A1. Introduction

B1. Pre-requisites and Game-Plan for record layout conversions.
reform1 - load original cobmap into an Indexed file for use by reform2.
reform2 - generate uvcopy job to reformat data file records, based on
  old cobmap (indexed file) & new cobmap (sequential input).
- new cobmap (copybook layout) has been modified as desired
  (expand date-fields, move fields, unpack fields, etc)
C1. Sample copy-books to demonstrate date field expansion (old/new)
C2.  Sample data file to test/demo the reform2 procedures (before/after)

sample uvcopy jobs generated from copybooks

D1. uvcopy skeleton job using option m0 (1 instruction per field)
D2.  uvcopy skeleton job using option m1 (combine same type fields)
D3.  uvcopy complete job with correct data file names (& ISAM keys if nay)
D4.  uvcopy complete job with option m4 (combine all fields between dates)
E1. Conversion Sub-routines provided for alpha/numeric/packed/binary fields
- conversions provided for all combinations
E2.  Options controlling century insertion, field conversions,
 & date formats (yymmdd default, options for mmddyy or ddmmyy)
E3.  Overriding generation time options on the bal rfm__ subrtns
(ie - overrid global default options for selected fields)
E4.  Table of date-field-names to controls date expansions.
- disabled, but could be reinstated
- date-fields recognized because of 2 byte length difference

Operating Instructions - for 1 FILE AT A TIME

F1. Preparation for generating reformat job (1 file at a time)
F2.  Generating & Executing a reformat (date expansion) job
F3.  Options for reform2 (generate reformat job from copybook)
- options controlling field expansions

Op. Instrns. for ALL CopyBooks & ALL Data Files

G1. Overview
G2.  Preparation for generating reformat jobs (ALL Files in Directory)
G4.  Generating reformat (date expansion) jobs
G5.  Executing reformat (date expansion) jobs
G6.  Alternative jobs (reform1a & reform1b) for sites that have duplicate
 fieldnames in copybooks due to qualification.

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REFORMjobs Generate reformat/expansion jobs from copybooks CONTENTS continued

Manual Changes for files with MULTIPLE RECORD TYPES

H1. Sample File & Copybook with redefined records for multiple record types
H2.  Sample uvcopy job generated from Copybook with multiple record types
H3.  Changes to uvcopy job required for files with multiple record types

Manual Changes for files with DATES in OCCURS

I1. Sample COPYBOOK for files with DATES in OCCURS
I2.  Sample uvcopy job generated from Copybook with DATES in OCCURS
I3.  Changes to uvcopy job required for files with DATES in OCCURS
I4.  Alternate (no obsolete) solution for files with DATES in OCCURS

Manual changes for MMDDYY & DDMMYY date formats

J1. Sample copybooks (cpy1/warmat2) before & after expansion
J2.  Sample data-files to illustrate problems
J3.  generated uvcopy job (pfr2/warmat2) before & after corrections
K1. genrfm1 - script to perform multiple steps to generate uvcopy reformat
 jobs (1 at a time). Intended for regens after correcting copybooks.
L1. Summary of uvcopy jobs documented in this section
- mkctlf1, cobmap1, reform1, reform2, reform2.sub, uvdata52
M1. Sample of the 'reform2.sub' sub-routines called by generated jobs

May99 version using 'bal' instructions to expand dates

  1. much more powerful field checking with much less code generated

  2. inhibits inserting century on fields with blanks,zeros,nines

  3. conversions provided between character,numeric,packed,binary

  4. may use for any record reformatting (not just date expansion)

  5. enhanced with options for dates in mmddyy/ddmmyy (vs yymmdd)

  6. documentation enhanced to illustrate manual modifications required for dates within occurs clauses.

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A1. REFORMjobs.doc - Generating data reformat (expansion) jobs from copybooks

These jobs will save you a lot of time (& money) whenever you need to modify record layouts. Two significant examples are converting mainframe records prior to loading Data-Bases & expanding date fields for the Year-2000.

For loading data-bases, you must convert any packed fields to zoned numeric and separate any redefined areas. For Year-2000 conversions, you may wish to expand all 2 digit years to 4 digits.

The 'reform2' job will automatically generate the uvcopy instructions to convert your records, based on two versions of the copybook (the original and your new desired layout). To convert packed fields to zoned, you would simply create a new version of the copybook with all 'comp-3's removed.

To expand date fields you would create a new version of the copybook with the date fields expanded (2,4,or 6 digits expanded to 4,6,or 8). When reform2 sees this situation, it will automatically generate the code to right adjust the data and to insert '19' in the first 2 bytes.

For sites that have 6 digit dates where the year may already have exceeded '99', there is an option to insert 19 or 20 depending on the 1st 2 bytes of the field greater or less than a pivot point (default 50). There is also an option not to insert the 19/20 if the field is blank/zero.

Non-standard dates requiring special processing are easily accommodated by these utilities. There is a standard instruction to convert between any 2 formats of calendar, julian, or days-since-1900. The interpretive instruction set has all the power to do whatever other manipulations you may need.

Please note the flexibility provided by generating interpretive instructions, and then giving you the opportunity to modify them when required. This is far more flexible than a black box utility that is designed to perform the task internally.

For files that have 'redefined' records, you will have to add code to test the record type & process the records accordingly. This can not be done automatically because the copybook does not include the record type info.

If desired you can also rearrange fields, because reform2 will read the new copybook sequentially, but randomly read the original copybook which is loaded into an indexed file (keyed on fieldname).

If your main interest is Year 2000, you should also see DATEjobs for COBOL source program problem detection, AGEjobs to create test files,& CMPjobs to compare directories of data files after 19xx/20xx testing.

If your objective was to convert a mainframe type file into an Oracle data-base, you would follow 'reform2' (to remove packed fields), with 'oracle1' to generate the control-file for SQL*LOADER. See DATAcnvt3.doc in volume 4 of the Vancouver Utilities documentation.

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B1. REFORMjobs.doc - Generating data reformat jobs - Game Plan

Game Plan

  1. Run 'cobmap1' (see COBaids.doc) on the original copybook. - the generated record layout will be saved in a temporary file for input to reform1.

  2. Run 'reform1', to load the original record layout into an Indexed file.

  3. Create copybook for new layout desired (copy/rename/modify original) - expand date-fields for Year2000 - remove 'comp-3's for loading databases - or any other record layout changes desired

  4. Run cobmap1 on the new copybook.

  5. Run 'reform2' - reads the new copybook layout sequentially (with new field positions). - chains to the indexed file by fieldname (to get old field positions). - generates uvcopy job to perform the required conversion. (expanding date fields, unpacking fields moving fields, etc)

  6. Execute the generated job.

    oracle1 - related job

The vancouver Utilities includes some other jobs that are somewhat similar to reform2, in that they automatically generate parameters from copybooks.

For example, see 'oracle1' in DATAcnvt3.doc of volume 4. This job reads a copybook & automatically generates the control file for SQL*LOADER.

If you are converting files from a mainframe, you would first use 'reform2' to unpack the packed fields which is required before loading into Oracle. (see details & illustrations in DATAcnvt3.doc of volume 4).

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C1. Generating data reformat jobs - Preview Illustrations

                Year 2000 Date-Field Expansion - Example

Copy-Book BEFORE expanding Date-Fields

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905081041  pg# 0001
 cpy1/warmas1                                      RCSZ=0064  bgn-end lth typ
 *warmas1 - warranty master record
     05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                        000-0005 006
     05 wm-prod             pic  x(6).                        006-0011 006
     05 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                       012-0029 018
     05 wm-purchase         pic  x(6).   <- 6 digit date      030-0035 006
     05 wm-policy           pic  x(8).                        036-0043 008
     05 wm-expiry.
        10 wm-exp-year      pic  9(2).   <- 2 digit year      044-0045 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-month     pic  9(2).                        046-0047 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-day       pic  9(2).                        048-0049 002 n  02
     05 filler001           pic  x(1).                        050-0050 001
     05 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(9).                        051-0059 009 n  09
     05 filler002           pic  x(4).                        060-0063 004
 *RCSZ=0064                                                       0064

Copy-Book AFTER expanding Date-Fields

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905081053  pg# 0001
 cpy2/warmas1                                      RCSZ=0068  bgn-end lth typ
 *warmas1x - warranty master record (warmas1 expanded dates)
     05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                        000-0005 006
     05 wm-prod             pic  x(6).                        006-0011 006
     05 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                       012-0029 018
     05 wm-purchase         pic  x(8).   <- expanded to 8     030-0037 008
     05 wm-policy           pic  x(8).                        038-0045 008
     05 wm-expiry.
        10 wm-exp-year      pic  9(4).   <- expanded to 4     046-0049 004 n  04
        10 wm-exp-month     pic  9(2).                        050-0051 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-day       pic  9(2).                        052-0053 002 n  02
     05 filler001           pic  x(1).                        054-0054 001
     05 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(9).                        055-0063 009 n  09
     05 filler002           pic  x(4).                        064-0067 004
 *RCSZ=0068                                                       0068
  • wm-purchase has been expanded from 6 digits to 8
  • wm-exp-year has been expanded from 2 digits to 4
  • As of May 99, reform2 requires 'cobmap1' vs 'cobmap' (now obsolete)
  • cobmap1 codes the 'digits' length as well as the 'bytes' length
    & changes layout from lth,typ,bgn-end to bgn-end,digits,typ,bytes

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C2. Generating data reformat jobs - Preview Illustrations

             Year 2000 Date-Field Expansion - Example

test file - original

                            pic x(6)    pic 9(2)
 12345 12345 sony television   970101 1-year 980101 000002995
 22222 11111 refrigerator      970101 2-year 990101 000004925
 33333 22222 dish washer       961231 3-year 991231 000006750
 33333 11111 refrigerator      970101 3-year 000101 000006750
 44444 33333 freezer           970101 4-year 010101 000009975
 55555 55555 clothes dryer     991231 5-year 021231 000055500
 66666 66666 blank dates              6-year        000066600
 77777 77777 zero/blank dates  000000 7-year 000000 000077700
 99999 99999 nines dates       999999 7-year 999999 000099900

test file - AFTER Date-Field expansion

                               pic x(8)    pic 9(4)
 12345 12345 sony television   19970101 1-year 19980101 000002995
 22222 11111 refrigerator      19970101 2-year 19990101 000004925
 33333 22222 dish washer       19961231 3-year 19991231 000006750
 33333 11111 refrigerator      19970101 3-year 20000101 000006750
 44444 33333 freezer           19970101 4-year 20010101 000009975
 55555 55555 clothes dryer     19991231 5-year 20021231 000055500
 66666 66666 blank dates                6-year          000066600
 77777 77777 zero/blank dates  00000000 7-year 00000000 000077700
 99999 99999 nines dates       99999999 7-year 99999999 000099900


  1. Century '19' '20' ' ' '00' or '99' has been inserted in the 2 date fields depending on the existing year & whether the field is blanks, zeros, or nines.

  2. Please see options on page 'F3' to override these defaults.

  3. You might need to modify the options controlling the conversions of alphanumeric, numeric, packed date-fields depending on the conventions at your site (allowing blanks/zeros/nulls in pic x,9, comp-3, etc).

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D1. Generating data reformat jobs - Preview Illustrations

                    Year 2000 Date-Field Expansion

uvcopy SKELETON job generated from Copy-Book

 opr='JOBNAME warmas1 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w5x1y0m0   <-- NOTE option 'm0' overrides dflt 'm4'
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(6),a0(6)               wm-cust
        mvc    b6(6),a6(6)               wm-prod
        mvc    b12(18),a12(18)           wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'
        mvc    b38(8),a36(8)             wm-policy
        bal    rfmnn,'a0046b04c04d0044e02f02','wm-exp-year'
        mvc    b50(2),a46(2)             wm-exp-month
        mvc    b52(2),a48(2)             wm-exp-day
        mvc    b54(1),a50(1)             filler001
        mvc    b55(9),a51(9)             wm-paid-amt
        mvc    b64(4),a60(4)             filler002
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

Note the 'bal' instructions used to expand the date-fields. These save a lot of inline code that older versions of reform2 used. The subrtns are included at run-time via the '@pf2=reform2.sub'. This keeps our generated jobs short, but allows the subrtns to do a lot more processing than was previously possible. Let us explain the bal parameters, for example:

        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purch-date'
  • subrtn name indicates alphanumeric to alphanumeric
  • output field displacement (zero relative)
  • output field length in bytes
  • output field length in digits (same here since alphanum)
  • input field displacement (zero relative)
  • input field length in bytes
  • input field length in digits (same here since alphanum)

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D2. Generating data reformat jobs - Preview Illustrations

uvcopy SKELETON job generated from Copy-Book

 opr='JOBNAME warmas1 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0m1   <-- NOTE option 'm1' overrides dflt 'm4'
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'
        mvc    b38(8),a36(8)             wm-policy
        bal    rfmnn,'a0046b04c04d0044e02f02','wm-exp-year'
        mvc    b50(4),a46(4)             wm-exp-month : wm-exp-day
        mvc    b54(1),a50(1)             filler001
        mvc    b55(9),a51(9)             wm-paid-amt
        mvc    b64(4),a60(4)             filler002
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

This is the same job (for the same 2 old/new copybooks/files) as shown on the previous page, but using option 'm1' to combine move instructions for same type fields into 1 'mvc' instruction. Note that wm-exp-month & wm-exp-day have been combined into 1 instruction (since both pic 9).

The filenames (FILEIN & FILEOUT) do not have to be coded here, since they will be specified on the command line (see op. instrns. a few pages ahead).

If we only want to convert 1 file (& if it is sequential) this is OK, but if we have many files, then it is better to add an extra generation step which completes the uvcopy skeleton jobs, adding correct data file names & indexed keys.

'reform2' generates the uvcopy skeleton job from the copy-book only & the real data file names & indexed file keys cannot be determined from the copybook alone.

'uvdata52' is the extra step which adds data filenames & indexed keys, which requires preparation of a control file to relate this info to the copybook names.

The 1st set of Op. Instrns in section 'F' is for '1 file at a time' & is intended as a demo. I recommend you use the 'ALL files in directory' Op. Instrns presented later in section 'G'.

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D3. Generating data reformat jobs - Preview Illustrations

uvcopy COMPLETE job generated from Copy-Book + CONTROL-FILE

 opr='warmas1 warmas1 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0m4   <-- NOTE option 'm4' max combine instrns
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'
        mvc    b38(8),a36(44)            wm-policy
        bal    rfmnn,'a0046b04c04d0044e02f02','wm-exp-year'
        mvc    b50(18),a46(18)           wm-exp-month : filler002
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

This example uses option 'm4' for maximum instruction combining all fields between Y2K date insertions. This is now the default, but you might want to use options m0,m1,or m2 when you are reformatting records for other purposes (such as unpacking packed fields for data-base conversions).

The previous pages illustrated the uvcopy 'SKELETON' job generated from the copybook. We call it a 'skeleton' because it lacks the correct data filename & any indexed key information.

This page illustrates the 'COMPLETE' uvcopy job with correct data filenames (& indexed keys if applicable). This requires preparation of a control file to relate this info to the copybook names (see sub-section 'G').

Note that the directory pathnames are not hard-coded, which gives us flexibility. Before you run the jobs, you would export the directories for example:

export UVDATA1=/home/uvadm/tstrfm/dat1

export UVDATA2=/home/uvadm/tstrfm/dat2

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D4. Generating data reformat jobs - Preview Illustrations

uvcopy COMPLETE job - sample for Indexed file

 opr='warmas8 warmas8 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0m4  <-- NOTE option 'm4' max combine instrns
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0070),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purch-date'
        mvc    b38(8),a36(0)             wm-policy
        bal    rfmxn,'a0046b02c02d0044e00f00','wm-exp-cent <-19/20'
        mvc    b48(7),a44(51)            wm-exp-year : filler001
        bal    rfmxx,'a0055b14c14d0051e12f12','wm-date-time'
        mvc    b69(1),a63(1)             filler002
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

This example is for an indexed file. Note that the fili1/filo1 declarations are coded with 'typ=ISF' (vs typ=RSF for sequential files). The 'l1' option on 'typ=ISFl1' is the read-only locking option. 'isks=0(11)' indicates that there is only 1 key in the 1st 11 bytes.

The information re file types & indexed keys (& correct data filenames) must be coded in a control file, since this is not available in the copybooks. Please see page 'G3' for information on preparing of the control file.

        bal    rfmxn,'a0046b02c02d0044e00f00','wm-exp-cent <-19/20'
  • the above instruction (with the <-19/20 flag) is generated when
    a new 2 byte field is found in the new copybook, but not the old.
  • this will insert 19/20 (or 00/99 if following by zeros/nines)
  • lengthening date fields is better than inserting new century fields
    since this bal might get the wrong start byte for 00/99 test
    (if following a redefines)

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E1. Generating data reformat jobs - Date Field Table

'rfm__' conversion examples

<-- generated instruction--> <---- op1 output----> <----- op1 input ----->

 rfmxx,a0030b04c04d0030e02f02 a/n  4   ccyy           <- a/n  2   yy
 rfmxx,a0030b06c06d0030e04f04 a/n  6   ccyymm         <- a/n  4   yymm
 rfmxx,a0030b06c06d0030e04f04 a/n  6   ccyymm         <- a/n  4   yymm
 rfmxx,a0030b08c08d0030e06f06 a/n  8   ccyymmdd       <- a/n  6   yymmdd
 rfmxx,a0030b12c12d0030e10f10 a/n 12   ccyymmddHHMM   <- a/n 10   yymmddHHMM
 rfmxx,a0030b14c14d0030e12f12 a/n 14   ccyymmddHHMMSS <- a/n 12   yymmddHHMMSS
 rfmnn,a0030b04c04d0030e02f02 num  4   ccyy           <- num  2   yy
 rfmnn,a0030b06c06d0030e04f04 num  6   ccyymm         <- num  4   yymm
 rfmnn,a0030b07c07d0030e05f05 num  7   ccyyjjj        <- num  5   yyjjj
 rfmnn,a0030b08c08d0030e06f06 num  8   ccyymmdd       <- num  6   yymmdd
 rfmnn,a0030b12c12d0030e10f10 num 12   ccyymmddHHMM   <- num 10   yymmddHHMM
 rfmnn,a0030b14c14d0030e12f12 num 14   ccyymmddHHMMSS <- num 12   yymmddHHMMSS
 rfmpp,a0030b04c07d0030e03f05 pak  4/7 ccyyjjj        <- pak  3/5 yyjjj
 rfmpp,a0030b05c08d0030e04f06 pak  5/8 ccyymmdd       <- pak  4/6 yymmdd
 rfmpp,a0030b08c14d0030e07f12 pak 8/14 ccyymmddHHMMSS <- pak 7/12 yymmddHHMMSS
 rfmbb,a0030b04c08d0030e04f06 bin  4/8 ccyymmdd       <- bin  4/6 yymmdd
 rfmbb,a0030b04c07d0030e04f05 bin  4/7 ccyyjjj        <- bin  4/5 yyjjj
      any combination of x,n,p,b conversions possible, for example:
 rfmpn,a0030b08c08d0030e04f06 num  8/8 ccyymmdd       <- pak  4/6 yymmdd
 rfmnp,a0030b05c08d0030e06f06 pak  5/8 ccyymmdd       <- num  6/6 yymmdd
 rfmbn,a0030b08c08d0030e04f06 num  8/8 ccyymmdd       <- bin  4/6 yymmdd
 rfmnb,a0030b04c08d0030e06f06 bin  4/8 ccyymmdd       <- num  6/6 yymmdd
 rfmpb,a0030b04c08d0030e04f06 bin  4/8 ccyymmdd       <- pak  4/6 yymmdd
 rfmbp,a0030b05c08d0030e04f06 pak  5/8 ccyymmdd       <- bin  4/6 yymmdd

             bal    rfm__,'a____b__c__d____e__f__','fname'
  • output field displacement (zero relative)
  • output field length in bytes
  • output field length in digits (same if alpha/num)
  • input field displacement (zero relative)
  • input field length in bytes
  • input field length in digits (same if alpha/num)

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E2. Options to control Century Insert & Date Formats

The default (global) options are established at reform2 generation time. These options are coded as the defaults on the generated uvcopy jobs.

The default options appear on line 2 of each generated job, for example:

 uop=g7n3p3s0w50x1y0    <-- default options from reform2 generation
     g0   - don't insert century
     g1   - insert century (if op1 lth = op2+2), presume 19
     g2   - insert century as 20 if yy < 50 (or optn w value)
     g4   - if yymm = 9999, insert century as 99
     g7   - all of above (g1+g2+g4)
     n0   - convert nulls/blanks in numeric fields to zeros
     n1   - retain nulls in numeric fields (output all nulls)
     n2   - retain blanks in numeric fields (output all blanks)
     p0   - convert null/blank packed fields to packed zeros
     p1   - retain nulls in packed fields (output all nulls)
     p2   - retain blanks in packed fields (output all blanks)
     s0   - sign in packed fields copied from input field
     s1   - signs in packed fields will be set to x'_C'
     s2   - signs in packed fields will be set to x'_F'
          - If option 's' is not specified on the rfmpp subrtn call
            signs in packed fields will be set to x'_C' or x'_F'
            depending on global run option rop=s0/s2 on the uvcopy job
          - the global default is rop=s0 (copy sign from last input field)
          - Micro Focus COBOL requires x'_C' for packed comp-3 signed,
            & x'_F' for packed comp-3 unsigned for linked executables
            ('.int's will compare correctly for either).
          - see 'mvn' doc in uvcopy3.doc in vol 2 of UVdoc
     w50  - Y2K pivot value to test insert 19/20
     x0   - retain nulls/blanks/zeros in alphanumeric fields
     x1   - convert nulls  in alphanumeric fields to blanks
     x2   - convert blanks in alphanumeric fields to zeros
     x4   - convert zeros  in alphanumeric fields to blanks
     y0   - date format YYMMDD (default)
     y4   - date format MMDDYY or DDMMYY
  • We have omitted some options which are not relevant to century
    insertion & date formats. All options may be seen on page 'F3'.

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E3. Options to control Century Insert & Date Formats

overriding default options on selected date fields

The global options may be over-ridden as required on selected date fields. We will illustrate using a date field expansion from the warmas1 job previously listed on page 'D1'.

    bal  rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'       <-- as generated
    bal  rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06w75y4','wm-purchase'  <-- modified

Note that we have inserted options to change the window from the default 'w50' to 'w75' & the date format from 'y0' for yymmdd to 'y4' for mmddyy.

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E4. Generating data reformat jobs - Date Field Table

date field name table in reform2

The 'reform2' uvcopy job includes the following table. (vi /home/uvadm/pf/reform2)

# load table of date field names for '19' insert determination lod=m6000(20) date~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ year~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ term~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fields that are <= 16 bytes long & that are being increased in length by 2 bytes are assumed to be date fields.

Previous versions of reform2 used this date field name table to determine if packed fields should have centuries inserted.

This is no longer used, since the new version now considers the digit lengths as well as the byte length.

Not using it means you don't have to worry about the names of date fields, reform2 will insert centuries wherever your new copybook has increased the length of the field by 2 bytes.

The table has been retained (but disabled) in case somebody wants to expand fields for other reasons & needs to limit century insertion.

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F1. Generating data reformat jobs - Op. Instrns. (1 at a time)

test/demo preparation - 1 FILE at a Time

The following files are supplied to test/demo reform1/reform2:

    uvadm/dat1/warmas1     - demo data-file supplied in 'tf' directory
    uvadm/cpy/warmas1    - demo copy-book supplied in 'cpy' directory

We will setup a test sub-directory (within uvadm directory), change into it and setup several sub-sub-directories. This will keep our uvadm home directory uncluttered & make it easier & safer to clean up after the test/demo.

Sub-directories are made for the different types of files, so that we can keep the same name as the original copybook.

Multiple sub-directories work especially well for the ALL Files in Directory generation since we can retain the same names as we convert copybooks to record layouts, to skeletons,& to complete jobs.

 1a. cd /home/uvadm     - change to the Vancouver Utility home directory
                          or use your home directory
 1b. mkdir tstrfm       - make a sub-directory for the test/demo
 1c. cd tstrfm          - change into it
                        - make sub-sub-directories
 2a. mkdir dat1         - for original (input) test data files
 2b. mkdir dat2         - for converted (output) data files
 2c. mkdir cpy1         - for the original copybooks
 2d. mkdir cpy2         - for new copybooks (dates expanded)
 2e. mkdir map1         - for 'cobmap's of original copybooks
 2f. mkdir map2         - for 'cobmap's of new copybooks
 2g. mkdir map1I        - for original cobmaps loaded into indexed files
 2h. mkdir pfr1         - for generated uvcopy jobs (to reformat data)
 2i. mkdir pfr2         - for uvcopy jobs (with filenames & indexed keys)
 2i. mkdir pfr3         - for uvcopy jobs requiring manual changes
                          (so we wont overwrite on mass regens into pfr2)

3a. cp /home/uvadm/cpy/warmas1 cpy1/warmas1 - copy demo copybook to subdir

3b. cp /home/uvadm/dat1/warmas1 dat1 - copy demo test-data file to subdir

4a. cp cpy1/warmas1 cpy2/warmas1 - copy copybook for revised layout

 4b. vi cpy2/warmas1                 - modify copybook for desired layout
                                       (changing 6 digit dates to 8, 2 to 4)

See demo job generation & execution on the next page --->

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F2. Generating data reformat jobs - Op. Instrns. (1 at a time)

Demo Operating Instructions

<-- See preparations on the previous page. (making demo sub-directories & populating with supplied test files)

 #1.  uvcopy cobmap1,fili1=cpy1/warmas1,filo1=map1/warmas1
                                - run cobmap1 for the original copybook

 #2.  uvcopy cobmap1,fili1=cpy2/warmas1,filo1=map2/warmas1
                                - run cobmap1 for the new copybook

 #3.  uvcopy reform1,fili1=map1/warmas1,filo1=map1I/warmas1
                                - load old map into an Indexed file

 #4.  uvcopy reform2,fili1=map2/warmas1,filr1=map1I/warmas1,
                                - generate uvcopy job to reformat data file
                                  see options explained next page --->

 #5.  uvdata52 job omitted for 1 at a time generation, see All files ahead

 #6.  vi pfr1/warmas1            - modify generated job as required
                                - add record-type tests for redefined fields
                                - hard-code I/O filenames if desired

 #7.  uvcopy pfr1/warmas1,fili1=dat1/warmas1,filo1=dat2/warmas1
                                - execute the job to convert the data file

 #8a. cat dat1/warmas1           - inspect original data with 6 digit dates

 #8b. cat dat2/warmas1           - inspect new data file with 8 digit dates
  • This '1 at a time' procedure is super-ceded by the 'All Files in
    Directory' procedures, documented in the next sub-section 'G'.
  • All Files procedures generate more complete jobs, simpler to run.
  • All Files procedures encode correct data file names, and identify
    Indexed files (vs presuming sequential).

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F3. Generating data reformat jobs - OPTIONS

 #4.  uvcopy reform2,fili1=map2/warmas1,filr1=map1I/warmas1,

Unless uop=q0 is specified on the command line, you will be prompted for option changes as shown below:

 uop=q1m2d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0     <-- option defaults
     m0              - generate separate mvc/mvn instrns for each field
     m1              - combine contiguous same type/lth/occurs flds into 1 mvc
     m2              - combine contiguous same lth flds (regardless of type)
     m4              - max combine to next expansion(y2K) or type change
       d2            - generate 'bal' to expand date field if op1=op2+2
         t0          - output typ=RSF (fixed rcsz, no LF terminator)
         t1          - output typ=RST (insert LF in last byte of rcsz)
           z1        - convert nulls to blanks (if record all display)
  --------- following may be overridden on bal rfm__ for selected fields
     g0              - don't insert century
     g1              - insert century (if op1 lth = op2+2), presume 19
     g2              - insert century as 20 if yy < 50 (or optn w value)
     g4              - if yymm = 9999, insert century as 99
     g7              - all of above (g1+g2+g4)
       n0            - convert nulls/blanks in numeric fields to zeros
       n1            - retain nulls in numeric fields (output all nulls)
       n2            - retain blanks in numeric fields (output all blanks)
         p0          - convert null/blank packed fields to packed zeros
         p1          - retain nulls in packed fields (output all nulls)
         p2          - retain blanks in packed fields (output all blanks)
           s0        - sign in packed fields copied from input field
           s1        - sign in packed fields will be set to x"_C"
           s2        - sign in packed fields will be set to x"_F"
             w50     - Y2K pivot value to test insert 19/20
                x0   - retain nulls/blanks/zeros in alphanumeric fields
                x1   - convert nulls  in alphanumeric fields to blanks
                x2   - convert blanks in alphanumeric fields to zeros
                x4   - convert zeros  in alphanumeric fields to blanks
                  y0 - date format YYMMDD (default)
                  y4 - date format MMDDYY or DDMMYY

User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1m2t0z0g7n0p0s0w50x1y0 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) ---> t1 <-- enter option changes

't1' inserts a LineFeed in the last byte of the record & is used for these demos so we can examine the output files using vi,cat,lp,etc. You could only use this if the last byte happens to be unused as in this case. (otherwise use 'uvhd', which must be used when packed fields present)

Options g,h,n,p,s,w,y appended onto the 'bal' instruction options override the global defaults selected on reform2 generation, for example:

        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06w30y4','wm-purchase'
 Note that options 'w30y4' has been appended to change for this field only.

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G1. Operating Instructions - ALL FILES in Directory

Preparations - Reformat All Files in Directory

Previously (in sub-section 'F'), we presented operating instructions to reformat 1 data file at a time. We will now present Operating Instructions for all copybooks & all data files, which is almost as easy to do as for 1 at a time. The operating instructions are actually simpler.

I recommend you use these 'ALL FILES in DIRECTORY' procedures at your site, even if you will subsequently use only a fraction.

The 'ALL FILES in Directory' procedures include 1 extra job 'uvdata52', which generates complete uvcopy jobs with actual data file names & indexed keys. The jobs will be renamed the same as the data file names, rather than the copybook names (note that there could be multiple files for 1 copybook).

You will be able to run these complete jobs simply by specifying the jobname:

 uvcopy pfr2/glmasterfile   - run job to reformat the 'glmaster' file

 uvcopy 'pfr2/gl*'          - run jobs to reformat all 'gl' files

Note that the previous 1 file at a time procedures required you to specify the data file names on the command line, for example:

 uvcopy pfr1/glmaster.cpy,fili1=dat1/glmasterfile,filo1=dat2/glmasterfile

If the files were indexed, you would have to specify the file type & keys:

 uvcopy pfr1/glmaster.cpy,fili1=dat1/glmasterfile\

This added convenience does require the preparation of a control file, to relate the copy-book-names to the data-file-names, but 'mkctlf1' is provided to generate the control file from the data file directory.

Mkctlf1 assumes that the copybook name is the same as the data file name, and you will have to make corrections where this is not the case. You will also have to correct the record sizes of sequential files since this cannot be determined from the directory.

 glmasterfile      cpy=glmaster.cpy  rcs=256 keys=(0,6,20,25)
 gltransactions    cpy=gltrans/cpy   rcs=100

Note that the record size of sequential files will be generated as 100 and you should investigate any rcs=100 for non-keyed files.

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G2. Operating Instructions - ALL FILES in Directory

<-- See descriptive overview of these procedures on the previous page.

test file subdirs provided in ~uvadm

 /home/uvadm              - Vancouver Utilities home directory
 /home/uvadm/cpy1/...     - demo copybooks provided with UV package
 /home/uvadm/ctl/...      - demo control files (will copy to tstrfm/ctl)
 /home/uvadm/tf/...       - test data files provided (copy to tstrfm/dat1)

You can run this test/demo by setting up a 'tstrfm' subdirectory in your home directory (or uvadm if only 1 user) & copying provided test files.

test/demo - preparation

 1a. cd $HOME       - change to your home directory
 1b. mkdir tstrfm   - setup super directory for test/demo
 1c. cd tstrfm      - change into it

make sub-dirs within 'tstrfm' super-dir

 2a. mkdir dat1     - test data input files
 2b. mkdir dat2     - test data output files (with expanded dates)
 2c. mkdir cpy1     - make subdir for original copy-books
 2d. mkdir cpy2     - make subdir for new expanded copy-books
 2e. mkdir map1     - for original record layouts (created from copybooks)
 2f. mkdir map2     - for new record layouts (created from new copybooks)
 2g. mkdir map1I    - indexed file versions of map1 record layouts
 2h. mkdir ctl      - control file (relates copybook names to datafile names)
 2i. mkdir pfr1     - uvcopy skeleton jobs (created from record layouts)
 2j. mkdir pfr2     - uvcopy completed jobs (filenames & keys from ctlfile)
 2k. mkdir pfr3     - for uvcopy jobs requiring manual changes
                      (so we wont overwrite on mass regens into pfr2)

copy demo copybooks to tstrfm/cpy1

3a. cp /home/uvadm/cpy1/warmas1 cpy1 - orig copybook - sequential file 3b. cp /home/uvadm/cpy1/warmas3 cpy1 - orig copybook - multi R/T file 3c. cp /home/uvadm/cpy1/warmas8 cpy1 - orig copybook - Indexed file

copy & modify original copybooks

 4a. cp cpy1/* cpy2      - copy all original copybooks to 2nd directory
 4b. vi cpy2/*           - modify copybooks to new record layouts
                         - expanding 6 digit dates to 8 digits, etc
  • If you want a shortcut for demo purposes, you could copy & rename
    the following copybooks (with dates already expanded)

4a. cp /home/uvadm/cpy1/warmas1x cpy2/warmas1 - expanded, sequential file 4b. cp /home/uvadm/cpy1/warmas3x cpy2/warmas3 - expanded, multi R/T file 4c. cp /home/uvadm/cpy1/warmas8x cpy2/warmas8 - expanded, Indexed file

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G3. Operating Instructions - ALL FILES in Directory

copy demo data files to tstrfm/dat1

5a. cp /home/uvadm/dat1/warmas1 dat1 - demo datafile - sequential file 5b. cp /home/uvadm/dat1/warmas3 dat1 - demo datafile - multi R/T file 5c. cp /home/uvadm/dat1/warmas8* dat1 - demo datafile - Indexed file

create control file for uvdata52

 6a. uvcopy mkctlf1,fild1=dat1,filo1=ctl/ctlrfm1
     # ctl/ctlrfm1 - created by mkctlf1 1998/12/21_13:42:01
     # - control file for vtocr1,uvdata52,AGEjobs,CMPjobs,REFORMjobs
     warmas1             cpy=warmas1             rcs=00100
     warmas3             cpy=warmas3             rcs=00100
     warmas8             cpy=warmas8             rcs=00064 keys=(0,12)

 6b. vi ctl/ctlrfm1  - correct the control file as required
                     - correct copybook names (if not same as datafile names)
                     - correct record-size of sequential files
                       (coded as rcs=00100, so easy to find with editor)
                     - change 'rcs=00100' to 'rcs=00064' for warmas1 & warmas3
  • If you want a shortcut for demo purposes, you could copy the supplied
    control file as follows:

 6a. cp /home/uvadm/ctl/ctlrfm1  ctl   - filename/copybookname control file

>>End preparations, see REFORMjobs Generation & Execution following --->

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G4. Operating Instructions - ALL FILES in Directory

 <-- See preparation on the previous 3 pages.
   - setup tstrfm directory in your home dir or in uvadm if single user
   - making demo sub-directories & populating with supplied test files
   - making control file to relate copy-book-names to data-file-names

Operating Instructions - ALL COPYBOOKS & ALL DATA-FILES

 #1a. uvcopyx cobmap1 cpy1 map1 uop=q0i7p0
           - create record-layouts from copybooks, for ORIGINAL data files

 #1b. uvcopyx cobmap1 cpy2 map2 uop=q0i7p0
           - create record-layouts from copybooks, for EXPANDED data files

 #2a. rmzf map1     - remove zero length files (for any procedure copybooks)
 #2b. rmzf map2

 #3.  uvcopyx reform1 map1 map1I uop=q0i7
           - load indexed files from original copybooks
           - so reform2 can lookup original field defs from new field defs

 #4.  uvcopyxr reform2 map2 pfr1 map1I uop=q0i7
           - generate uvcopy skeleton reformat jobs from copybook layouts

 #5. uvcopy uvdata52,fili1=ctl/ctlrfm1,fild2=pfr1,fild3=pfr2,uop=q0i7\
               - complete the uvcopy skeleton job, by encoding the
                 I/O data path directories (& indexed keys if any)

I recommend NOT coding arg1/arg2 on the command line (as above) Better to wait for the prompts & enter pathnames as variables:

      enter input  data path --> ${UVDATA1} <-- suggested for input directory
      enter output data path --> ${UVDATA2} <-- suggested for output directory

These are the defaults, so you can just hit enter (null reply)

>>End of REFORMjobs Generation, see EXECUTION on the next page --->

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G5. Operating Instructions - ALL FILES in Directory

<-- See preparation & generation on the previous 4 pages.

execute the generated jobs

 #6.  export UVDATA1=/home/uvadm/tstrfm/dat1  - setup path to input data files

      export UVDATA2=/home/uvadm/tstrfm/dat2  - setup path to output data files

 #7a. uvcopyxx 'pfr2/*'      - execute all uvcopy jobs to convert all files

 #7b. uvcopy 'pfr2/gl*'     - execute all reformat jobs for GL data files

 #7c. uvcopy pfr2/glmaster  - execute a specific job to convert a specific file
  • uvcopyxx is a script that executes uvcopy for all job names that
    match the pattern (pattern must be specified in single quotes).

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G6. Operating Instructions - ALL FILES in Directory

Alternative for duplicate fieldnames due to qualification

These procedures use 'reform1a' (vs 'reform1') & include an extra step 'reform1b'. An extra directory is required 'map2a'.

 #1.  uvcopyx cobmap1 cpy1 map1 uop=q0p0i7
                     - convert original copybooks into cobmap1 layouts

 #2.  uvcopyx cobmap1 cpy2 map2 uop=q0p0i7
                     - convert modified copybooks into cobmap1 layouts

 #3.  uvcopyx reform1a map1 map1I uop=q0i7         <-- reform1a vs reform1
                     - convert original cobmap1 into ISAM files (for reform2)

 #3a. uvcopyxr reform1b map2 map2a map1I uop=q0i7  <-- reform1b creates map2a

 #4.  uvcopyxr reform2 map2a pfc1 map1I uop=q0i7   <-- indir map2a vs map2
                     - generate uvcopy jobs to reformat data-files

 #5.  uvcopy uvdata52,fili1=ctl/ctlrfm1,fild2=pfr1,fild3=pfr2
  • converts map1 files to ISAM files keyed on fieldnames
  • appends sequence#s -02, -03, etc on duplicate fieldnames
    found within any 1 copybook.
  • copies map2 to map2a appending seq#s -02, -03, etc
    to match the corresponding fieldnames in map1I
  • if you need to rerun reform1b, you must 1st rerun reform1a
    to ensure fieldnames will match

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H1. Generating data reformat jobs - for Multiple Record Types

Reformatting files with Multiple Record Types

The example above demonstrated the generation of uvcopy jobs to reformat files (insert century), for files with only 1 record type, which is the normal situation. The process was completely automatic & we did not have to modify the generated code before execution.

If you do have files with multiple record-types, you will have to modify the generated code before execution. This is because the copybooks which drive the generation do not have the record-type information. They do have the 'redefined' field information, and some uvcopy instructions will be generated for them. It is simply a matter of inserting some code to test the record type & conditionally execute the proper set of instructions.

See the 'warmas3' test data file which includes a 2nd record type for notes or comments re the customer/product warranty details. These note records are identified by a '*' in column 12, the file is as follows:

 12345 12345 sony television   970101 1-year 980101 000002500
 12345 12345*warmas3 alternate warmas file, demo multi rec types
 22222 11111 refrigerator      970101 2-year 990101 000004500
 22222 22222 dish washer       971231 2-year 991231 000004500
 22222 22222*rectype col 12, blank for detail, '*' for note recs
 33333 11111 refrigerator      970101 3-year 000101 000006500
 33333 11111*special 3 yr warranty to John Smith GE refrigerator
 44444 33333 freezer           970101 4-year 010101 000010000
 55555 55555 dryer             971231 5-year 021231 000010000
 66666 66666 blank/zero dates         6-year 000000 000060000

copybook for warmas3 (multiple record types)

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905081041  pg# 0001
 cpy1/warmas3                   wm-rec             RCSZ=0064  bgn-end lth typ
  01  wm-rec.
      05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                       000-0005 006
      05 wm-prod             pic  x(5).                       006-0010 005
      05 wm-type             pic  x(1).                       011-0011 001
      05 wm-dtl.
         10 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                   012-0029 018
         10 wm-purchase         pic  x(6). <- 6 digits yymmdd 030-0035 006
         10 wm-policy           pic  x(8).                    036-0043 008
         10 wm-expiry           pic  x(6). <- 6 digits yymmdd 044-0049 006
         10 filler001           pic  x(1).                    050-0050 001
         10 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(9).                    051-0059 009 n  09
         10 filler002           pic  x(4).                    060-0063 004
      05 wm-note redefines wm-dtl.
         10 wm-comment          pic  x(52).                   012-0063 052
 *RCSZ=0064                                                       0064

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H2. Generating data reformat jobs - for Multiple Record Types

Reformatting files with Multiple Record Types

The previous page illustrated a file with multiple record-types, and also the corresponding copy-book.

We could follow the same procedure (as in the preceding sub-section 'G') to generate the uvcopy job to expand the dates (insert centuries). This would involve duplicating the copy-book, lengthening the date-fields & running the various jobs (cobmap1, reform1, reform2). The result would be as follows:

uvcopy job as generated - BEFORE record type changes

 opr='warmas3 warmas3 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0   <-- options from reform2 generation
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'
        mvc    b38(8),a36(44)            wm-policy
        bal    rfmxx,'a0046b08c08d0044e06f06','wm-expiry'
        mvc    b54(14),a50(14)           filler001 : filler002
 #      ---                        *redef ?, R/T test ?, or remove skp ?
        skp    put1
        mvf    b12(56),a12(52)           wm-comment
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

Please compare this code to the previous job on page 'D1' for a single record-type & to the multi record-type copy-book on the previous page.

Note the additional code generated (prior to the 'put1' tag) for the second record-type. We must now add some code to test the record type --->

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H3. Generating data reformat jobs - for Multiple Record Types

Reformatting files with Multiple Record Types

uvcopy job - AFTER inserting code to test record-type

 opr='warmas3 warmas3 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0   <-- options from reform2 generation
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip      <-COMMON
        cmc    a11(1),' '           detail record ?                <-INSERT
        skp=   dtl                                                 <-INSERT
        cmc    a11(1),'*'           note record ?                  <-INSERT
        skp=   note                                                <-INSERT
        msgw   'Invalid record type - enter to copy unchanged ?'   <-INSERT
        skp    put1                                                <-INSERT
 dtl    bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'        <-ADD TAG
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purchase'
        mvc    b38(8),a36(44)            wm-policy
        bal    rfmxx,'a0046b08c08d0044e06f06','wm-expiry'
        mvc    b54(14),a50(14)           filler001 : filler002
        skp    put1
 note   mvf    b12(56),a12(52)           wm-comment               <-ADD TAG
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

We inserted 6 instructions & added 2 tags to already generated instructions. We did not have to change the addresses on the generated 'mvf' because we inserted our record type test after moving the first 30 bytes. The note record only needed 12 bytes moved here, but the extra does no harm,& is needed for the detail record.

In more complex files, there might be 3 or more record types, and there might be date-fields in the 2nd & 3rd record types. However it is still a matter of inserting the record type tests - all the code to reformat the fields would already be generated.

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I1. Modifications Required for Dates in OCCURS

Reform2 is not designed to handle dates in occurs, but this sub-section will show you how to modify the generated jobs.

sample copybook/cobmap with dates in occurs

map1/warmat1 - BEFORE dates expanded

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905130550  pg# 0001
 cpy1/warmat1                                      RCSZ=0100  bgn-end lth typ
 *warmas1 - warranty master record
     05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                        000-0005 006
     05 wm-prod             pic  x(6).                        006-0011 006
     05 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                       012-0029 018
     05 wm-policy occurs 4.
        07 wm-policy-date   pic  x(6).                        030-0035 006
        07 wm-policy-type   pic  x(8).                        036-0043 008
     05 wm-expiry.
        07 wm-exp-year      pic  9(2).                        086-0087 002 n  02
        07 wm-exp-month     pic  9(2).                        088-0089 002 n  02
        07 wm-exp-day       pic  9(2).                        090-0091 002 n  02
     05 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(7).                        092-0098 007 n  07
     05 filler001           pic  x(1).                        099-0099 001
 *RCSZ=0100                                                       0100

Check occurs: (6+8) * 4 = 56 + 30 = 86 OK

map2/warmat1 - AFTER dates expanded

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905130551  pg# 0001
 cpy2/warmat1                                      RCSZ=0110  bgn-end lth typ
 *warmas1 - warranty master record
     05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                        000-0005 006
     05 wm-prod             pic  x(6).                        006-0011 006
     05 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                       012-0029 018
     05 wm-policy occurs 4.
        07 wm-policy-date   pic  x(8).                        030-0037 008
        07 wm-policy-type   pic  x(8).                        038-0045 008
     05 wm-expiry.
        07 wm-exp-year      pic  9(4).                        094-0097 004 n  04
        07 wm-exp-month     pic  9(2).                        098-0099 002 n  02
        07 wm-exp-day       pic  9(2).                        100-0101 002 n  02
     05 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(7).                        102-0108 007 n  07
     05 filler001           pic  x(1).                        109-0109 001
 *RCSZ=0110                                                       0110

Check occurs: (8+8) * 4 = 64 + 30 = 94 OK

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I2. Modifications Required for Dates in OCCURS

pfr2/warmat1 - as generated BEFORE modifications

 opr='warmat1 warmat1 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0   <-- options from reform2 generation
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0110),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-policy-date occurs 04'
 #      ---                        *date expansion in occurs (may need loop)
        mvc    b38(56),a36(50)           wm-policy-type occur 04
        bal    rfmnn,'a0094b04c04d0086e02f02','wm-exp-year'
        mvc    b98(12),a88(12)           wm-exp-month : filler001
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all
  • Do not modify the jobs in the pfr2 subdirectory, because they
    would get overwritten if you subsequently had to regenerate
    all jobs (due to mass changes to copybooks, option changes,
    enhancements to reform2 generation jobs, etc).

Setup 'pfr3' for all jobs that require manual modifications.

  • directory of uvcopy skeleton jobs generated from cobmap1s,
    before uvdata52 applies correct data filenames & ISAM keys
    using the control file.
  • directory of completed uvcopy jobs.
  • DO NOT modify any jobs in this directory.
  • COPY any jobs requiring manual changes to this directory
    & perform manual edits here in pfr3
  • Copy all pfr3 to pfr2 after any mass regens of pfr2.
    (may need to cut & paste if important changes in regens)
  • Could copy all jobs from pfr3 to pfr2 before executing
    (to execute all with 1 command or for standardization).

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I3. Modifications Required for Dates in OCCURS

pfr3/warmat1 - AFTER modifications

 opr='warmat1 warmat1 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0   <-- options from reform2 generation
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0110),' '              init output area to all blanks
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
 ##     bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-policy-date occurs 04'
 ##     mvc    b38(56),a36(50)           wm-policy-type occur 04
 ## dates in occurs require code loop, original above ##cmtd out
 # occurs input  4 * (6 date + 8 type) = 56 + 30 start = 86 end
 # occurs output 4 * (8 date + 8 type) = 64 + 30 start = 94 end
 # must use rgstr j output & k input, see  below: 'aj___b__c__dk___e__f__'
        mvn    $rj,0                  clear rgstr for output area
        mvn    $rk,0                  clear rgstr for input area
 lup1   bal    rfmxx,'aj30b08c08dk30e06f06'  <--NOTE rgstrs j & k inserted
        mvc    bj38(8),ak36(8)  wm-policy-type occur 04 <-- rg j k inserted
        add    $rk,14                 up input rgstr to next occurs
        add    $rj,16                 up output rgstr to next occurs
        cmn    $rj,64                 end of occurs 4 * 16 = 64 ?
        skp<   lup1
        bal    rfmnn,'a0094b04c04d0086e02f02','wm-exp-year'
        mvc    b98(12),a88(12)           wm-exp-month : filler001
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

I recommend you insert #comment lines as shown above to check your math.

# occurs input 4 * (6 date + 8 type) = 56 + 30 start = 86 end # occurs output 4 * (8 date + 8 type) = 64 + 30 start = 94 end

Please relate these calcs to the old & new copybooks shown on page 'I1'.

These #comments are a big help to you or other people who may later need to verify that the job was done correctly.

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I4. Modifications Required for Dates in OCCURS

pfr3/warmat1 - alternate solution

Here is an alternate solution to the 'dates in occurs' problem that was used before the register j/k solution was provided (see previous page).

This is now of academic interest, but some important points are noted below.

        mvn    $rj,0                  clear rgstr for output area
        mvn    $rk,0                  clear rgstr for input area
 lup1   mvc    a200(6),ak30(6)        store date for bal in high input area
        bal    rfmxx,'a0200b08c08d0200e06f06'  <--NOTE 'a0200' & 'd0200'
        mvc    bj30(8),b200(8)        store date from bal in outarea date
        mvc    bj38(8),ak36(8)        wm-policy-type occur 04
        add    $rk,14                 up input rgstr to next occurs
        add    $rj,16                 up output rgstr to next occurs
        cmn    $rj,64                 end of occurs 4 * 16 = 64 ?
        skp<   lup1
  1. This solution does use registers 'j' & 'k', but they are not coded on the bal options 'a' & 'b' (as is now possible & shown on previous page).

  2. The bal subrtns (rfmxx,etc) assume the input is in area 'a' & will store the output in area 'b', Only the displacements & lengths of the date fields are actually read from the bal info by the subrtns.

  3. Don't confuse the options on the bal subrtns with the areas:

bal option 'a' - displacement to the output date in area 'b' bal option 'b' - length (in bytes) of the output date in area 'b' bal option 'c' - length (in digits) of the output date in area 'b' bal option 'd' - displacement to the input date in area 'a' bal option 'e' - length (in bytes) of the input date in area 'a' bal option 'f' - length (in digits) of the input date in area 'a'

  1. The above explains why we have to store the date for the bal input somewhere in area 'a', at the displacement we specify on bal option 'd', & why it will be stored by the bal subrtn in area 'b', at the displacement specified on the bal option 'a'.

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J1. manual changes for blank/zero test 2 digit years in mmddyy/ddmmyy formats

demo mmddyy/ddmmyy problems - BEFORE expansion

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905221203  pg# 0001
 cpy1/warmat2                                      RCSZ=0064  bgn-end lth typ
 *warmat2 - to test reform2 on mmddyy date formats
     05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                        000-0005 006
     05 wm-prod             pic  x(6).                        006-0011 006
     05 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                       012-0029 018
     05 wm-purch-date       pic  x(6). <- mmddyy              030-0035 006
     05 wm-policy           pic  x(8).                        036-0043 008
     05 wm-expiry.
        10 wm-exp-month     pic  9(2).                        044-0045 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-day       pic  9(2).                        046-0047 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-year      pic  9(2). <- yy for prior mmdd   048-0049 002 n  02
     05 filler001           pic  x(1).                        050-0050 001
     05 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(9).                        051-0059 009 n  09
     05 filler002           pic  x(4).                        060-0063 004
 *RCSZ=0064                                                       0064

demo copybook AFTER expansion

 cobmap1  start-end bytes for cobol record fields    199905221203  pg# 0001
 cpy2/warmat2                                      RCSZ=0068  bgn-end lth typ
 *warmat2x - test mmddyy formats expanded to mmddccyy
     05 wm-cust             pic  x(6).                        000-0005 006
     05 wm-prod             pic  x(6).                        006-0011 006
     05 wm-descrip          pic  x(18).                       012-0029 018
     05 wm-purch-date       pic  x(8). <- mmddccyy            030-0037 008
     05 wm-policy           pic  x(8).                        038-0045 008
     05 wm-expiry.
        10 wm-exp-month     pic  9(2).                        046-0047 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-day       pic  9(2).                        048-0049 002 n  02
        10 wm-exp-year      pic  9(4). <- ccyy of prior ddmm  050-0053 004 n  04
     05 filler001           pic  x(1).                        054-0054 001
     05 wm-paid-amt         pic  9(9).                        055-0063 009 n  09
     05 filler002           pic  x(4).                        064-0067 004
 *RCSZ=0068                                                       0068

Tests for blank/zero/nines presume date formats YYMMDD & these work OK, when the 2 digit YY is defined separately, but MMDD follows in the data.

These tests (for 2 digit years) do not work for MMDDYY/DDMMYY formats.

For 6 digit mmddyy/ddmmyy, we simply need to code the 'y4' option, but for 2 digit years, we also need to redefine the field as 6 digits, so we can include the mmdd portion in the zero/blank/nines test.

The problem & the solution is illustrated on the following pages --->

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J2. manual changes for blank/zero test 2 digit years in mmddyy/ddmmyy formats

dat1/warmat2 test file with MMDDYY dates

                               MMDDYY        mmddYY <- YY separate in copybook
 12345 12345 sony television   010197 1-year 010198 000002995
 22222 11111 refrigerator      010197 2-year 010199 000004925
 33333 22222 dish washer       123196 3-year 123199 000006750
 33333 11111 refrigerator      010197 3-year 010100 000006750
 44444 33333 freezer           010197 4-year 010101 000009975
 55555 55555 clothes dryer     123199 5-year 123102 000055500
 66666 66666 blank dates              6-year        000066600
 77777 77777 zero/blank dates  000000 7-year 000000 000077700
 99999 99999 nines dates       999999 7-year 999999 000099900

after expansion & before corrections to pfr2/warmat2

                               incorrect       almost OK
 12345 12345 sony television   20010197 1-year 01011998 000002995
 22222 11111 refrigerator      20010197 2-year 01011999 000004925
 33333 22222 dish washer       20123196 3-year 12311999 000006750
 33333 11111 refrigerator      20010197 3-year 01012000 000006750
 44444 33333 freezer           20010197 4-year 01012001 000009975
 55555 55555 clothes dryer     20123199 5-year 12312002 000055500
 66666 66666 blank dates                6-year          000066600
 77777 77777 zero/blank dates  00000000 7-year 00002000 000077700 <- incorrect
 99999 99999 nines dates       99999999 7-year 99991999 000099900 <- incorrect

after expansion & AFTER corrections to pfr2/warmat2

                               MMDDCCYY        mmddCCYY
 12345 12345 sony television   01011997 1-year 01011998 000002995
 22222 11111 refrigerator      01011997 2-year 01011999 000004925
 33333 22222 dish washer       12311996 3-year 12311999 000006750
 33333 11111 refrigerator      01011997 3-year 01012000 000006750
 44444 33333 freezer           01011997 4-year 01012001 000009975
 55555 55555 clothes dryer     12311999 5-year 12312002 000055500
 66666 66666 blank dates                6-year          000066600
 77777 77777 zero/blank dates  00000000 7-year 00000000 000077700 <- OK
 99999 99999 nines dates       99999999 7-year 99999999 000099900 <- OK

Please relate these data file results to the copybooks on the previous page & the uvcopy jobs on the next page --->

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J3. manual changes for blank/zero test 2 digit years in mmddyy/ddmmyy formats

                ** pfr2/warmat2 as generated **
 opr='warmat2 warmat2 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0q0i7    <-- options from reform2 gen
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
 #      ---                          <-- insert R/T tests if redef records
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','wm-purch-date'
        mvc    b38(12),a36(12)           wm-policy : wm-exp-day
        bal    rfmnn,'a0050b04c04d0048e02f02','wm-exp-year'
        mvc    b54(14),a50(14)           filler001 : filler002
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all
             ** pfr2/warmat2 - AFTER corrections **
 opr='warmat2 warmat2 - generated by cobmap1,reform2,uvdata52'
 uop=q1m4d2t0z0g7n3p3s0w50x1y0q0i7    <-- options from reform2 gen
        opn    all
 loop   get    fili1,a0
        skp>   eof
        clr    b0(0068),' '              init output area to all blanks
        mvc    b0(30),a0(30)             wm-cust : wm-descrip
        bal    rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06y4','wm-purch-date' <--NOTE y4
        mvc    b38(12),a36(12)           wm-policy : wm-exp-day
 ##     bal    rfmnn,'a0050b04c04d0048e02f02','wm-exp-year'     <--original
        bal    rfmnn,'a0046b08c08d0044e06f06y4','wm-exp-year'   <--Modified
        mvc    b54(14),a50(14)           filler001 : filler002
 put1   put    filo1,b0
        skp    loop
 eof    cls    all

For 6 digit dates mmddyy, you only need to add the 'y4' option.

For 2 digit years (of mmddyy), you should also redefine as a 6 digit date by modifying the displacements & lengths as illustrated above.

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K1. genrfm1 - script to generate 1 uvcopy reformat job

'genrfm1' is a script that performs the multiple steps required to generate uvcopy reformat jobs (1 at a time). It is intended for regenerations required after correcting copybooks,etc.

Operating Instructions

 genrfm1 data-file-name copy-book-name

 genrfm1 warmas1 warmas1

See the 'genrfm1' script listed on the next page --->

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K2. genrfm1 - script to generate 1 uvcopy reformat job

 # genrfm1 - Generate uvcopy job to convert 1 data file
 #           based on old & new versions of the copy-books
 #         - expand dates for Y2K, or reformat records for any reason
 #         - see REFORMjobs.doc  of UVdoc
 # This script executes the multi-steps to generate the uvcopy job
 # - For use when you only have 1 or 2 files to do
 #   or for re-gens of specific jobs after copybook updates
 # - also see genrfm1a for sites with
 # - For mass conversions you should the 'ALL FILES IN DIRECTORY'
 #   operating instructions documented in section 'G' of REFORMjobs.doc
 # Must run from the conversion super-directory which contains
 # subdirectories: cpy1,cpy2,map1,map2,map1I,pfr1,pfr2
 # backup output dir 'pfr2' before regenerating jobs with modified code
 # backup:  cp pfr2/* pfr3
 #          ==============
 # usage:   genrfm1 dataFileName copyBookName
 #          =================================
 # Example: genrfm1 perm.audfile audfile
 echo "genrfm1 using: cpy1,cpy2,map1,map2,map1I,pfr1,pfr2"
 if [[ -f "cpy1/$2" ]]; then :
 else echo "usage: genrfm1 DataFileName CopyBookName"; exit 9; fi
 echo "If regen job with modified code(R/T tests), did you backup pfr2->pfr3 ?'
 read reply
 # select line from ctl/ctlrfm1 with matching filename & write to tmp/filename
 exec 3< ctl/ctlrfm1        # open ctlrfm1 ctl file for reading
 exec 4> tmp/ctl1           # open output file
 while read -u3 file line
  do if [[ $file = *${1}* ]]
        then print -u4 "$file $line"; break
 exec 3<&-                 # close ctlrfm1 ctl file
 exec 4>&-                 # close output file
 uvcopy cobmap1,fili1=cpy1/$2,filo1=map1/$2,uop=q0i7p0
 uvcopy cobmap1,fili1=cpy2/$2,filo1=map2/$2,uop=q0i7p0
 uvcopy reform1,fili1=map1/$2,filo1=map1I/$2,uop=q0i7
 uvcopy reform2,fili1=map2/$2,filo1=pfr1/$2,filr1=map1I/$2,uop=q0i7
 uvcopy uvdata52,fili1=tmp/ctl1,fild2=pfr1,fild3=pfr2,uop=q0i7
 echo "output in pfr2, recover R/T test code from pfr3 ?'
 exit 0

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L1. Generating data reformat (expansion) jobs from cop ybooks

Summary of uvcopy jobs documented in this section

These jobs are not listed here, but all jobs are available for inspection or printing in /home/uvadm/pf.

  • 'reform1' & 'reform2' are the principle jobs in this process.
  • several other jobs are used in this procedure, but their primary
    documentation is found in other sections (as mentioned below).
  • make control file from directory of data files
  • see VTOCjobs.doc
  • convert COBOL copybooks to record layouts (cobmaps)
  • see COBaids1.doc
  • new version May 99 required for new version of reform2
    (includes digit length as well as byte length for packed/binary)
  • load original cobmap into an Indexed file for use by reform2.
  • generate uvcopy job to reformat data file records, based on
    old cobmap (indexed file) & new cobmap (sequential input).
  • new cobmap (copybook layout) has been modified as desired
    (expand date-fields, move fields, unpack fields, etc)
  • new version May 99, uses 'bal' instructions to expand dates
  • much more powerful field checking with much less code generated
  • inhibits inserting century on fields with blanks,zeros,nines
  • conversions provided between character,numeric,packed,binary
  • may use for any record reformatting (not just date expansion)
 reform2.sub - field expansion/conversion sub-routines for the uvcopy jobs
            generated by reform2. These are stored in the /home/uvadm/pf
            uvcopy parameter files directory. They are loaded by the
            '@pf2=reform2.sub' instruction at the end of each generated job.
 uvdata52  - convert uvcopy skeleton jobs into complete jobs
          - with data-file-names supplied by the control file
          - with correct file types & Indexed keys supplied by control file
          - see DATAcnvt2.doc
  • script to perform multiple steps required to generate uvcopy
    reformat jobs (1 at a time). It is intended for regenerations
    required after correcting copybooks,etc.

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M1. Sample of the 'reform2.sub' sub-routines called by generated jo bs

 # reform2.sub - subrtns for uvcopy jobs generated by reform2
 #             - see REFORMjobs.doc in vol 3 of UVdoc
 # This collection of subrtns is loaded by the '@pf2=reform2.sub' instruction
 # which appears at the end of the uvcopy jobs generated by reform2.
 # This enables the generated jobs to be as short as possible, yet have
 # access to the extended logic required for date expansion (including tests
 # for century insert, windowing, suppression for zero/blank/nines fields).
 # Subrtns are named depending on op1/op2 data formats
 #   rfmxx - alphanum to alphanum,
 #   rfmnn - numeric to numeric
 #   rfmpp - packed to packed
 #   rfmbb - binary to binary
 # Subrtns are provided for all possible combinations.
 # A few that make sense are: rfmxn, rfmpn, rfmbn, etc.
 #990513 - allow registers 'j' & 'k' for dates in occurs
 #       - option 'y4' for date formats mmddyy/ddmmyy (vs default yymmdd)
 #990515 - option 'n' to retain nulls &/or blanks in numeric fields
 #       - option 'p' to retain nulls &/or blanks in numeric fields
 #       - option 's' to specify signs in packed fields x'_C' or x'_F'
 #       - option 'x' to convert nulls/blanks/zeros in alphanum fields
 #       - see complete documentation in REFORMjobs.doc (volume 3 of UVdoc)
 # rfmxx - reformat alpha/numeric flds, allowing century insert or lth chg
 #       - this is 1 of reform2.sub collection of subrtns that may be
 #         called by the jobs generated by reform2 via @pf2=reform2.sub
 #       - sample call as follows:
 #  bal  rfmxx,'a____b__c__d____e__f__','fname'
 #  bal  rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06','fname'
 #  bal  rfmxx,'a0030b08c08d0030e06f06g7w75y4','fname' <- option override
 rfmxx  bal    pop         common subrtn to process options, load rgstrs, etc
 # get input data to d0(20)max test/insert century (comx for a/n data)
        bal    comx                 get a/n data, insert century
 # move input to output staging area, don't really need for rfmxx,
 # but do need for rfmnn,rfmpp,etc so follow standard procedures
 rfmxx4 mvc    d40(16),d0           move in to out stage area
 # now move to output field in record (via rgstr dsplcmnt & lth)
        mvc    ba0($rb16),d40       store field in outrec
 # subrtn to test option 'x' to convert nulls/blanks/zeros in numeric fields
        bal    topx

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M2. Sample of the 'reform2.sub' sub-routines called by generated jobs

There are 4 common subrtns called by the 4 main 'rfm__' subrtns. These are named for the input data type being handled (comx, comn, comp, comb).

 # comx  - get input data & test/insert century - for alpha/num data
 #       - common subrtn called by various rfm__ subrtns
 # - test option g1+ & lth diff 2, if not return condition '!'
 # - ifso insert century (test 19/20,blanks,zeros,nines) & return cc '='
 comx   mvc    d0($re16),ad0      retrieve input a/n data
        mvc    d90(2),'19'        presume century insert '19'
        mvc    d80(6),d0          store 1st 2 wintest + 4 blank/zero/nines test
        cmn    $popby,4           format mmddyy/ddmmyy (vs yymmdd) ?
        skp<   2
        mvc    d80(2),d4          store win test for mmddyy format
        mvc    d82(4),d0          store blank/zero/nine test for mmddyy format
 # test option g1+ & lth diff 2, if not return condition '!' to inhibit
        tsb    g0(1),x'01'        optn g1 for century insert ?
        skp!   comx90             no - go exit with cc ! (to inhibit)
        cmn    $ca3,2             op1 - op2 = 2 ?
        skp!   comx90             no - go exit cc ! to inhibit
 # test optn g2 for windows test & compare yy to optn w window value
        tsb    g0(1),x'02'        optn g2 for windows test ?
        skp!   comx30             no - bypass test for 19/20
        cmn    d80(2),$popbw      2 digit year > window option ?
        skp=>  1
        mvc    d90(2),'20'        no - change '19' to '20'
 # test for blank field, ifso insert blank century
 comx30 cmc    d0(2),'  '         1st 2 bytes (yy) blank ?
        skp!   1
        mvc    d90(2),'  '        yes
 # test for zeros field, ifso insert zeros for century
 # optn to test 5 bytes, since 00 may be valid for 2 digit year
 # - test 5 bytes to allow julian format yyddd
 comx40 cmc    d80(5),'00000'     1st 5 00000 ?
        skp!   1
        mvc    d90(2),'00'        yes, set century insert '00'
 # test for nines field, ifso store century insert as '99'
 comx50 tsb    g0(1),x'04'        option to test for nines ?
        skp!   comx80
 comx54 cmc    d80(4),'9999'      yes, 1st 4 9999 ?
        skp!   1
        mvc    d90(2),'99'        yes, set century insert '99'
 # insert century & exit with condition = (indicates century inserted)
 comx80 ins    dy0(20),d90(2)     insert century (rg y=4 if mmddyy)
        add    $rf,2              lth rgstr +2 for cc insert
 comx90 ret<

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