <-- inspect output report
 listhex2 - list Vertical Hexadecimal file=dat1/custmas1 2014/03/31_09:12:07
                1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
 seq#  1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
 00001 130140    EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD.    1815 BOWEN ROAD          NANAIMO          BC V9S1H1    250-754-55
       31 LARRY WRENCH     ..4V|............W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}........E|...V}
       .......................f.....<........f.C 19950531
 00002 132588    GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICESUNIT 170 - 2851 SIMPSON  RICHMOND         BC V6X2R2    604-278-44
       88 HARRY LIGHT      ...h....8\........U\.............hl........p....#....%<........6.........G......
       ...........................B.<..........A 20030430

 #8a. uvlp12L tmp/custmas1.hex  <-- alternative print report Landscape 12 cpi

more information

You can see help screens for uvcopy jobs, by entering 'uvcopy jobname', example: uvcopy listhex2 (omitting ',fili1=filename). See these jobs documented on pages https://uvsoftware.ca/cnvaids.htm#7E1 & 7E2.

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6V44. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v44 - tabfix1,2,3 - replace tabs with blanks

'tabs' sometimes cause problems, for example tabs in COBOL programs cause compile failures. As a 2nd example, sometimes you want to reduce the default expansion of 8 to less (default 4), so you can view/print the file without the text expanding on to multiple screen lines or off the print page. There are 3 versions of this pre-programmed uvcopy job:

  • convert tabs to a specified number of blanks (4 default).
  • inserts blanks so next field at multiple of option t (default 4)
  • tabfix2 with option t8 duplicates appearance of tab files on unix
  • inserts blanks to place next field depending on a specified tab-rack

demo tabfix1

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx (your homedir)
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #2a. rm -f tmp/*       <-- &/or remove any existing tmp/ files

 #3. cp $UV/dat1/tabtest1 dat1   <-- copy demo file to your homedir
     =========================     - 1st 3 records shown below

 #4. cat dat1/tabtest1   <-- display demo file  with cat (or more, vi, etc)
 # tabtest1 - test file for uvcopy jobs tabfix1,2,3 to replace tabs with blanks
 #          - the tab line (between the === lines) has 1 tab between words
 # - unix utilities (vi,lp,more,etc) expand tabs to next multiple of 8, so
 #   it appears as if 7 blanks in 'a       bb', 6 blanks in 'bb      ccc', etc
           1         2         3         4         5
 a	bb	ccc	dddd	eeeee	ffffff	ggggggg	<-- tab x'09' delimited

 #5. uvhd dat1/tabtest1 t   <-- display demo file with uvhd
     ====================     - to see the tab characters x'09's
               10        20        30        40        50        60
      a.bb.ccc.dddd.eeeee.ffffff.ggggggg.<-- tab x'09' delimited.
       *  *   *    *     *      *       *  <-- '*'s added for emphasis

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 #6. uvcopy tabfix1,fili1=dat1/tabtest1 [,filo1=tmp/tabtest1]
     - run tabfix1 to expand each tab to 4 blanks (default)
     - output file will default to tmp/... with same name
      uop=t4   - option defaults
          t4   - replace each tab with 4 blanks (t1-t8 allowed)
      User OPtion (uop) defaults  = q1t4
      -->null to accept or enter/override -->   <-- enter null

 #7. cat tmp/tabtest1   <-- display output file
           1         2         3         4         5
 a    bb    ccc    dddd    eeeee    ffffff    ggggggg    <-- tab x'09' delimited

process entire directory

If you wished to convert all tabs in all files in a directory, you can use the 'uvcopyx' script to repeat tabfix1 for all files while copying from the input directory to an output directory. For example, if you wanted to convert tabs to 3 blanks on all scripts:

 #1. mv scripts scripts.old  <-- rename existing scripts subdir
 #2. mkdir scripts           <-- remake subdir for tabfix output
 #3. uvcopyx tabfix1 scripts.old scripts uop=q0i7t3
     options 'q0i7' inhibit prompts & reduce console messages

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$UV/pf/util/tabtest1 - uvcopy job listing

 # tabfix1 - uvcopy Parameter File from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/pf/util/
 # tabfix1 - convert tabs to blanks (1 to 8, depending on option t)
 # uvcopy tabfix1,fili1=infile,filo1=outfile,uop=t4    <-- command format
 # ================================================
 # uvcopy tabfix1,fili1=dat1/tabtest1,filo1=tmp/tabtest1 <-- demo defaults
 # =====================================================
 # uvcopyx tabfix1 indir outdir uop=q0i7t4 <-- uvcopyx script repeats for
 # =======================================     all files in directory
 opr='$jobname - convert tabs to blanks option t value 1-8'
 opr='uop=t4   - option defaults'
 opr='    t4   - replace each tab with 4 blanks (t1-t8 allowed)'
 uop=q1t4      #<-- option defaults
       opn   all
       mvn   $rt,$uopbt    load rgstr t with option t (no of blanks desired)
 # begin loop to copy records until EOF
 loop  get   fili1,a0(1024)           get current record
       skp>  eof
       mvc   b0(1024),a0              move input record to output area
       rep   b0(1024),x'09',c0($rt8)  replace any tabs with blanks ($rt value)
       put   filo1,b0(1024)           write record to output file
       skp   loop
 # end of file - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all

The uvcopy code for 'tabfix1' is listed here because it is short. If you have Vancouver Utilities installed, you can inspect other jobs such as tabfix2 or tabfix3, for example:

 vi $UV/pf/util/tabfix2

See tabfix2 & 3 documented at https://uvsoftware.ca/UVjobs1.htm#E2 & E3.

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6V45. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v45 - table summaries of counts & amounts by any argument

'table2' is a pre-programmed uvcopy job to table summarize record counts & any 2 qty/amt fields by any desired argument (dept, state, city, salesman, etc). table2 solicits the filename & options which define displacement & length of the table argument,& 1 or 2 fields to be accumulated. table2 then reads through the file & displays or prints the accumulated totals sorted & summarized to one line per unique key field value.

table2 demo - summarize qty & amt for dat1/sales2

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #2a. rm -f tmp/*       <-- &/or remove any existing tmp/ files

 #3. cp $UV/dat1/sales3 dat1   <-- copy demo file to your homedir
     =======================     - 1st 3 records shown below
            1        2         3         4         5         6
  cust# slsm#  date  invoice# product#    qty   price    amount
 130140    21 940802 IN111001  HAM001  00020+ 0000001 00000020+
 130140    21 940802 IN111001  SCR012  00021+ 0001001 00021021+
 139923    35 950802 IN111002  CHR001  00022+ 0002001 00044022+
  • Read the sales3 file, building a memory table by product# 30(6)
    of quantity 38(6) & $amount 53(9)
  • at EOF, write the table out to a file for display &/or print

 #4a. uvcopy table2  <-- minimum entry, will solicit filename & options

 #4b. uvcopy table2,fili1=dat1/sales3  <-- better to enter at least filename
      ===============================    - will prompt for options (see below)

 #4c. uvcopy table2,fili1=dat1/sales3,uop=a30b6c38d6e53f9g3r64
      - could enter all options required (with experience)
      - will be prompted to allow option changes (as follows)

script alternative

There is also a script'table2' (vs uvcopy job 'table2'), with easier syntax. Following script command #4d. is same as uvcopy command #4c. above.

 #4d. table2 dat1/sales3 a30b6c38d6e53f9g3r64

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table2 - option prompts

 uop=a0b0c0d0e0f0g0n0p0r0 - option defaults
 uop=a0                 - argument displacement (0 relative)
 uop=  b0               - argument length
 uop=    c0             - acum#1 dsplcmnt (omit c,d,e,f for counts only)
 uop=      d0           - acum#1 length
 uop=        e0         - acum#2 displacement (0 relative)
 uop=          f0       - acum#2 length
 uop=            g1     - edit all acums as qty (commas, no decimal)
 uop=            g2     - edit all acums as $ (commas & decimal point)
 uop=            g__    - table formats g1-g12 see uvcopy.doc tbf f1-f12
 uop=        n0         - argument n0=unpacked, n1=packed, n2=binary
 uop=        p0         - acum-fields p0=unpacked, p1=packed, p2=binary
 uop=          r8192    - input record size (max 8192)
 uop=              note - if file type LST specify r > largest possible
 uop=a30b6c38d6e53f9g3r64  <-- ENTER this for demo with dat1/sales3 file
 product#;quantity;amount  <-- ENTER this for demo Field Headings
 Summary of Qty & Amt by Product#  <-- ENTER this for demo Report Heading
 User OPtion defaults     = q1a0b0c0d0e0f0g0n0p0r0
 -->null accept or enter/override --> a30b6c38d6e53f9g3r64 <-- could enter here
 Enter fieldnames ';' separated --> product;qty;amount <-- enter fieldnames
 Enter report title --------------> Sales by Product   <-- enter report title

Output File written to: tmp/sales3_tbl_product Enter: more,print,uvlpr12,edit,null --> more <-- defaults to more

 table2  2014/03/31_10:07:25  sales by product
 tbl#0001  tblo1t1 n0($rn32)               -acum#1-   %        -acum#2-    %
 line#     count  %    1strec#  product        qty               amount
     1         3  15         8  BBQ001          39   39        3,310.39   73
     2         2  10        12  BIT075          26-  26-         860.26-  19-
     3         1   5         3  CHR001          22   22          440.22    9
     4         5  25         1  HAM001          41   41        1,390.41   30
     5         2  10         7  HAX129          10   10          600.10   13
     6         2  10        11  SAW051          24-  24-         560.24-  12-
     7         1   5         2  SCR012          21   21          210.21    4
     8         4  20         4  TAB013          17   17           29.83-   0
              20*100             *TOTAL*       100 *100        4,501.00 *100
  • this example illustrates the maximum options for table2
  • often all you want is the automatic record counts by argument
  • which would simply the comamnd line to:

 uvcopy table2,fili1=dat1/sales3,uop=a30b6r64

more info re table2

You can see a help screen by entering 'uvcopy table2' omitting filename. See table2 documentation at https://uvsoftware.ca/cnvaids.htm#4D1

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6V46. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v46 - addup any field by displacement(length)

  • accumulate any field by entering options for displacement & length
  • addup1 for Text files terminated by Line-Feeds (max recsize 4096)
  • accumulate any field by entering options for dsplcmnt,length,& recsize
  • addup2 for Fixed-Length record files (max recsize 4096)

addup1 demo

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir dat1 tmp     <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
 #2a. rm -f tmp/*       <-- &/or remove any existing tmp/ files

 #3. cp $UV/dat1/sales2 dat1   <-- copy demo file to your homedir
     =======================     - 1st & last records shown below
           1        2         3         4         5         6
  cust# slsm#  date  invoice# product#    qty   price    amount
 130140    21 990802 IN111001  HAM001  000020 0000101 000002020
 406082    65 030816 IN441     VAR200  00001y 0000101 00000191y
  • Read sales2 file, accumulate $amount cols 54-62
  • at EOF, display total (also writes total line to tmp/sales2.tot)

 #4a. uvcopy addup1  <-- minimum entry, will solicit filename & options

 #4b. uvcopy addup1,fili1=dat1/sales2  <-- better to enter at least filename
      ===============================    - will prompt for options (see below)

 #4c. uvcopy addup1,fili1=dat1/sales2,uop=b53c9e2
      - could enter all options required (with experience)
      - will be prompted to allow option changes (as follows)

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addup1 demo - enter options when prompted

 #4b. uvcopy addup1,fili1=dat1/sales2  <-- better to enter at least filename
      ===============================    - will prompt for options (see below)
  • default options
     b53c9e2 - demo options for dat1/sales2 text records $amt cols 54-62
     b53     - begin byte# (zero relative)
        c9   - field length
          e2 - decimal places to edit result

User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1b00c0e0

-->null to accept or enter/override --> b53c9e2 <-- Enter options for demo

 140514:170748:addup1: EOF fili01 rds=20 size=1280: dat1/sales2
 140514:170748:addup1: EOF filo01 wrts=1 size=59: tmp/sales2.tot

 EOF, records=20, total= 10,643.00 in 53(9) of: dat1/sales2
 - total displayed as above
 - also written to tmp/sales2.tot (1 line as above)

addup2 demo as follows:

 uvcopy addup2,fili1=dat1/sales1,uop=b53c9e2r64
 - addup2 for Fixed-Length records
 - dat1/sales1 64 byte records w/o LineFeeds

summary of addup/acum jobs available

  • accumulate any field by entering options for displacement & length
  • addup1 for Text files terminated by Line-Feeds (max recsize 4096)
  • demo above, see code listing at uvtrain.htm#6B3
  • accumulate any field by entering options for dsplcmnt,length,& recsize
  • addup2 for Fixed-Length record files (max recsize 4096)
  • similar to addup1/addup2, but provides more options for:
  • field types (numeric unpacked, packed, binary)
  • cross-footing multiple consecutive same size/type fields
  • see details at CNVaids.htm#8I1
  • generate jobs to accumulate ALL numeric fields in a file
  • automatically generated from the COBOL copybook
  • see complete details at DATAcnv1.htm#8G1

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6V81. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v81 - vi editor

Here is a 'vi' command summary, the minimum essentials you should know. See the 'man' pages for all commands & options.

TWO modes of operation - COMMAND or INSERT

  1. COMMAND mode - cursor movement, read/write files, etc

  2. INSERT mode - enter 1 of 'i,a,A,R,o,cw' to begin insert mode - enter text (insert or replace) - hit ESCAPE to end insert mode & return to command mode

It is most important to understand that vi has TWO modes of operation. Switch to INSERT mode using commands such as the following:

i=insert, a=append, R=replace, o=open new line, cw=change word.

Switch back to command mode using 'ESCAPE'. Make it a habit to hit ESCAPE as soon as you finish text entry. If in doubt (COMMAND or INSERT mode) - hit ESCAPE, it will do no harm if already in command mode (will beep).

starting 'vi' to edit a file

 vi filename   <-- starts vi, reads the file,& displays 1st screen
 ===========       (or blank screen if creating a new file)


                  k                       up-arrow
                  |                          |
            h <-- . --> l     left-arrow <-- . --> right-arrow
                  |                          |
                  j                     down-arrow
 ^d   - down 1/2 screen
 ^u   -  up  1/2 screen
  • I use '^' to represent the 'control key'
 :1   - goto line# 1
 :500 - goto line# 500
 G    - goto end-of-file
 0    - move cursor to begining of current line
 $    - move cursor to end of current line

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INSERT text (ESCAPE to end insert)

  • enter insert mode at cursor location
  • append text after cursor location
  • append text onto the end of the current line
  • replace 1 character under the cursor
  • automatically returns to command mode (no need to ESCAPE)
  • replace (overwrite) text until ESCAPE
  • change word (from cursor to end of word)
  • ESCAPE to end change & adjust line to new word length
  • open (insert) a new line BELOW the cursor
  • open (insert) a new line ABOVE the cursor

DELETE commands

  • delete character (under cursor)
  • delete current line
  • delete from the cursor to end of line

5dd - delete 5 lines (current & next 4 lines below cursor)

COPY lines (YANK & PUT)

  • yank current line (into current buffer)
  • move cursor to line above intended insert point
  • put (insert) buffer to line below cursor
 5yy - yank 5 lines into current buffer
     - move cursor to line above intended insert point
 p   - put (insert) buffer (5 lines) below cursor


  • delete current line (& store in current buffer)
  • move cursor to line above intended insert point
  • put (insert) buffer to line below cursor
 5dd - delete 5 lines (& store in current buffer)
     - move cursor to line above intended insert point
 p   - put (insert) buffer (5 lines) below cursor

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search commands

 /xxx - search for xxx anywhere in the file
      - search will wrap around EOF back to cursor location
  • repeat previous search (next)

substitution commands

 :1,$ s/xxx/yyy    - substitute 'xxx' with 'yyy'
                   - from 1st line to last line (1,$)
 :%s/xxx/yyy       - substitute 'xxx' with 'yyy'
                   - on ALL lines, '%' same as '1,$'
 :%s/xxx/yyy/g     - substitute 'xxx' with 'yyy'
                   - ALL lines ('%') & ALL occurrences on each line (/g)

Global command - to delete, print, etc

 :g/xxx/d          - on ALL lines (g=global), Delete lines with 'xxx'
 :g/xxx/p          - on ALL lines (g=global), Print lines with 'xxx'

miscellaneous commands

  • undo the last change command
  • Undo all changes to the current line (since cursor move to it)
 .  - repeat the previous change command
  • Join line below cursor onto current line
 :r file2 - read a file into the workspace
            (following the line with the cursor)
 ^+A - increment the number under the cursor
     - cursor can be anywhere on a multi-digit number
     - '^' represents the 'control key'
  • print the ASCII & HEX value of the character under the cursor

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MARK lines & copy

  • mark current line as a,b,c,... (any 1 of 26 alphas)
m a
  • mark current line as mark 'a'
  • can move cursor to some other line
  • mark new current line as mark 'b'
  • no need to leave space between mark command & mark letter
 'a          - goto mark 'a' (addressed by preceding with sungle quote)
             - NO preceding ':' as on following commands
 :'a,'b      - address a range of lines from previously marked a & b
             - may use with 'move' & 'copy' as follows:
 :'a,'b m .  - move lines from mark 'a' thru mark 'b' to follow current line
             - deletes original lines
 :'a,'b co . - copy lines from mark 'a' thru mark 'b' to follow current line
             - preserves original lines

MARK lines, write to tmp/, read into 2nd file

vim dir/file1 <-- edit file1

  • mark desired start line as mark 'a'
  • move cursor to some other line
  • mark desired end line as mark 'b'

 :'a,'b w tmp/file1x  <-- Write selected lines to tmp/...
 :q                     - quit editing file1

vim dir/file2 <-- edit file2

 ...         - move cursor to line above desired insert

 :r tmp/file1x        <-- read lines (selected from file1) into file2
 :wq                    - write & quit

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registers a-z

Registers are addressed by preceding '"' double quote vs single quote for marks. Registers are handy for capturing data lines for later insertion as desired.

 "a 5yy   - yank 5 lines into register "a
 "a5yy    - no need to leave space between register ID & Yank number & command
 "a p     - put contents of register "a (following current line)
 "A 2yy   - Append 2 more lines to contents of register "a
            (Upper case register Appends, lower case replaces)

registers to yank lines in file1 & put in file2

You can yank lines into registers (a-z) that will be preserved between files & between logon sessions (since stored in .viminfo file) (a very powerful feature that you should take advantage of).

vim dir/file1 <-- edit file1

 ...         - move cursor to 1st line desired

 "a5yy       - yank 5 lines into register "a
 :q          - quit editing file1

vim dir/file2 <-- edit file2

 ...         - move cursor to line above desired insert

 "ap         - put lines from register "a into file2
 :wq                    - write & quit

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 :w  - write workspace back to the file named on the vi entry command
 :w filename  - write workspace to a different file
 :q  - quit vi (warning if changes made without writing)

:wq - write & quit

  • write & quit (same as :wq)

:q! - quit without writing

vim References

'vim' is an enhanced version of 'vi', used on most Linux systems. On Linux 'vi' is usually an alias to 'vim'. Use '\vi' if you really want the old 'vi'.

 https://guru99.com/the-vi-editor.html  (nofollow)
 - excellent tutorial on 'vim'

 - another excellent tutorial on 'vim'

 - download everything about vim 3.8 MB .pdf file

 https://guru99.com/unix-linux-tutorial.html (nofollow)
 - many other tutorials on unix/linux

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6V82. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v82 - unix tips, Directory Housekeeping

It is extremely important to establish guidelines for directory design you are migrating to unix/linux. I suggest you adopt a set of conventions & housekeeping rules for your home-directory and other working-directories.

Here are a few directories to illustrate the rules suggested. Of course there would be several more subdirs in practise, especially for testlibs (working directory for mainframe conversion).

 /home/userxx      <-- Your homedir (your personal working-directory)
 :-----src           <-- your source programs
 :-----bin           <-- your compiled executables
 :-----data          <-- data files
 :-----sf            <-- Script Files
 :-----tmp           <-- temporary files, sort work files, etc
 :-----tmp1          <-- tmp1/tmp2 dirs for mass change demos
 :-----testlibs      <-- a working-directory (within your homedir)
 :     ;               - for mainframe to unix conversion project
 :     :-----cbls      <-- COBOL programs converted from mainframe
 :     :-----cblst     <-- COBOL compile listings
 :     :-----cblx      <-- COBOL compiled executables
 :     :-----data      <-- data files
 :     :-----sf        <-- Script Files
 :     :-----tmp       <-- temporary files

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suggested rules for working directories

  1. No files in your homedir or other workingdirs.

  2. All files should be kept in subdirs within workingdirs.

  3. Stay in the workingdir, do not change into the subdirs, address your files thru 1 level of subdir, because many scripts access multiple subdirs. For example you might edit a program & compile as follows:

 #3a. vi cbls/car200.cbl  <-- edit your program
 #3b. mfcbl1 car200.cbl   <-- compile the program

'mfcbl1' is the Vancouver Utility compile script for Micro Focus COBOL. It reads source from cbls/car200.cbl, writes the executable to cblx/car200.int, & the compiler listing to cblst/car200.lst - so you must be positioned above these subdirs for the script to access the subdir/files.

If you plan to edit multiple programs you might change into the subdir, but usually you will do 1 edit & then compile (2 commands) vs 4 commands if you change in, edit, change out,& then compile.

  1. Keep the number of subdirs in your workingdirs to a mangeable number. Nice if the subdirs fit on 1 screen for easy review.

  2. Setup a tmp/ subdir in your working dir to hold any temporary files which would clutter up your working dir. Use the tmp/ subdir whenever you need to write out parts of programs or scripts to be read into other programs or scripts. The tmp subdir is also used by uvsort to write its merge files (for large sorts).

Note that many Vancouver Utility scripts use the tmp/ subdir to write an output file for you to confirm results before copying back to desired destination.

  1. Clean out the tmp/ subdir frequently to make it easy for you to review outputs of scripts that write their outputs there for you to inspect.

  2. Note that when all files are kept within subdirs, then any file appearing in the working dir is an error situation needing investigation. For example JCL/scripts export the COBOL program logical name to the physical filename (usually in the data/ subdir). Any incorrect export results in the file being written with the logical name in the working dir where it attacts attention for investiagtion & resolution.

  3. Keep contents of a subdir 'pure' so we can mass change contents. For example cbls/ should contain nothing but source COBOL programs, cpys/ should contain nothing but copybooks, jcls should contain nothing but JCL/scripts (Korn shells).

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6V83. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v83 - Vancouver Utilities home directory

 /home/uvadm        <--- usual installation (homedir of VU admin)
 /opt/uvsw/uvadm    <--- alternative installation
 $UV                <--- could be anywhere defined by $UV (/home/uvadm default)
 :-----bin             <-- binaries (uvcopy,uvsort,etc), distros for RedHat Linux
 :-----ctl               - control files for various purposes
 :-----dat1              - test data files
 :-----doc               - Vancouver Utilities documentation (text)
 :-----dochtml           - documentation in HTML (same as on www.uvsoftware.ca)
 :-----env             <-- profiles for Unix/Linux users & administrators
 :-----hdr               - hdr files for C compiles
 :-----htmlcode          - merged into dochtml when text converted to HTML
 :-----lib               - libraries for C compiles (subfunctions,DISAM,etc)
 :-----mvstest         <-- test/demos for MVS JCL/COBOL mainframe conversions
 :     :-----...         - many subdirs omitted, see MVSJCLtest1.htm
 :-----pf              <-- Parameter Files for uvcopy & uvqrpg
 :     :-----adm         - administrative jobs
 :     :-----demo        - demo jobs
 :     :-----IBM         - IBM mainframe conversion jobs
 :     :-----util        - utility jobs
 :-----sf              <-- Script Files
 :     :-----adm         - administrative scripts
 :     :-----demo        - demo scripts
 :     :-----IBM         - IBM mainframe conversion scripts
 :     :-----util        - utility scripts
 :-----sfun              - ksh functions used in converted JCL/scripts
 :                       - jobset51,jobend51,exportgen0,exportgen1,logmsg1,etc
 :-----src             <-- Vancouver Utilities C source code
 :-----srcf              - C source for various sub-functions
 :-----tf                - test files for various examples in doc
 :-----tmp               - tmp subdir (test/demo outputs)
 :-----vsetest         <-- test/demos for VSE JCL/COBOL mainframe conversions
 :     :-----...         - many subdirs omitted, see VSEJCL.htm

Installing Vancouver Utilities & profiles required

See Installation at https://uvsoftware.ca/install.htm

 See profiles listed at https://uvsoftware.ca/admjobs.htm#1C0
 - env/stub_profile copied to your homedir & renamed .profile or .bash_profile
 - stub_profile calls common_profile from $APPSADM/env/common_profile
 - should copy profiles from $UV/env to $APPSADM/env & customize for your site
 - ensure your stub_profiles call common_profile from $APPSADM
 - to prevent loss of common_profile when new version of Vancovuer Utilities installed
 /home/appsadm              <-- setup user 'appsadm' (your site admin vs uvadmin)
 :-----env                    - copy profiles from /home/uvadm/env/...
 :     :-----common_profile   - common profile (called by stub_profile)
 :     :                      - customize as desired for your site
 :     :-----stub_profile     - copy to homedirs & rename .profile or .bash_profile

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  1. You may install the Vancouver Utilities anywhere desired if you change the definition of environmental variable '$UV' in the common_profile, for example:

      export UV=/home/uvadm        #<-- default (line 36 of common_profile_uv)
      export UV=/opt/uvsw/uvadm    #<-- alternate suggested

All subsequent references in the profiles use '$UV', for rexample:

      export PATH=$PATH:$UV/bin:$HOME/bin:$HOME/sf:...etc...
  1. Profiles provided for Vancouver Utilities reflect this directory structure. 'common_profile_uv' & 'stub_profile_uv' are distributed in the env/ subdir. Users can copy the stub_profile_uv to their homedir, renaming as .profile for Unix, or .bash_profile for Linux. See profiles listed begining at https://uvsoftware.ca/admjobs.htm#1C0.

  2. It is best to address Vancouver utility files using '$UV', for example, to copy a demo file to your homedir/subdir for test/demo/exercises:

      cp $UV/dat1/custmas1 data/
  1. The uvadm subdirs for 'sf' (script files) & 'pf' (uvcopy parameter files) are further sub-directoried as shown above, but there is no need for you to subdirectory sf & pf in appsadm or your homedir.

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6V84. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v84 - mainframe conversion directories

The following test/demo directories are supplied in $UV/mvstest/... We suggest copying to a subdir in your homedir for training & initial conversion/testing some of your JCL & COBOL programs.

 /home/uvadm/mvstest   <-- test/demo libraries supplied in /home/uvadm/...
 /home/userxx          <-- can copy to your homedir & run test/demos
 :-----testlibs        <-- super-dir of conversion sub-dirs
 :     :--UV--cbl0        - COBOL programs ('*' means files present)
 :     :------cbl1        - cleaned up, cols 1-6 & 73-80 cleared, etc
 :     :------cbl2        - cnvMF5 converts mainframe COBOL to MicroFocus COBOL
 :     :---ux-cbls        - copy here (standard source library) before compiling
 :     :------cblst       - cobol source listings from compiles
 :     :------cblx        - compiled COBOL programs (.int's)
 :     :--UV--cpy0        - for COBOL copybooks
 :     :------cpy1        - cleaned up, cols 1-6 & 73-80 cleared, etc
 :     :------cpy2        - cnvMF5 converts mainframe COBOL to MicroFocus COBOL
 :     :---ux-cpys        - copy here (standard copybook library)
 :     :--UV--ctl         - conversion control files (jclunixop51,cobdirectives)
 :     :------errs        - JCL converter writes ERROR reports here
 :     :--UV--jcl0        - test/demo JCLs supplied
 :     :------jcl1        - intermediate conversion 73-80 cleared
 :     :------jcl2        - PROCs expanded from procs
 :     :------jcl3        - JCLs converted to Korn shell scripts
 :     :------jcl4        - JCL/scripts with file info #cmts (I/O,recsize,Pack/Bin)
 :     :---ux-jcls        - copy here manually 1 by 1 during test/debug
 :     :------maps        - 'cobmaps' record layouts generated from copybooks
 :     :------pf          - uvcopy jobs to replace utilities (easytrieve,etc)
 :     :--UV--parm0       - control cards & includes (SORT FIELDS, etc)
 :     :------parms       - control cards with 73-80 cleared
 :     :--UV--proc0       - test/demo PROCs supplied
 :     :------procs       - will be merged with jcl1, output to jcl2
 :     :------sf          - for misc scripts you may wish to write
 :     :------sqls        - DB2/Oracle scripts to create/load tables
 :     :------tmp         - tmp subdir used by uvsort & various conversions
 :     :------xref        - cross-references (see XREFjobs.htm)
 --UV-- Marks subdirs containing UV Software demo files for conversion
        - COBOL programs, copybooks, JCLs, PROCs, Parms,& data
        - control files required for conversions or executions
  ---ux-  marks the most important outputs of the conversion
          most other subdirs can go away after the conversion is complete

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library subdirs for production (after conversion)

The previous page illustrated the many library subdirs requiired for conversion There were many because most conversions are multi-stage, but only the final stage subdir is required for production as shown below:

 /home/userxx        <-- do not use homedir for production
 /p1                 <-- should setup libraries in separate file system
 :-----testlibs         <-- libraries for JCL & COBOL conversions
 :-----prodlibs         <-- rename to prodlibs or just libs
 :     :------cbls        - COBOL program source
 :     :------cblst       - cobol source listings from compiles
 :     :------cblx        - compiled COBOL programs
 :     :------parms       - SYSIN modules (control cards)
 :     :------cpys        - COBOL copybooks
 :     :------ctl         - control files (cobdirectives,etc)
 :     :------jcls        - JCL/scripts (Korn shells converted from JCLs)
 :     :------pf          - uvcopy jobs to replace misc utilities
 :     :------sf          - for misc scripts for admin, maintenance, etc
 :     :------sqls        - DB2/Oracle scripts to create/load tables
 :     :------tmp         - tmp subdir used by uvsort & misc
 :     :------xref        - cross-refs (JCL/scripts,COBOLs,copybooks,etc)

data subdirs for test/demo executions

 /home/userxx        <-- do not use homedir for production
 /p2                 <-- should setup data in separate file system
 :-----testdata         <-- data dirs (defined as $RUNDATA in JCL/scripts)
 :-----proddata         <-- rename to proddata
 :     :------data        - datafiles
 :     :------ctl         - GDG control file
 :     :------joblog      - programmer debug log files
 :     :------jobmsgs     - status msgs from JCL/scripts
 :     :------jobtimes    - job/step times date stamped history files
 :     :------jobtmp      - temporary files for SYSIN instream data
 :     :------sysout      - SYSOUT printer files
 :     :------tmp         - tmp subdir for uvsort & misc use

subdirs for DATA conversion

 /home/userxx        <-- do not use homedir for real conversion
 /p3                 <-- should setup data in separate file system
 :-----cnvdata          <-- data conversion superdir $CNVDATA
 :     :-----d1ebc        - EBCDIC files from mainframe for conversion
 :     :-----d2asc        - files converted to ASCII with same record layout
 :     :-----d3ebc        - files converted back to EBCDIC for return to mainframe
 :     :-----d4pipe       - data files converted to '|' pipe delimited format
 :     :-----cpys         - COBOL copybooks
 :     :-----maps         - cobmaps (record layouts) generated from copybooks
 :     :-----pfx1         - uvcopy jobs to convert EBCDIC to ASCII (gen from cobmaps)
 :     :-----pfp1         - uvcopy jobs to convert to pipe delimited (from copybooks)
 :     :-----sqlTC1       - scripts to CREATE SQL tables (generated from copybooks)
 :     :-----sqlTL1       - scripts to  LOAD  SQL tables (generated from copybooks)

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setup directories for test/demo conversions

 #1. login yourself --> /home/userxx

 #2a. mkdir testlibs   <-- make superdir for JCL/COBOL subdirs
 #2b. mkdir testdata   <-- make superdir for DATA subdirs
 #2c. mkdir cnvdata    <-- make superdir for DATA conversion

 #3a. cdl     <-- alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS' --> cd testlibs

 #3b. mvslibsdirs  <-- setup 30 subdirs for JCL & COBOL conversions

 #4a. cdd     <-- alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA' --> cd testdata

 #4b. mvsdatadirs  <-- setup 12 DATA subdirs for later execution JCL/scripts

 #5a. cdc     <-- alias cdd='cd $CNVDATA' --> cd cnvdata

 #5b. cnvdatadirs  <-- setup 30 subdirs for DATA conversion EBCDIC to ASCII

 #6a. cdl     <-- alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS' --> cd testlibs

 #6b. copymvsctls  <-- script to copy control files from /home/uvadm/ctl
      ===========      to $RUNLIBS/ctl/...

 #6c. l ctl        <-- list ctlfiles copied to $RUNLIBS/ctl/...
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 userxx apps  3993 Oct 17 09:28 cnvcob5.tbl
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 userxx apps  1989 Oct 17 09:28 cobdirectives
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 userxx apps  2586 Oct 17 09:28 extfh.cfg
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 userxx apps 15337 Oct 17 09:28 jclunixop51

 #7. vi ctl/jclunixop51  <-- customize JCL converter options ?

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links to mainframe conversion info

 - best place to begin learning about mainframe conversion of JCL,COBOL,& DATA
 - sample JCL/script conversions
 - shows original mainframe JCL & converted equivalent Korn shell scripts
 - operating instructions to perform the conversions of JCL & COBOL
 - converting EBCDIC DATA to ASCII preserving packed/binary fields
 - converting fixed-length records to pipe|delimited text files
   for loading database tables

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6V85. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v85 - JCL & COBOL Cross-References

  • script to run all cross-ref reports

JCL/script Cross-References

  • list all datafiles in each JCL/ksh/script
  • shows all JCL/ksh/scripts using each data-file
  • list all SYSIN/PARM modules in each JCL/ksh/script
  • shows all JCL/ksh/scripts referencing each SYSIN/PARM
  • list all PROCs executed in each JCL/ksh/script
  • shows all JCL/ksh/scripts executing each PROC
  • list all programs executed in each JCL/ksh/script
  • shows all JCL/ksh/scripts executing each program

COBOL program Cross-References

  • list all 'copy'books used in each program
  • shows all programs using each 'copy'book
  • list all 'called'programs called by each program
  • shows all programs calling each 'called'program
  • crossref all PROGRAMS using each external-file

COBOL Files Report

  • COBOL Files Report
    (not exactly a cross-reference, but a very useful report)
  • information extracted from all COBOL programs in directory
  • filenames, Input/Output, Org, Access, record size, copybook
  • all programmers should have a copy before starting test/debug

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sample xkshprog1 - programs executed in each script

 xkshprog1 ** list all PROGRAMs executed in each ksh SCRIPT **
 Keyword=progid:program  Exclude=~~ Include=~~ Skip=       page#  1
 jar100.ksh         car100
 jar200.ksh_2       car200          sort
 jgl100.ksh         cgl100
 jgl200.ksh_2       cgl200          sort
 jgl300.ksh_2       idcams          iebgener

**TotalFiles: 5, TotalWords: 8, TotalRefs: 8

sample xkshprog2 - all scripts executing each program

  xkshprog2 ** crossref to show all ksh SCRIPTS executing each PROGRAM **
  Keyword=progid:program  Exclude=~~ Include=~~ Skip=       page#  1
  Directory=/home/userxx/testlibs/jcl3 Options=q1a16b16c4e0d0j0l0s2w1a16b16c4d8j4l1q0i7
  car100           jar100.ksh
  car200           jar200.ksh
  cgl100           jgl100.ksh
  cgl200           jgl200.ksh
 *idcams           jgl300.ksh
 *iebgener         jgl300.ksh
 *sort_2           jar200.ksh      jgl200.ksh

**TotalWords: 7, TotalFiles=8, TotalRefs: 8

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sample xcobcopy1 - all copybooks used in each program

 xcobcopy1 ** list all COPYBOOKS in each PROGRAM **
 Keyword=copy:include  Exclude=unix Include=.cpy Skip=       page#  1
 car100.cbl       custmas.cpy
 car200.cbl_4     custmas.cpy     saledtl.cpy     sdline.cpy      stline.cpy

**TotalFiles: 2, TotalWords: 5, TotalRefs: 5

sample xcobcopy2 - all programs using each copybook

  xcobcopy2 ** crossref all PROGRAMS using each COPYBOOK **
  Keyword=copy:include  Exclude=unix Include=.cpy Skip=       page#  1
  Directory=/home/userxx/testlibs/cbls Options=q1a16b16c4e0d0j0l0s2w1a16b16c4e3l1q0i7
  custmas.cpy_2    car100.cbl      car200.cbl
  saledtl.cpy      car200.cbl
  sdline.cpy       car200.cbl
  stline.cpy       car200.cbl

**TotalWords: 4, TotalFiles=5, TotalRefs: 5

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sample COBOL Files Report

 cobfil51  ** COBOL Files Report ** Dir=cbls  2011/10/23_16:39:38
 progname.cbl DDname       OAM   open recsz  copybook.cpy  FDname / Key    lines
 car100.cbl   custmas      SS_   I___   256  custmas.cpy   custmas
 car100.cbl   nalist       L__   O___   120                nalist
 car200.cbl   saledtl      SS_   I___    64  saledtl.cpy   saledtl
 car200.cbl   custmas      IR_   I___   256  custmas.cpy   custmas
 car200.cbl          key->                                    cm-cust
 car200.cbl   salelst      L__   O___   120  sdline.cpy    salelst
 cgl100.cbl   acctmas      SS_   I___   128                acctmas
 cgl100.cbl   actlist      L__   O___   120                actlist
 cgl200.cbl   glmsold      SS_   I___   128                glmsold
 cgl200.cbl   glmsnew      SS_   O___   128                glmsnew
 cgl200.cbl   gltrans      SS_   I___    80                gltrans
                    ** Note re COBOL Files Report **

links to Cross-References info

 - more cross-references & operating instructions
 - complete documentation on cross-references

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6V91. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v91 - download & install uvhelp & uvscripts

The unix help menus & scripts are available to anyone (regardless of whether you are a Vancouver Utility customer). If you are a customer since April 2014, you already have the help menus with the normal install. If you are not a customer (or have an older version of Vancouver Utilites), You can download as follows:

 https://uvsoftware.ca/help     <-- display files in subdir help/
 =========================       - will see files within help/ subdir
 uvhelp           - main menu
 v11              - sub menus
 uvhelp.zip     <-- left click on zip file to save in Downloads directory

 https://uvsoftware.ca/scripts  <-- display files in subdir scripts/
 alldiff          - about 175 scripts in scripts/ subdir
 uvscripts.zip  <-- left click on zip file to save in Downloads directory

installing help menus & scripts

We assume installation in your homedir on unix/linux. You can also install on Windows systems if you have SFU (Services For Unix - a free download from Microsoft), which allow you to run Korn shell scripts on Windows systems.

 /home/userxx      <-- your homedir
 :-----help          - subdir for help menus
 :-----scripts       - subdir for scripts
 :-----sf            - alternative name for Script Files
                       (used by Owen Townsend - I like short names)

 #0. Login --> /home/userxx

 #1a. mkdir help
 #1b. cp /root/Downloads/uvhelp.zip help/
 #1c. cd help
 #1d. unzip uvhelp.zip
 #1e. cd ..

 #2a. mkdir scripts
 #2b. cp /root/Downloads/uvscripts.zip scripts/
 #2c. cd scripts
 #2d. unzip uvscripts.zip
 #2e. cd ..

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3. Add the help & scripts subdirs to your PATH

 #3a. vi .profile        - for Unix systems
 #3b. vi .bash_profile   - for Linux systems

 export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/help:$HOME/scripts

 #4. Download the Korn shell (free) if you do not already have it
    Note that the 1st line of all scripts is --> #!/bin/ksh

 - Look for the binary/executable version for your machine
   (AIX, HP, SUN, Linux, etc)
 - login as root & copy to /bin/ksh

 #4a. Alternative (to Korn shell) could create a symbolic link to bash
      As root you could --> ln -s /bin/ksh /bin/bash
  1. Login out & backin to make new PATH effective

  2. Test help menus - will give example for finding scripts to remove old files ('rmold1' - a script based on the unix 'find' command).

 #6a. uvhelp
      --> main menu displayed by more
      --> page down to submenu (v15) documenting desired actions
      --> determine script desired & arguments required
      --> q  <-- quit main menu

 #6b. rmold1        <-- Vancouver Utility script (using unix find)
      ======          - to remove files older than a number of days
      Entering scriptname with no arguments displays help for that script, so
      you can confirm arguments required, with no danger of executing anything.

 #6c. rmold1 /u3/backups +365 -f  <-- remove files older than 1 year from backups

 #6d. rmold1 /u3/backups +365 -i  <-- Alternative '-i' option for prompt
      ==========================      & reply y/n to remove each file

 #6d. mvold1 /u3/backups /u4/archive +365   <-- Alternative to MoVe vs ReMove

 #6e. lsold1 /u3/backups 365      <-- could also LiSt files before removing
      ======================          to first see files older than 365 days
  • The 'rmold1' script command above is the same as using the unix 'find'
    command directly as follows:

      find /u3/backups -mtime +365 -exec rm -f {} \:
      But how many of you can understand & remember this syntax ?
      The uvhelp menus & scripts makes actions like this much easier.

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6V92. Help Menus for Unix & Vancouver Utilities

v92 - Creating your own help menus

You can add help menus for unix commands not covered by uvhelp, or for your own applications, or for any commands that you would like to have an easy way to be reminded of the arguments required.

First decide on filenames for your help menus. The help menus supplied by UV Software are 'uvhelp' for the main-menu & 'v11', v12', etc for sub-menus. You might decide to have a main-menu named simply 'help' if (not alread used) & sub-menus named 'u11', 'u12', etc (for User menus). You can name your sub-menus anything desired, as long as the your main-menu name matches the sub-menu filename. Here is a diagram of suggested names:

 /home/userxx          <-- your homedir
 :-----help              - subdir for help menus
 :     :-----uvhelp    <-- main-menu for Vancouver Utility helps
 :     :-----v11         - 1st sub-menu for VU helps
 :     :-----...               --- etc ---
 :     :-----v99         - last sub-menu for VU helps
 :     :
 :     :-----help      <-- main-dir for YOUR help menus ('help' vs 'uvhelp')
 :     :-----u11         - 1st sub-menu for your User helps (u## vs v##)
 :     :-----...               --- etc ---
 :     :-----ftp         - OR you might name for the topic
 :     :-----payments    - OR your applications

It is incredibly easy to create the help menus. Simply insert "more <<'EOF'" at the beginning of your text, 'EOF' at the end, make the file executable,& store your new help file in the help/ subdir, which we showed in your homedir, but could be anywhere as long as it is in the PATH defined in your profile or the common_profile to make available to all users.

 #1. Login --> /home/userxx
 #2. mkdir help      <-- already present if VU help installed in your homedir

 #3. vi help/help    <-- create your main-menu
     ============      - can name your main-menu 'help' (vs 'uvhelp')
                         (if your site does not already have a 'help' menu)
     # help            - 1st line or 2 should hold filename & description
     # date,author,etc   (info preceding more <<'EOF' not to appear on helps)
     more <<'EOF'      - at begining of your help display (main-menu)
     u11. xxxxxxxxx    - your submenu names & short descripion
       ---etc---       - add as desired when desired
     u99. xxxxxxxxx
     EOF               - at end of your help file (main-menu)

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 #4. vi help/u11     <-- create your sub-menu(s)
     # u11             - 1st line or 2 should hold filename & description
     # date,author,etc   (info preceding more <<'EOF' not to appear on helps)
     more <<'EOF'      - at begining of your help display (sub-menu)
     u11. xxxxxxxxx    - your submenu names & short descripion
       ---etc---       - add as desired when desired
     u99. xxxxxxxxx
     EOF               - at end of your help file (sub-menu)
  1. Add the help directory to your PATH (if not already present)

 #5a. vi .profile        - for Unix systems
 #5b. vi .bash_profile   - for Linux systems

      export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/help
  1. OR add help directory to the PATH defined in the common_profile so all users can access

 #6a. vi /home/appsadm/env/common_profile

      export PATH=$PATH:/home/appsadm/help  <-- better to put common menus
      ====================================      in admin directory

sample User main-menu

 # help - help main-menu for ABC Corp (vs uvhelp for Vancovuer Utilities)
 #      - by Joe Blow, April 09/2014
 more <<'EOF'
                 ** help - main-menu for ABC Corp **
 u11. payment system
 u12. sales system
 u13. FTP instructions
       --- etc ---
 EoF   - end sample user main-menu (vs 'EOF' for this documentation file)

sample User sub-menu

 # u11 - help sub-menu for payment system
 #      - by Joe Blow, ABC Corp, April 09/2014
 more <<'EOF'
                   ** u11 - payment system **
 ----------- payment system instructions -------------
 --------------------- details -----------------------
 EoF   - end sample user sub-menu (vs 'EOF' for this documentation file)

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